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1、达标测试我夯基我达标.你能根据题意补全下列单词吗?1.W you like to go to the cinema?2.Thats a great i.3.W is the film?On Sunday.4.W is the magic show?At Sun Theatre.5.S is the last day of the week.答案:1.Would2.idea3.When4.Where5.Saturday.你是短语翻译高手吗?1.去看电影_ 2.写家庭作业_ 3.愿意_ 4.在星期天_5.玩电脑游戏_ 6.一个好主意_7.上课_ 8.在周末_9.看足球比赛_ 10.在电影院_答案:

2、1.go to the cinema2.do ones/the homework3.would like4.on Sunday(s)5.play computer games6.a good idea7.have classes8.at the weekend9.watch football games10.at the cinema.你能把下面各词排成一句话吗? 1. is, film, a, there, Sunday, on._2. to, like, you, would, to, go, cinema, the?_3. it, is, afternoon, the, in._4. f

3、ilm, star, he, favourite, is, my._答案:1.There is a film on Sunday.2.Would you like to go to the cinema.3.It is in the afternoon.4.He is my favourite film star.转换句型1. I would like to go to the cinema.(变为一般疑问句)2. The film is on Saturday morning.(对画线部分提问)3. The film is at Renmin Cinema.(对画线部分提问)4. Jack

4、Chan is in the film.(对画线部分提问)5. Would you like to go to the football match?(作否定回答)答案:1.Would you like to go to the cinema?2.When is the film?3.Where is the film?4.Who is in the film?5.No,I wouldnt like to.请你选择,仔细哟!kindfavouriteusuallyoldjoinwanttimewhere1. Do you_ to go to a movie?2. What_ of movies

5、 do you like?3. We want to_ the guitar club.4. What time do you_ get up?5. What_ do you usually eat breakfast?6. Whats your_ subject?7. _are they from?8. My sister is 10 years _ .答案:1.want2.kind3.join4.usually5.time6.favourite7.Where8.old我综合我发展.请你选出最佳答案1.Would you like_me with my English?A. helpB. t

6、o helpC. helpingD. helps1.B“would like to.”是固定搭配,表示“愿意去做”。2. The film is_the afternoon.A. withB. forC. atD. in2.D表示在下午用介词in。3. Lets go to a football match _Jim.A. onB. withC. forD. in3.B表示“与某人”使用介词with。4. We are going to play basketball _Sunday.A. onB. forC. withD. at4.A表示“在具体的某一天”使用介词on。5. _is the

7、second day of the week.A. MondayB. SundayC. TuesdayD. Friday5.A周一(Monday)是一周的第二天,Sunday是第一天。6. _you like to go to the cinema?A. DoB. CanC. WouldD. May6.C这是一般现在时的一般疑问句,谓语动词为like,主语为you,所以使用助动词do。7. _go to the cinema.A. LetB. LetsC. Would goD. Do you7.B根据句意:“让我们去看电影”,故使用“Lets”。8. _ is it?In the evenin

8、g on Saturday.A. WhereB. WhenC. WhoD. How8.B根据答语,特殊疑问词该用when。9. _ is it?Its at New Times Cinema.A. WhenB. WhereC. WhoD. How9.B根据答语,特殊类问词应用where,提问地点状语。10.Would you like to go to the park?_.A. Yes, I doB. A great ideaC. I likeD. No, I dont10.B对“Would you like.”的问答时,肯定问答可用“Good idea/A good idea/OK”等。.

9、根据情景补全对话A: 1 you 2 to 3 to the cinema?B: Thats a great 4!5 go 6 Lingling.7 is it?A: Its 8 the afternoon and 9 the evening.B: 10 go in the evening.11 you 12 to 13 to a football 14 on Sunday? Its Manchester United, my 15 team.A: Thats a good 16.答案:1.Would2.like3.go4.idea5.Lets6.with7.When8.in9.in10.Le

10、ts11.Would12.like13.go14.match15.favourite16.idea. 根据栏的问句在栏中找出相应的答语1.When is the film?A. Beijing.2. Do you like Chinese? B. Its on Monday.3. Whats your favourite color? C. No, I dont.4. Where is the football match? D. Red.5. Can you play the guitar? E. Its on the playground.6. Where do they live? F.

11、 Yes, I can.答案:1.B2.C3.D4.E5.F6.A.阅读下面的短文,然后做题AIm going to see a movie with my friends this weekend. We love seeing movies, but we all like different kinds. I like to see thrillers and science fictions, my friend Sam loves action movies and comedies and my best friend, Lee, loves a good romance. Bec

12、ause we like different kinds of movies, it can be difficult to choose(选择)one to see. So we usually take turns(轮流)to choose the movie. Its my turn to choose this weekend, so were going to see Harry Potter, a new movie: its number one at the box office, and everyone is saying what a great movie it is. I cant


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