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1、新版五年级上册英语期末总复习归类Name Class单词复习第一单元女士害羞的聪明的愿意帮忙的;有用的努力工作的:辛勤的有礼貌的严厉的宽容的滑稽的年轻的年老的fin ishspeakhimrobotsometimeswillourknow第二单元踢足球踢,玩看书做作业做;干看电视 洗我的衣服周末星期日星期六星期五星期四星期三星期二星期一cook ingofte nparktiredplay sportsShouldeverydayschedule第三单元含糖的辣的美味的健康的新鲜的茶水冰激凌汉堡包蔬菜沙拉三明治drinkthirstyfavouritefooddearonion第四单元说英语打

2、乒乓球乒乓球 打篮球 游泳烹调 画漫画漫画跳舞 练武术中国功夫弹琵琶唱英文歌曲send emailswantno problemlear nwon derfuln extpartywe ll=第五单元时钟植物瓶子水瓶自行车照片在、八7一k刖面在中间#在.上面 _ 在旁边 _在后面there grandparents_their houselots of_flower_ movedirtyeverywhere_mouselive_nature第六单元森林江;河 湖泊高山小山 树木桥建筑物;楼房 村庄房屋boatinggo boatingaren _t=_ rabbit high归类(一) 单项选

3、择( )1 、My teacher strong and strict. A 、 are B、isC、 like()2、 A: is your art teacher ? B: Miss Zhou.A、 Who sB、WhoC、What()3、 My maths teacher is very strict, but sometimes he is very.A、 oldB、 kindC、active() 4、 your English teacher old ? No, she .A 、Are, aren t B、Is, isn tC、 Do, don t()5、Is she quiet?

4、A 、Yes, she is. B 、No, she doesn Ct.、Yes,she does.()6、He makes finish my homework . A、myB、IC 、 me()7、This is our maths teacher. He is Li. A、MrsB、 MrC、Miss()8、Do you know? A 、 she B、 her C、he()9、 Mr. He was a football player. Now he is our _teacher.A. English B. music C.PE()10、 We a new math teacher.

5、 A、 haveB、 hasC、are()11、A: are they? B: Theyre my teaAch. eWrsh.ere B. WhoC. Whos()12、A: your art teacher like? B: He s kind.A. What sB. Where s C. What()13、 Miss Wang is art teacher? A. a B. an C. the()14. Miss Wang willour new teacher. A.isB .are C. be()15. What_she like?A. isB、areC、do()16.Igo to

6、school on foot.A. sometimeB. sometimes C. sometimes()17. Who _he?A. isB. doesC.do() 18.He is white. A.MissB.MrC.Mrs() 19. What_ is it today? A. todayB. dayC. week() 20. I often play football Sunday. A. in B. on C. at() 21. I like Chinese. What _ you? A. do B. for C. about() 22. We_ _ English, Chines

7、e, music and art. A. have B. hasC. are() 23.Sunday is funme. A. onB. withC.for()24.you often play sports? A. AreB.Do C.Have()25.When_you have a PE clas?s A.doB. areC. have()26.Whatdo they do Sundays?A. atB. onC. in()27.you tired?A. AreB. DoC. Is()28.I like sports.A. notB. aren tC. don t()29.I d like

8、 to eat_A. . a bread B. breadsC. bread( )30.What she like to eat? A. is B. would C. do()31.He likes _books.A. reading B. readsC. read( )32.He would like _books.A. to read B. reading C. read( )33.They want to eat . A. a food B. foods C. food()34. I don t like grapes. ) A. they are B. It s C. They re(

9、) 35.Banana _my favorite. A. is B. are C. like() 36.I m hungr_y.go to a restaurant. A. Let B. Let sC. Lets() 37.Carrots and potatoes are A. meat B. vegetables C. fruit() 38.These noodles are hot. A. to B. two C. too()39.It s 6:30 p.m. Let s have _A_._b_r_e_a_k.fastB. lunch C. dinner() 40.What s favo

10、urite food? A. your B. youC. IC. On() 41.I d like rice and muttonlunch today. A. for B. at()42.We ll have party next Tuesday. A. a B. anC. the()43.I can sing English songs the party. A. to B. for C. on()44.-I can do some kung fu. How _you? A. areB. about C. do()45-can sing English songs? -Tom can.A.

11、 What B. Who C. Where( )46.Chen Jie can playpipa. A./ B. the C. a()47.can you do?-I can draw picture.A. WhatB. Who C. WhereA. Are; arenB.t Can; can Ct . Is; isnt()49. I can t sing_English songs. A. anB. any()48.-you speak English?- No, I ()50.He can you. A. help B. helps C. helpingC. some()51.What y

12、ou do? I can clean the room. A. are B. do C. can()52.-you swim?Yes, I can.A. Can B. Does C, Are()53.-John,can you cook?-. A. Yes, I can B.tN. o, I can t. C. Noc,aIn.( )54.They can t do kung fuA. some B. any C. many( )55. What the monkey do? A. are B. can C. do D. cans()56.I can the clothes. A. put B

13、. awayC. put away D. ( )57. Are you helpful at home? .A. Yes, you can. B. Sure. C. Yes, you not D. No, you not.( )58. Can you play the pipa?.A. No, I can. B. Yes, I can C.tN. o, I cant D. No, I can t.( )59. Is she in the kitchen?.A. Yes, they are B. Yes, she is C. Yes, she can D. No, she is.( )60. I can a computer well. A. uses B. use C. to use D. using( )61. Who they? A. beB. am C. is D. are()62. What can you? A. doB. to C. areD. /( )63. Can you do the ? A. dish B. dishes C. a dish D. dishing( )64. can make clothes?-My mother c


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