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1、Outline 4Collocation and Translation【练习二参考译文】别再对富人穷追猛打与其抑强劫富,不如扶弱济贫美国人热爱平等,也同样热衷追逐金钱。法国历史学家亚历西斯德托克维尔曾著 书悉数此现象。他在十九世纪四十年代写到“美国人所做诸事均源自对财富的热爱”。西方 民众对自己国家出现的富裕阶层既心存芥蒂,又时常阿谀奉承,在这方面,美国人的表现尤 为突出。由于美国的致富之路似乎条条通畅,所以美国民众对富人的态度通常是敬仰多于怨 恨,羡慕多于敌视。但当财富不再易得时,美国人则表现出另一番心态。美国社会的历史既充满作家霍瑞修爱尔杰1笔下白手起家的致富传奇,也交织着对富 人的抵制

2、和抗争浪潮。去年秋季的这个月,随着大批抗议者发起一系列占领华尔街的游行示 威活动,这股抗争的浪潮在曼哈顿下城祖科蒂公园演绎到巅峰。在去年游行示威活动的筹备会议上,美国人类学家、前哈佛大学教授大卫格雷伯替参 与者构思了一个巧妙的宣传口号:“我们属于 99%如何?”。格雷伯回忆当时曾问过其他的 活动策划者:“如果只有 1%的人口坐享近十年来所有的经济增长利益,掌控财富,主导政 治,那么我们不就都是局外人吗?”在选情日趋白热化的总统大选之年,这一数字颇易引起政治上的共鸣。格雷伯所指的 99%的人口不单单指穷人、失业者或者是从事繁重体力劳动的工人,还包括蓝领、白领和粉 领在内的中产阶级,甚至还有中上层

3、阶级。然而,正是这 99%的大众创造了二战后美国强 大的经济实力,也是任何翘企美国总统宝位人士无不竭力争取的选民对象。一时间, 1%比 99%的说法在记者、政客和选民中迅速流传开来。最近一段时间在华盛顿,不论是总统选举 进程,还是涉及施政政策的激辩讨论,无不围绕着这一比例悬殊的数字做文章。遗憾的是,这个数字比例并不准确,容易造成误解,而且存在夸大其词、以偏概全及过 分悲观之嫌,未能反映出美国民众取得成功的真正含义。就政治的角度而言,民众持有的态 度的确不容轻视。譬如,有报道指公司总裁的收入是普通工人的231倍,华尔街投行的丰厚 奖金与业绩表现并不挂钩,还有公司老板搭乘自己的私人飞机前往华盛顿祈

4、求政府出手救 市。种种类似的新闻报道令民众心存疑虑,担心政府的制度偏颇袒护权贵阶层。然而,如果 将这 1%的人都列为贪婪自私避税逃税的寡头资本家,则是一种错误的看法,因为这些人实 际上可能与人们所想象的大相径庭。注释1Horatio Alger:霍瑞修爱尔杰(1832年一1899年)。美国作家,以少年小说而闻名。Collocation and TranslationDefinition of collocationCollocation: two or three word clusters which occur with a more than chance regularity thro

5、ughout spoken and written English the co-occurrence relationships between words. a word by the company it keepsTypes of meaning of a word (Cruse 1986) Verb + noun: throw a party / accept responsibility Adjective + noun: square meal / grim determination Verb+adjective+noun: take vigorous exercise / m

6、ake steady progress Adverb + verb: strongly suggest / barely see Adverb + adjective: utterly amazed / completely useless Adverb+adjective + noun: totally unacceptable behaviour Adjective+preposition: guilty of / blamed for / happy about Noun + noun: * pay packet / window frame also known as compound

7、 nounsCollocation: examplesWear穿、戴? He was probably also wearing a gun. 也许他今天也(佩)带着枪。 He was wearing a toothpick in his mouth at the 他叼着牙签,站在舵轮旁。wheel. 这是一个肥胖秃顶的小老头,一开始 This was a little old man, fat and bald, who at还尽量装出一副严厉的样子。first had tried his hardest to wear a severe 今天她没有像平常那样涂口红,而是expressio

8、n.喷了点香水。 She does not wear her usual lipstick but wears 她脸上始终带着微笑。/她始终面带some perfume today.微笑。 She wears a permanent smile. 她和她妈妈一样苗条。 She wears the slimness of her mother. 她保养得非常好(一点也不显老)。 She really wears her years well. 他也不是一个感情外露(让人一眼就 Nor is he a fellow who wears his faith on his看得透)的人。sleeve.

9、她身穿白色连衣裙,胸前佩戴一朵淡 She wore a white dress, an orchid corsage, and紫色的胡姬花,脸上露出一丝可爱羞a rather lovely, awkward smile.涩的笑容。 Wearing a string of pearls and earnest 莫妮卡莱温斯基于星期六首次亮相expression, she made her television debut电视节目。她脖子上戴着一串珍珠项Saturday.链,表情认真严肃。In-class Exercise: collocation (1)He said you took his

10、pen. Now, whats your story?Would you be patient and tell me the whole story?All eyewitnesses told the same story.Obviously he is making up stories again.What are you basing it on? You pull stories out of the thin air.As a primary school teacher, I have heard all kinds of stories about missed homewor

11、k.Ill be more than happy if the story holds true. The story about him became smaller and by and by faded out from the television.If the story got abroad, I would never hear the end of it.There is a deeper story behind Hillarys senatorial ambitions and the strong public reaction they arouse.他说你拿了他的钢笔

12、,你倒说说看是怎么回 事。请你耐心把话/事情的前因后果说完。 所有目击者的说法都一样.。显然他又在编(谎话/借口)了。你有什么根据?纯粹是无中生有/凭空捏 造/空穴来风。作为一名小学教师,我听到过学生们不交作 业编的各种各样/五花八门/形形式式的借口 要是这个说法当真,那该多好啊! 电视上有关他的报道/消息越来越少,最后根 本就不播了。要是这种谣传传到国外去,那局面就不可收 拾了。希拉里雄心勃勃竞选州长,引起公众的极大 反响,其背后还有更深层的原因。【佳译赏析】It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age

13、 of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct

14、to Heaven, we were all going direct the other way-in short, the period was so far like the present period, that some of its noisiest authorities insisted on its being received, for good or for evil, in the superlative degree of comparison only.Charles Dickens “A Tale of Two CT ties那是最昌明的时世,那是最衰微的时世;

15、那是睿智开化的岁月,那是混沌蒙昧的岁月;那是 信仰笃诚的年代,那是疑云重重的年代;那是阳光灿烂的季节,那是长夜晦暗的季节;那是 欣欣向荣的春天,那是死气沉沉的冬天;我们眼前无所不有,我们眼前一无所有;我们都径 直奔向天堂,我们都径直奔向另一条路简而言之,那个时代同现今这个时代竟然如此惟 妙惟肖,就连它那叫嚷得最凶的权威人士当中,有些也坚持认为,不管它是好是坏,都只能 用“最”字来表示它的程度。译者:张扬,张玲/出版社:上海译文出版社In-class Exercise: collocation(2)She gave a big smile and a friendly wave. The new president took his oath and seat. She lost all her money and vanity.She opened the door and her heart to the homeless boy.He possessed two false teeth and a sympathetic heart.A candidate is one who shakes your hand before election and your acquaintance


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