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1、Tailored Fire & Security ltdMethod Statement No.032312 /MS/01Project Title: Highfield House, Cheadle RoyalTel :01204 385022Fax :01204 385033EXAMPLEMETHOD STATEMENT & RISK ASSESSMENTFOR FIRE & SECURITYSYSTEMS AT HIGHFIELD HOUSE CHEADLE ROYALMETHOD STATEMENT NO.:00624JM/MS/01CONTRACT NO.:UNKNOWNRefere

2、 ncesDescripti onssue 1Highfield houseAppe ndix ASite Specific Risk Assessme nts/LogTailored Fire & Security ltd, Redetec House,8 Saville Street, Bolt on.BL2 1BYISSUE1DATE17/2/04PREPARED BYCHECKED BYAPPROVED BYI have read and un dersta nd the en closed (Sig ned)Tailored Fire & Security ltdMethod Sta

3、tement No.032312 /MS/01Project Title: Highfield House, Cheadle RoyalMETHOD STATEMENT FRONT SHEETCon tractor:Tailored Fire& Security ltdCo ntract Name:Highfield House, CheadleRoyalCon tract Scope:New fire & security alarm systems.Locati on( s):CheshireCon tract Ref:UnknownReview and Accepta nee by:(O

4、n Behalf of AXIMA BUILDING SERVICES)Date:Rev.DateByCheckedApprovedDescripti on of Modificati ons116/2/04Issue 1TAILORED FIRE & SECURITY LTDPROJECT TITLE: Highfield house, Cheadle RoyalMETHOD STATEMENT NO.: 032312/MS/011Prin cipal Con tractor1.1Compa ny un dertak ing Con tractName, address & teleph o

5、ne n umberTailored Fire & Security ltd, Redetec House,8 Saville Street, Bolt on.BL2 1BYTel : 01204 385022Fax : 01204 3850331.2Other Con tractors worki ng on SiteVarious Con tractors2Site at which Con tract is to be un dertake n (to in clude access and bou ndaries)2.1Cheadle Royal, Cheshire3Scope of

6、Works3.1Work to be carried out? To brief personnel on all health and safety matters relating to the building.? The supply, in stall & commissi on of the followi ng systems :?Fire alarm?In truder alarm?Access con trol?Aerial system?In ducti on loop3.2Pers onnel to be usedTo be advised.3.3SkillsFire a

7、larm & security engin eers.3.4Certificati onScaffold erecti on, 1 st aid.,Skills cards3.5Pers onnel Protective Equipme nt (PPE)High visibility clothing & safety footwear, hard hat And other PPE as required.3.6RecordUpdate/Produce as-fitted draw in gs.4Hazards Ide ntified4.1Sign ifica nt hazards? Fal

8、li ng objects.? Tripp ing.? Slippi ng.? Others as ide ntified in risk assessme nt matrix.5Public In terface Arra ngeme nts5.1Temporary fencingNot applicable.5.2Temporary light ingNot applicable.5.3Road traffic man ageme ntNot applicable5.4Security of materials from van dalsClosed off site.6Protectio

9、 n Of and From Existi ng In frastructure6.1Ide ntify hidde n servicesNot applicable.6.2Use of approved cable locati ng toolsNot applicable.6.3Ide ntify in frastructure susceptible to damageNot applicable.6.4Disc onn ecti on & reconn ecti on of servicesNot applicable.7En vir onmen tal Protecti on Arr

10、a ngeme nts7.1Waste and polluti onEmpty equipme nt boxes to be disposed of accord in gly.7.2Noise, dust and smoke vapourFace masks will be used to guard aga inst falli ng dust.7.3Disposal, storage and containment of water, fuels, oils etcNot applicable8Pla nt and Equipme nt8.1Pla nt/equipme ntLadder

11、s, steps, walkie talkies8.2Certificates of compete nee if applicableAccess scaffold, First aid.8.3Power110v power tools (drills)8.4Lighti ngHand lamps.8.5Safety critical work certificatesNot applicable8.6Test ingAll equipme nt and pla nt used to be PAT tested, calibrated etc on a regular basis were

12、applicable. Maintenance to be carried out in accorda nee with man ufacturers recomme ndati ons.9Pers onnel In volved9.1Names of project membersTo be advised.9.2Pers on in charge of workIan Gratrix ( Con tracts Man ager )9.3Other con tractors on siteVarious con tractors.9.4Compete ncy certificates if

13、 applicable1st aid, scaffold erecti on, skills cards10Methodology10.1Order of work (start & finish times)Worki ng hours : Mon to Fri 0800 to 1630(exc. Bank holidays)10.2Method of operati on1. Carry out worksinaccorda neewithprogramme provided by Axima.2. Carry out 1 st fix in stallati on for all sys

14、tems.3. Carry out 2 nd fix installation for all systems.4. Test & commissi on all new equipme nt.5. Han dover systems complete with releva nt han dover docume ntati on.10.3Stan dards & proceduresAll releva nt sta ndards will be adhered to.10.4Drawings and sketchesCon structi on draw ings to be used.10.5Access & egress arran geme ntsVia authorisedwalk ingand access routeswherever possible.10.6Delivery and disposal of materialsDeliver new equipme nt to site by hand.10.7Detai


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