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1、过去将来时的五种表达形式一、was/were going to + 动词原形He said that he was going to live in the country when he retired.他说他退休后要住在农村。二、was/were + 动词-ing 形式Nobody knew whether the guests were coming.没人知道客人们是否要来。三、was/were + 动词不定式.It was reported that another bridge was to be built across the Yangtse River.据报道长江上将要再建一座

2、大桥。注意:was/were going to +动词原形或 was/were +动词不定式完成式 可表示未 能实现的过去将来时间的动作。Last Sunday we were going to visit the Great Wall, but it rained.上星期天我们本想去游览长城的,但却下雨 了。(没有去成)I was to have helped with the performance, but I got flu the day before.我是打算帮忙演出的,但前天我感冒了。(没 有帮上忙)四、was/were about to do was/were about to

3、 do表示说话的瞬间就 会发生的动作。I felt something terrible was about tohappen. 我觉得有可怕的事要发生了。五、 was/were on the point of doingIm glad you have come. I was on the point of calling you, but youve saved me the trouble now很高兴你来了。我正准备给你打电话,现在你省去我这个麻烦了。提示:be about to do和be on the point of doing结构一般不与表示将来的时间状 语连用,但后面可以接

4、when 引导的分句。I was about to start when it suddenly began to rain.我正要动身天突然下雨了 六、特定场合的一般过去时可表示过去将来 时条件状语从句和时间状语从句中须用 一般过去时代替过去将来时。例 1:I didnt know when she would come, but when she came I would let you know.例 2:I didnt know if she would come, but if she came I would let you know.3) 在含有 be about to do 的句

5、子中,不能再 加时间状语。如:Wrong: The medical team is about to start immediately.Right: The medical team is about to start. 医疗队就要出发了。七)be to do:(1)表示事先商定、安排或准备要做的事情。 如:The students are to meet at the school gate tomorrow.2)表示可能性,必要、责任、义务、禁止等。如:Her necklace was not to(couldnt)be found. 她的项链找不到了。2) be going to do

6、:1) 表示将要发生的事情或打算最近要进行 的动作。如:It is going to rain soon. 快要下雨了。2) 在含有条件状语从句的主从复合句中,主句一般不用be going to,而常用will (第 一人称用shall)。如:The football match will be put off if it rains tomorrow.3) be about to do:1) 表示即将发生的动作,在时间上指最近的将来。如:We are about to start. 我们就要出发了。2) 在含有 be about to do 的句子中,不能再 加时间状语。如:Wrong: The medical team is about to start immediately.Right: The medical team is about to start. 医疗队就要出发了。


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