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1、初高中衔接系列练习一一. 单项选择( )1. We did experiment in the laboratory yesterday. experiment took about two hours and made us tired.A. a; The B. an; The C. an; An D. the; An( )2. Its generous them to donate money to the Japanese people in the disaster area. A. of; so many B. for; so manyC. for; so much D. of; s

2、o much( )3. Its really dishonest some shop owners to sell fake things (假货) on the Internet. So its important us to be careful with our money when we shop online.A. of; for B. for; of C. of; of D. for; for( )4. Amy seldom makes in her exams, so she usually gets good results. A. trouble B. mistakes C.

3、 money D. peace( )5. Jack has got a bad cold. Yeah. I told him not to take off his coat, but it was stubborn of him my advice. A. dont take B. didnt take C. not to take D. not take( )6. Simon was still at 11 oclock last night. Nobody knows why he couldnt fall . A. asleep; awakeB. awake; asleep C. sl

4、eeping; awake D. wake; sleep( )7. My father taught them English last year. The sentence element of the underlined part is .A. subject B. direct object C. indirect object D. predicate( )8. My son always has so many strange questions. Well, its common for a boy of his age to be about many things. A. c

5、reative B. imaginative C. curious D. modest( )9. I have hundreds of books at home. You dont need to worry about anything to read when youre with me.A. dont have B. having not C. not to have D. not having( )10. Never forget care of yourself when you enjoy .A. to take; travellingB. to take; to travelC

6、. taking; to travel D. taking; travelling( )11. How many star signs a year into?A. does; dividedB. are; dividingC. are; divided D. is; divided( )12. After discussing, the students some good ideas. Thats great!A. put upB. came up withC. caught up with D. set up ( )13. Mum, my dream is to be a good nu

7、rse. Do you think I can make it come true? Yes, only if youre .A. too patient B. less patient C. enough patient D. patient enough ( )14. What do you think of your deskmate? He is kind and generous. He thinks of his friends first .A. at a time B. at all times C. on time D. at the time( )15. Its reall

8、y kind of you to help me with my English. .A. Id love to B. Dont say that C. Its my pleasure D. Youre kind, too二. 完形填空The last stop of our trip was Bastimentos Island. 16 friend Greg has a hut (小屋) there. It was a real open-air hut 17 no electricity and no bathroom, 18 you had to dig (挖) a hole and

9、go you know what I mean. You might 19 how we got our food. Right, we got 20 of our food beforehand. Some of the food needed to stay 21, so we put it in a huge cooler. In the cooler there were three big pieces of ice. We had a great time in Bastimentos. 22 we would relax in the morning and do some ho

10、mework. Then we would do 23 fun in the afternoon. One day we went to Coral Cay to swim. We found a dock(船坞) first and then 24 down the ladder on it. We had great fun in the 25 but when we wanted to get back on the dock, we found a barracuda (梭子鱼) on the ladder! We waited 26 it went away and then we

11、went out quickly.On our last day in Bastimentos, we went to a(n) 27. Our new friend Joey lives in the village. Joey helps Greg 28 his place when hes not there. Joey and his family were really nice and we had 29 at his parents house. It was a special goodbye meal of seafood.I loved Bastimentos and I

12、hope I can come back. And our next 30 is . HOME!( )16.A. Their B. Her C. Our D. His( )17.A. in B. with C. at D. for( )18.A. so B. but C. or D. if ( )19.A. worry B. tell C. guess D. watch( )20.A. both B. all C. none D. little ( )21.A. cold B. salty C. warm D. sweet( )22.A. PerhapsB. Suddenly C. Inste

13、adD. Usually( )23.A. somebody B. anybodyC. something D. nothing( )24.A. swam B. fell C. touched D. climbed( )25.A. ground B. water C. desert D. boat( )26.A. because B. after C. although D. until( )27.A. town B. village C. city D. island( )28.A. take care of B. see off C. get out of D. look for( )29.A. coffee B. tea C. dinner D. juice( )30.A. stop B. chance C. house D. exam三. 阅读理解Foreign language study starts at a very young age for many students in America. A report by the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages says that some students


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