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1、Teaching design for Oxford English1B Module1 Using my five sensesUnit2 Listen and hear Period2 Teacher:An Du (杜桉 上海市曹杨中学附属学校) Materials: Oxford English 1B M1U2 Period2 Date: 2018-3-9I 教学内容1. Using nouns to identify common farm animals e.g. sheep, hen, dog, cat2. Using formulaic expressions to indica

2、te what people hear e.g. What do you hear? I hearII 学情分析第一单元的主题是Usingmyfivesenses,学生可以通过五官感知生活中的各种事物,利用眼睛观察身边的东西,利用耳朵倾听不同的声音,利用鼻和舌感知不同的味道。Unit2通过动物的叫声突出Listen和Hear这个主题。由于在上学期的学习过程中,学生已经掌握了部分动物名称和动物的叫声的表达,所以学习的重点就落在了句子Whatdoyouhear?以及回答I hear上。学生们在学习单词sheep,hen,dog,cat的过程中,模仿它们的叫声,同时引导学生喜爱动物。III . 教学

3、目标知识与技能1. 能够认读sheep, hen, dog, cat四个单词。2. 能够用What do you hear?来询问他人听到了什么。3. 能够用I hear句型来表达我所听到的声音。4. 能听懂并模仿不同动物发出的声音,并分辨不同动物。方法与过程1.通过多媒体为学生创设情境,使学生能够在适当的场景中感知并运用所学知识。2.通过师生对话的引导、图片,声音的引导,让学生整体感知理解所学内容,从而带动句型的学习。3.通过游戏、儿歌、歌曲等方法来激发学生的学习兴趣,使学生在愉快的氛围中操练句型。情感态度、价值观1.通过学习小动物以及询问动物的叫声,使孩子们对自然界有更深的认识,呼吁小朋友

4、要热爱小动物,同时也培养学生善于观察的习惯。2提问也增加了孩子交流的自信心以及培养学生善于沟通和交流的意识。IV 重点、难点分析一重点:1、能够认读sheep, hen, dog, cat两个单词。2、能够根据听到的声音用I hear a来回答所听到的动物。二难点:1、能够正确运用I hear的句型来回答以及不定冠词 a。2、能够认读动物的象声词读音:cluck, woof, miaow, baaV 教学过程ProcedureContentsMethodsPurposeMediaPre-task preparation1. Ask questions2. Enjoy a song Bingo3

5、. Review words: sheep, hen, dog, cat.1. Questions: Do you like animals?. Where can we see animals?2. Answer the questions What do you see? I see a dog.3-1. Play a game whats missing.3-2. Lets chant.通过提问的方式引出本课所需创设的情境-farm创设愉快的语境,在歌曲中引出农场的场景和相关的动物,并感知不同的动物叫声。游戏的方式更能调动学生的积极性,图积极性,图片和单词的双重检验,让学生对单词更熟悉。

6、用学习过的歌曲巩固新单词PPT2 PPT 3PPT4-PPT8PPT9While-task procedure1. Learn new sentences: What do you hear?I hear a2. Consolidation 1-1. .Listen to the audio :Hello, I am Old MacDonald. Welcome to my farm?Then ask what do you see on the farm?1-2. Watch a video 1-3.按点(多选):Answer the question,then check the answ

7、er: What do you see on the farm? I see a 1-4.Now listen carefully, What do you hear? (Put the sentence on the board)Then show the answer on PPT: I hear a (Put the sentence on the board)1-5.Play the sound of animals, the first one let students answer together.Ss: I hear a It goesThen the second one (

8、horse): First, play the sound; Second, Let students choose what animal is it? (按点2) The rest of the sounds invite students to answer one by one. And read three chants to make students have a better understanding of animals sounds.2-1. In order to let students understand better, using a game quick re

9、sponse to make students memorize the sounds of animals.2-2. 按点3:Show a picture of seven animals we learnt (cow, pig, duck, chick, sheep, hen, dog, cat)Then do the matching exercise.T:What do you hear?Ss: _, _, I hear a Then check answers together.通过已经学习过的问题引入新授内容多选题的设置可以了解学生是否认真观看视频,并且了解学生是否掌握了之前学过的

10、单词。动物真实的声音更具趣味性,并且与课本内容相匹配。Horse是上学期已经学过的单词,按点的设置主要是让学生操练句型。这一环节将hear和see相结合。快速问答,考验学生的记忆能力,应变能力。大家一起说一说,既复习了学过的单词,也巩固了新学单词,一举两得。配对游戏难度不大,却能检验学生是否掌握了新学动物的叫声。PPT P10PPT11PPT12PPT13PPT14PPT 15PPT16Post-task activity1. Consolidation.1-1. Pair work:Show pictures of animals, let students ask in pairs.1-2

11、. Card game: Prepare four papers in advance, ask one student come to the front and choose one picture, then ask other students: _,_, what do you hear?Ss: I hear a After a couple of times, let students play in groups.游戏的形式进行师生互动。增加课堂活动形式,让每个人都能参与其中。PPT 17PPT 182.Assignment1. Read words and text on page 6.2. Sing the songbingo on page 9.PPT P17 Board writingM1U2 Listen and hearWhat do you hear? I hear a sheep Baabaa hen Cluckcluck dog Woofwoof cat Miaowmiaow


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