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1、随堂小练(Module 4, Book 3)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。1. The boy lost his key so he could do nothing butfor his mother to comeback.A. wait B. waits C. waitedD. waiting2. Do you think so?I think thats a fantastic idea.A. Hopefully! B. Thankfully! C. Luckily! D. Absolutely!3. I dont have theto lift this

2、box. Could you do me a favor?A. powerB. strength C. energy D. force4. Which do you enjoyyour spare time, surfing the Internet orreading books?A. spending B. being spent C. to spend D. spend5. The people in that district have complainedthe police about thenoise from that factory.A. to B. of C. about

3、D. against6. You smoked too much; you should try to. Yes, I know. Ill try my best.A. cut upB. cut off C. cut out D. cut down7. You said he had been outside. Do you have any? His wet coat. It was raining.A. evidence B. belief C. process D. information8. When reading a newspaper, I alwaysthe headlines

4、 first to see if there isanything interesting.A. look up B. look through C. look after D. look for9. Is there anything wrong with my heart, doctor? Yes. I advise youanymore.A. to not smoke B. not smoking C. smoking not D. not to smoke10. Li Hua is saidabroad for four years. Do you know which country

5、 he studied in?Australia.A. to have studied B. studying C. to be studying D. having studied11. As we know, it is harmful to our healthif wetoo much salt and sugarevery day.A. give out B. take away C. take in D. give up12. Lets look into the problem togetherand we will do everything we canit.A. solve

6、 B. to solve C. to be solved D. solving13. To learn English well, we need morepractice. I couldnt agree with you.A. more B. as much C. so much D. most14. The little girl looked veryand I couldnt help feeling sorry for herlook.A. frightened; frightened B. frightened; frighteningC. frightening; fright

7、ening D. frightening; frightened15. A fire broke out at a supermarket inour city last year. Everything was reportedto the ground.A. to burn B. to be burningC. to have burnedD. to have been burned参考答案及解析:1. A。介词but后面跟不定式,但如果but前面有can(could) do时,动词不定式符号to可以省略。句意为:男孩把钥匙丢了,只好等着他妈妈回来。2. D。hopefully意为“希望如

8、此”;thankfully意为“谢天谢地”;luckily意为“幸运地”;absolutely意为“当然”。句意为:你认为是这样吗?当然!我认为那是个很棒的主意。3. B。power意为“权力”;strength意为“力气”;energy意为“精力”;force意为“力,武力”。句意为:我没有力气搬起这个箱子。你能帮个忙吗?4. C。不定式作目的状语。句中enjoy的宾语是surfingthe Internet or reading books。句意为:业余时间你喜欢上网还是读书?5. A。complain to意为“向投诉,抱怨”;complain ofabout sth. 意为“抱怨某事”

9、。句意为:那家工厂噪音太大,当地的人们已向警方投诉。6. D。cut up意为“切碎”;cut off意为“切断”;cut out意为“剪下”,作“停止”讲时后面必须加宾语,如cut outsmoking;cut down意为“减少”。句意为:你抽烟太凶了,该少抽点。是的,我知道。我会尽力少抽。7. A。evidence意为“证据”;belief意为“信仰”;process意为“过程”;information意为“信息”。句意为:你说他出去过。有什么证据?他的外衣湿了。当时在下雨。 8. B。look up意为“查阅”;look through意为“浏览”;look after意为“照顾”;l

10、ook for意为“寻找”。句意为:看报纸时,我总是先浏览标题,看看有没有感兴趣的事。 9. D。advise sb. not to do sth. 意为“建议某人不要做某事”。句意为:我的心脏有什么问题吗?是的。我劝你不要再吸烟了。10. A。不定式完成式所表示的动作在谓语动词表示的动作之前发生。句意为:据说李华曾经在外国读过书,你知道他是在哪个国家读的吗?澳大利亚。11. C。give out意为“发出,放出”;take away意为“带走”;take in意为“吸收,摄入”;give up 意为“放弃”。句意为:众所周知,每天摄入太多的盐和糖有害健康。12. B。不定式作目的状语。we can作定语修饰everything。句意为:让我们一起来研究这个问题。我们会尽力解决的。13. A。I couldnt agree with you more 我完全同意。句意为:为了学好英语,我们需要多练。我完全同意。14. A。-ing形容词意为“令人的”,-ed形容词意为“感到的”。句意为:小姑娘看起来非常恐惧。我对她害怕的样子感到很难过。15. D。burn发生在谓语动词所表示的动作之前,且与主语之间是动宾关系,故用不定式完成式的被动式。句意为:去年我市一家超市失火。据报道那场大火烧毁了所有东西。


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