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1、ORGANIZATION AND MANAGEMENT组织与管理组织:为达成个人和组织目标而一起工作的人的集合。An organization is a collection of people who work together to achieve individual and organizational goals.问题1:家庭是组织吗?不是,组织是专业的,而且联系是有限的组织行为(OB)研究组织中个体和群体活动的影响因素以及组织对这些因素的干预和管理。Organizational behavior (OB) is the study of factors that affect ho

2、w individuals and groups act in organizations and how organizations manage their environments.理解、分析和描述组织中的行为活动 管理者通过改进、促进或改变工作行为,使组织中的个体、群体和整个组织达成目标1.组织成员的个人目标与组织目标不是天然契合的2.不同的人具有不同的认识方式和行动方式管理:通过对组织中的人、财、物及其他资源进行计划、组织(分工)、领导和控制,以提高组织效率。Management is the process of planning, organizing, leading, and

3、 controlling an organizations human, financial, material, and other resources to increase its effectiveness.管理者:有一个或以上下属,对下属工作进行监督。Manager:Any person who supervises one or more subordinates.管理者角色(Mintzberg): Managerial roles identified by Mintzberg :领袖代表 领导 FigureheadLeader联络人 监察者 LiaisonMonitor传播人

4、发言人 DisseminatorSpokesperson企业家 平息动荡者 EntrepreneurDisturbance handler资源分配者 谈判者 Resource allocatorNegotiator概念技能:对境况进行分析判断,以确立其中的因果关系。Conceptual Skills:The ability to analyze and diagnose a situation and distinguish between cause and effect.人际技能:理解他人和群体,与其工作,引导他们和控制其行为的能力。Human Skills:The ability to

5、understand, work with, lead, and control the behavior of other people and groups.技术技能:与工作相关的专业知识和技术。Technical Skills:Job-specific knowledge and techniques.Discussion:Person and Organization人的心理行为与组织运行发展INDIVIDUAL DIFFERENCES: PERSONALITY AND ABILITY个体差异:人格与能力人与人之间最根本的差异在三个方面:人格、智力、选择。At the root of

6、all human differences are three main factorspersonality、intelligence and decisiondecisionintelligence人格:个体相对稳定的感受、思考和行动模式。人格一旦形成,很难改变。Personality:The pattern of relatively enduring ways in which a person feels, thinks, and behaves.Generally stable in the context of work在相应的工作情景中有稳定一致的表现Can influence

7、 career choice, job satisfaction, stress, leadership, and even performance对职业选择、工作满意度、工作压力、领导关系和工作表现存在影响特质:人格的组成单位,指个体(不同方面的)特有的感受、思考和行动的倾向。Trait:A specific .ponent of personality that describes particular tendencies a person has to feel, think, and act in certain ways.Big Five questions:1.Is she ou

8、tgoing?2.Is she crazy?3.Is she friendly?4.Is she reliable?5.Is she interesting?The Big Five Model of Personality大五人格模型1、Extroversion: The tendency to experience positive emotional states and feel good about oneself and the world around.外向性:对自己和周围世界持积极情绪和感受的倾向。2、Neuroticism: A parameter of emotional

9、stability. The tendency to experience negative emotional states and view oneself and the world around negatively, such as anxiety, anger, envy,guilt. 神经质:情绪稳定指标。对自己和周围世界持消极体验的倾向,如焦虑、生气、妒忌、罪感等。3、Agreeableness: The tendency to get along well with others.宜人性:容易与人相处倾向。4、Conscientiousness: The extent to

10、which a person is careful, scrupulous, and persevering.认真度:仔细、严谨、坚持程度。5、Openness to Experience: The extent to which a person is original, has broad interests, and is willing to take risks.开放性:独创、兴趣广泛、愿冒险程度。Advice to Managers管理者建议Acknowledge and appreciate that workers feelings, thoughts, attitudes,

11、and behaviors are partly determined by their personalities, which are difficult to change. Realize that you might need to adjust your own feelings and actions to work effectively with others.工作人员的感受、思考、态度和行动在一定成程度上取决于其人格,难以改变,管理者应该欣然接受这一事实,必要时调整自己的感受和行动,从而与其他人高效地一起工作。When you are trying to understan

12、d why workers have certain attitudes and behave in certain ways, remember that attitudes and behaviors are determined by the interaction of an individuals personality and the situation in which the individual works.为什么工作人员会持某种态度或表现出某种行为?注意:态度和行为取决于个体的人格和工作环境的交互作用。When feasible, structure an individu

13、als work situation to fit his or her personality. A good match is likely to result in positive attitudes and behaviors.如果条件允许,调整工作人员的工作环境以适应其人格特点,工作环境与人格的适配往往导致积极的态度和行为。Encourage an acceptance and appreciation of the diverse personalities in your organization.鼓励在组织中接受并欣赏人格的多样化。Locus of Control(心理控制源

14、)外控型:相信事情由命运、运气或其他外在因素决定。External Locus of Control: Describes people who believe that fate, luck, or outside forces are responsible for what happens to them.内控型:相信事情由能力、努力程度或其他自身行动因素决定。Internal Locus of Control: Describes people who believe that ability, effort, or their own actions determine what h

15、appens to them.Self-Monitoring(自我监控)在他人面前,个体对自我表现的控制程度。高或低The extent to which people try to control the way they present themselves to others.Can be high or lowSelf-Esteem(自尊)个体对自己和能力感到自豪的程度。高或低 无情境特异性The extent to which people have pride in themselves and their capabilities.Can be high or low Not situation specificType A vs. Type B PersonalityA型与B型人格A型人格:渴望成就、喜欢竞争、高度的急迫感。Type A: A person who has an intense desire to achieve, is extremely


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