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1、学校: 班级: 姓名: 考号: 密 封线内不能答题日兴片区2014年春季小学六年级第三次联考英 语 试 卷(时间50分钟,满分100分)一、 选出不同类的单词,把相应的字母代号填在题前的括号里。(每小题2分,共10分)( )1. A、Sunday B、Thursday C、today D、Friday( )2. A、giraffe B、 pea C、elephant D、deer( )3. A、cinema B、beach C、camera D、 shop ( )4. A、month B、mouth C、year D、day ( )5. A、fine B、snowy C、windy D、clo

2、ud 二、 单项选择。(每小题1分,共15分)( )1. How about _ the park? A、is going to B、go to C、going to ( )2. _ beautiful dress! A、what a B、How C、What a ( )3. There _ some children in the park. A、is B、are C、be ( )4. Can your dog swim? _ A、Yes, I can B、No, you cant C、Yes, it can ( )5. They do _ housework. A、our B、them C

3、、their ( )6. Is the girl your sister? A、Yes, she is B、No, Im not C、Yes, you are. ( )7. Do you like _? A、dance B、sing C、dancing ( )8. Have some _. A、fruit B、a fruit C、fruits ( )9. _are my two English books? They are in Le Les schoolbag. A、What B、Where C、Who ( )10. Its time _ have breakfast. A、for B、f

4、rom C、to ( )11. Where is he from? _. A、Yes, he is. B、He is from USA. C、He comes from Australia. ( )12. How _ birds in the tree? A、many B、some C、much ( )13. They _the supermarket. A、is going to B、goes to C、are going to ( )14. I often play _ with my friend. A、basketball B、the football C、 a basketball(

5、 )15. Good morning, _. A、Flower Sister. B、Sister Flower C、Flowers sister. 三、从后面一栏中选出前面一栏的答语,把相应的字母代号填在题前的括号里。(每小题1分,共5分)( )1. How old is he ? A、Its purple.( )2. How are you? B、He can play the piano.( )3. What can he do? C、He is eleven.( )4. What time is it ? D、Im fine.( )5. Whats your favourite colo

6、ur? E、Its twelve.四、 从后面一栏中选出前面一栏的汉语翻译。(每小题1分,共5分)( )1. Let me have a sleep. A、你愿意去打乒乓球吗?( )2. Im looking for my mummy. B、我正在找我的妈妈。( )3. I want some juice. C、让我睡一觉。( )4. Would you like to play ping-pong? D、晚餐吃什么?( )5. Whats for supper? E、.我想要一些果汁。五、 阅读短文,选出正确的答案。(每小题2分,共10分) This is Anns house. Today

7、 is Anns birthday. Many children are playing here. They are singing and dancing. Anns mother is making a birthday cake. Ann is opening her birthday present. She is very happy. Happy birthday to Ann!( )1. Whose birthday is it today? A、Anns B、Mothers C、Childrens ( )2. Many children are _here. A、sing B

8、、playing C、dance ( )3. Who is making a birthday cake? A、Ann B、Anns father C、Anns mother ( )4. Ann is _ her birthday present. A、open B、opening C、opens ( )5.She is very_. A、Happy B、beautiful C、new 六、 英汉互译。(每个1分,共10分)1. 玩得开心 _ 2. Clean the house _ 3.许多动物 _ 4. have lunch _5. 放风筝 _ 6.Mothers Day _7.听音乐 _

9、 8.wave your arm _ 9.天气 _ 10.answer my question_七、根据图片提示补全单词,每空一个字母。(每小题1分,共10分) A_ _ _st c_ _ c_ _ b_ _ _t _ _ _rst au_ _ _n _ _ _etab_ _s pl_ _ _ Wed_ _ _day h_ mb_ _ger m_ _n _ _ g八、用所给单词的正确形式填空。(每空1分,共15分)1.I like _ ( 玫瑰 ).2.John _ ( get )up at 7:30.3.Can you help _ ( we )?4.It _ ( look ) fat.5.Rose _ ( have )some crayons.6.These are our _ ( 照片 ).7.This is _ ( Le Le )toy bus.8.The boy can _ ( speak )English.9.There are _ ( 八只 )giraffes in the zoo. 10. This tree is very _ ( 高的 ),that tree is very_(矮的). 九、连词成句。(注意句首字母要大写,共10分)1. he my maths is teacher (.)2. take let a


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