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1、英语:unit3CelebrationLesson 12 Christmas 教案(1)(北师大版必修1)ObjectivesTo read a n arrative text and un dersta nd the story.To build up an area of vocabulary associated with Christmas.To develop readi ng strategies to an swer multiple-choice questi ons.To practise collocati ons with have, do and play.To tal

2、k about childhood memories.Pre-ReadingFind the Key Words in the pictures.Which of the things do you think wester n people have at Christmas?Key Wordsballoons, Christmas carols, Christmas pudding, Christmas tree, snow, snowmen, Christmasstock in gs, prese ntsReadingRead the text. Which Key Words are

3、men ti on ed? Circle them out. Which other Christmas things are men ti on ed? Make a list.An swers:Father Christmas cale ndar Christmas cards Christmas lightscarol service Christmas tree decorati ons ballo ons stock ingspresents sweets turkey Christmas pudding paper hatsQueen s speechChristmas cakeC

4、hristmas tree Father Christmas carol servicecan diesno wma nprese ntsdecoratio nsturkeyChristmas cakesweetsChristmas stock ingsWhat s the main idea of each paragraph?Para. 1the begi nning of ChristmasPara. 2decorati ons outsidePara. 3activities on Christmas EvePara. 4activities on Christmas morningP

5、ara.5activities after lunchPost- ReadingIn what order did the childre n do these thin gs?Example 1 da) ope n the new year cale ndarb) put their stock ings at the end of the bedc) sing Christmas carolsd) write a letter to Father Christmase) put up the Christmas treef) go to churchg) have Christmas ca

6、keAn swers: 2 a 3c 4e 5b 6f 7gAn swer the multiple-choice questi ons.1 Who do you think reads the children s letters?a) Father Christmas b) their pare nts c) n obody2 What do you think people do in a carol service?a) sing songs b) give prese nts c) watch a play3 What happe ned on Christmas Eve?a) Th

7、e writer stayed awake all ni ght.b) Some one put prese nts in his stock ing.c) The writer saw Father Christmas.4 Why did they laugh?a) The Christmas carols were happy son gs.b) The songs and hats were funny.c) The jokes and hats were funny.5 After lunch:a) the adults watched the Queen s speech.b) .t

8、he childre n made a sno wma n.c) everybody had more to eat.An swers: 1b 2a 3b 4c 5cVocabularyIn En glish, some verbs and nouns ofte n go together. Complete the table with these words:tea, the pia no, your homework, a shower, cards, a (sno wball) fight, a party, the wash in g-up, l unch, the shopp in

9、ghavedoplaytea, a showeryour homework,The pia no, cardsa (snowball) fight, a party, lun chthe wash in g-up, the shopp ingComplete the sentences with these verbs in the correct form.blow up, sing, go to, put up, have(x2), make, put onOn Christmas Eve, my grandparents arrived. We(1) a snowman in the g

10、arden and laterwe (2)the decorati on. I (3) lots of ballo ons. On Christmas mornin g, I (4)somewarm clothes and (5)a sno wball fight with my cous ins and the n we(6)church. Afterthat, we(7)lunch and(8)Christmas carols.An swers1 made 2 put up 3 blew up 4 put on 5 had 6 went to 7 had 8 sangWriting and SpeakingMake no tes about your childhood memories of an importa nt festival.People: family? Good frie nds?Preparatio ns: decorati ons? In vitati ons?Prese nts: what? Who for? Make/buy?Food: meals? Special food/dri nk?Activities: music? Dancing? A long walk?Your feeli ngs: happy? Sad?


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