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1、英语常用短语汇总銆浠笅涓洪珮涓嫳璇父鐢煭璇紝骞虫椂澶氬涔犳棩甯镐氦闄呰鏈夊姪浜庤嫳璇按骞崇殑鎻愰珮锛屽湪绉疮鑻辫璇嶆眹鐨勫悓鏃朵篃閿荤偧浜嗗惉璇磋鍐欒兘鍔涖?銆銆What are you trying to say?锛堜綘鍒板簳鎯宠浠涔堬紵锛?銆銆Dont be silly.锛堝埆鑳椆浜嗐傦級銆銆How strong are your glasses?锛堜綘杩戣澶氬皯搴紵锛?銆銆Just because.锛堟病鏈夊埆鐨勫師鍥犮傦級銆銆It isnt the way I hoped it would be.锛堣繖涓嶆槸鎴戞墍鐩兼湜鐨勩傦級銆銆You will never guess.锛堜綘姘歌繙

2、鐚滀笉鍒般傦級銆銆No one could do anything about it.锛堜紬浜哄姝潫鎵嬫棤鎺傦級銆銆I saw something deeply disturbing.锛堟繁鎰熶簨鎯呬笉濡欍傦級銆銆Money is a good servant but a bad master.锛堣鍋氶噾閽辩殑涓讳汉锛岃帿鍋氶噾閽辩殑濂撮毝銆傦級銆銆I am not available.锛堟垜姝繖鐫锛?銆銆Wisdom in the mind is better than money in the hand.(鑴戜腑鐨勭煡璇嗘瘮鎵嬩腑鐨勯噾閽辨洿閲嶈锛?銆銆Never say die.its

3、a piece of cake.鍒硠姘旓紝閭彧鏄皬鑿滀竴纰熴?銆銆Dont worry.youll get use to it soon.鍒媴蹇冿紝寰堝揩浣犲氨浼氫範鎯殑銆?銆銆I konw how you feel.鎴戞槑鐧戒綘鐨勬劅鍙椼?銆銆You win some.you lose some.鑳滆触涔冨叺瀹跺父浜嬨?銆銆Dont bury your head in the sand.涓嶈閫冮伩鐜板疄銆?銆銆I didnt expect you to such a good job.鎴戞病鎯冲埌浣犲共寰楄繖涔堝銆?銆銆You are coming alone well.浣犲仛寰楁尯椤哄埄銆

4、?銆銆She is well-build.濂圭殑韬潗鐪熸銆?銆銆You look neat and fresh.浣犵湅璧锋潵寰堟竻绾?銆銆You have a beautiful personality.浣犵殑姘旇川寰堝銆?銆銆You flatter me immensely.浣犺繃濂栧暒銆?銆銆You should be slow to judge others.浣犱笉搴旇闅忔剰璇勮鍒汉銆?銆銆I hope you will excuse me if i make any mistake.濡傛湁浠讳綍閿欒锛岃浣犲師璋?銆銆It was most careless ofme.鎴戝绮楀績浜嗐?銆

5、銆It was quite by accident.鐪熸槸濮嬫枡涓嶅強銆?銆銆I wish i had all the time id ever wasted,so i could waste it all over again.鎴戝笇鏈涙墍鏈夎鎴戞氮璐圭殑鏃堕棿閲嶆柊鍥炴潵锛岃鎴戝啀娴垂涓閬嶃?銆銆I like you the way you were.鎴戝枩娆綘浠墠鐨勬牱瀛愩?銆銆You two go ahead to the movie without me,i dont want to be a third wheel.浣犱滑涓釜鑷繁鍘荤湅鐢靛奖鍚紝鎴戜笉鎯冲綋鐢电伅娉?銆銆Do yo

6、u have anyone in mind?浣犳湁蹇冧笂浜哄悧锛?銆銆How long have you known her锛熶綘璁瘑濂瑰涔呬簡锛?銆銆It was love at frist sight.涓瑙侀挓鎯?銆銆Id better hit the books.鎴戣澶嶄範鍔熻鍟?銆銆a piece of ones mind .鐩磋涓嶈銆銆He gave me a piece of mind,Dont shift responsibility onto others.浠栬矗澶囬亾锛氣滀笉瑕佹妸璐换鎺嵏鍒板埆浜鸿韩涓娿傗?銆銆a cat and dog life銆姘寸伀涓嶅鐨勭敓娲?銆銆T

7、he husband and his wife are always quarrelling,and they are leading a cat and dog life.杩欏澶鑰佹槸鍚垫灦锛岀浉浜掍箣闂存按鐏笉瀹广?銆a dogs life銆娼掔殑鐢熸椿銆銆The man lived a dogs life.杩欎釜浜虹敓娲绘溅鍊掋?銆銆A to Z銆浠庡鑷冲熬銆銆I know that from A to Z. 鎴戝緢浜嗚杩欎欢浜嬨?銆銆above somebody銆娣卞銆銆Well,this sort of talk is above me.鎴戜笉鎳備綘浠湪璁蹭粈涔堛?銆銆all ear

8、s 鍏璐敞鍦板惧惉鐫銆銆When you tell Mary some gossip,she is all ears.璺烳ary璁蹭竴浜涘皬閬撴秷鎭紝濂逛細鍚湴浠斾粩缁嗙粏銆?銆銆all the more銆鏇村姞锛岀泭鍙?銆銆Youll be all the better for a holiday.搴竴娆亣锛屽浣犱細鏇存湁濂藉銆?銆銆all dressed up 鎵撴壆寰楁暣鏁撮綈榻?銆銆She is all dressed up and nowhere to go.濂规墦鎵緱鏁存暣榻愬嵈鏃犲鐐銆?銆銆all in all 鎬荤殑璇存潵锛涙渶蹇冪埍鐨勪笢瑗?銆銆The daughter is

9、 all in all to him.濂冲効鏄粬鐨勬棤浠峰疂銆?銆銆all out 绔敖鍏姏銆銆They went all out.浠栦滑榧撹冻浜嗗共鍔层?銆銆all over銆鍏儴缁撴潫锛涙祽韬紝鍒板銆銆Glad,it is all over.杩欎簨鍏儴缁撴潫浜嗭紝濂藉緱寰堛?銆銆Im wet all over.鎴戞祽韬兘婀夸簡銆?銆銆all set銆鍑嗗灏辩华銆銆He is all set for an early morning start.浠栧凡鍋氬娓呮櫒鍑哄彂鐨勪竴鍒囧噯澶囥?銆銆all you have to do 闇瑕佸仛寰楁槸銆銆All you have to do is to

10、 calm yourself down and wait for the good news.浣犻渶瑕佸仛寰楁槸闈欎笅蹇冩潵绛夊娑堟伅銆?銆銆as easy as falling of a log /as easy as snapping your fingers /as easy as ABC 瀹规槗寰楀緢銆銆To me,a good story teller,it would be as easy as falling of a log.銆銆瀵规垜鏉锛岃涓晠浜嬭繕涓嶆槸闅忔墜鎷堟潵銆?銆銆as busy as a bee 闈炲父蹇?銆銆Mum is always as busy as a

11、bee in the moring.濡堝姣忓鏃笂閮藉繖寰椾笉鍙紑浜?銆銆at ones fingertips銆浜嗗鎸囨帉銆銆How to get at that little island is at his fingertips.浠栫煡閬撴庝箞鍘婚偅涓皬宀涖?銆銆at ones wits end銆鏅虹銆銆Dont ask him.It is also at his wits end.涓嶈闂粬浜嗭紝浠栦篃涓嶇煡閬撱?銆銆big shot 澶汉鐗紝澶酣銆銆He is a big shot in our little town.銆銆black sheep銆璐瀛愶紝瀹崇兢涔嬮銆銆Every fami

12、ly has a black sheep.瀹跺鏈夋湰闅惧康鐨勭粡銆?銆銆black and blue銆閬嶄綋槌炰激銆銆The thief was caught of red-handed and beaten black and blue.閭釜灏忓伔褰撳満琚姄浣忓苟琚墦寰楅潚涓鍧楃传涓鍧楃殑銆?銆銆black and white銆鐧界焊榛戝瓧銆銆The proof is in black and white and the murderer has no any excuses.璇佹嵁纭嚳锛屽嚩鎵嬪啀涔熸棤璇濆彲璇淬?銆銆blind alley銆姝昏儭鍚?銆銆You are heading i

13、nto a blind alley.浣犳鍦捇鐗涜灏栥?銆銆blow hot and cold銆鎽囨憜涓嶅畾銆銆This guy seemed to have no own idea.He always blew hot and cold.杩欏浼欏璞病浠涔堜富寮狅紝鎬绘槸鎽囨憜涓嶅畾銆?銆銆blow ones own trumpet銆鑷惞鑷搨銆銆Dont blow your own tumpet.Let us see what on earth you can do.涓嶈鑷惞鑷搨浜嗭紝璁垜浠湅鐪嬩綘鍒板簳鑳藉仛浠涔堛?銆銆born with a silver in ones mouth銆鍑虹敓鍦

14、瘜璐典汉瀹?銆銆He is born with a silver in ones mouth.浠栨槸鍚潃閲戦挜鍖欏嚭鐢熺殑銆?銆brand new 宕柊鐨?銆銆a bland new coat銆鏂拌。鏈?銆銆break the ice銆鎵撶牬娌夐粯銆銆The couple hadnt spoken to each other for a week.They were both waiting for the other one to break the ice.杩欏澶宸茬粡涓涓槦鏈熸病璇磋繃璇濅簡銆備袱浜洪兘鍦瓑鍙竴鏂瑰厛寮鍙?銆銆by a blow銆鏃犳剰涓殑涓鍑?銆銆He is beaten to the ground by


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