教案 必修三 unit3.doc

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1、必修三 unit 3 1 bring up 用法归纳: (1)提出 vt = come up with Why did you bring that question up again? Another idea _at yesterdays meeting. A came up B came up with C had been come up with D put forward (2)抚养大;教养 Parents should bring up children to be polite. Tom was brought up by his uncle 联想扩展:bring in 介绍;

2、引进;赚钱 bring out 出版;生产bring about 致使 bring back 拿回来;使恢复 bring along 使发展;领来 bring down 击落;降低bring on 导致;使成长 即时活用:1、Although the prices of TV set are _ , he managed to make the manager _ the price of that TV set .A.going up ; bring down B. gone up ; go down C .going up ; brought down D. going down ; br

3、ing up2、_ up in the village as a child , Mr Gao offers _ fifty thousand Yuan to the primary school to help build a classroom building .A.Brought ; to contribute B. Having been brought ;contributingC. Having brought ; to contribute D. To be brought ; contributing2 be set in 故事发生在;以为背景联想扩展:set about 开

4、始;散布 set back 往回拨;推迟 set aside 挑出;不顾;不理会 set apart 使分离;留出 set forth 动身;启程;阐明 set off 动身;出发;引爆 set oneself against 坚决反对 set out 动身;开始;装饰;摆放 set up 开办;建立 set out to do sth 着手做 set about doing sth着手做特别提示:set out 和set about 都表示“着手做”。但set out 后跟to do, 而set about后跟doing。即时活用:1、Its ten years since the scie

5、ntist _ on his lifes work of discovering the valuable chemical. A. made for B. set out C. took off D. turned up2、Its ten years since the scientist _ on his lifes work of discovering the valuable chemical. A. made for B. set out C. took off D. turned up3、Having decided to rent a flat, we _ contacting

6、 all the accommodation agencies in the city. A. set about B. set down C. set out D. set up4、Rita _ two hours every Sunday afternoon to spend with her son. A. set out B. set away C. set aside D. set off5、The funny story _ a loud laugh in the classroom. A. got off B. set off C. took off D. turned out答

7、案:B答案:B答案:A答案:C答案:C3 As a matter of fact, I landed in Britain by accident. 事实上,我是偶然来到英国的。Eg ; I ran into an old friend in the street by accident.by accident 偶然;无意中by chance 偶然;碰巧 by mistake 错误的 by all means 一定;务必 by means of 用;凭借 by no means 决不4 account for 做出解释;导致 How do you account for the acciden

8、ts in series? Bad weather accounted for the long delay.5 seek vt. & vi. ( Sought ; sought ) 追求;寻找 试图;企图 征求联想扩展:seek after/ for 寻求;追求 seek out 搜出;挑出 play hide and seek 做迷藏 not far to seek不难找到;很简单 即时活用: 1、They wandered around the village, _the _ bike.A. seeking; missingB. sought; missed C. seeking; mi

9、ssedD. sought; missing 2、As there was not much chance to find good jobs in their hometown,many young men now tried to _ their fortune in cities.A.find B.find out C.seek D.look at答案:A答案:C8、on the contrary 正相反 -You are free today. 你今天有空。 -On the contrary, I have a lot of things to do. 相反,我有许多事情要做。 9、W

10、e will have to take a chance. 我们不得不冒一次险。 take a chance冒险 I dont want to take a chance to do that. 我不想冒险做那件事。 Dont take a chance by driving so fast. 别冒险把车开那么快。 联想扩展:1takefor granted / take advantage of / take after与.相像 / take away / take care of / take charge of / take delight in以为乐 / take down / tak

11、e effect / take for 把.看成是/ take in接受; 吸收;理解 / take off / take on/ take ones time / take over接管 / take pains / take part in / take place / take the place of / take to喜欢;亲近 / take turns / take up / takeinto account考虑 / takefor example / takeinto consideration考虑即时活用:1、I _ him for a foreigner. Why didnt

12、 you tell me earlier?A. have taken B. took C. take D. had taken2、I want to change my desk. It _too much room.A. took up B. has been taken up C. takes up D. is taken up3、 What will you do with your apartment when you leave? - John will take _ the apartment and pay the rent.A. up B. in C. over D. alon

13、g4、Hospital doctors dont go out very often as their work _ all their time.A. takes away B. takes in C. takes over D. takes up5、To look like ones father is to take _ him in appearance.A. from B. over C. after D. for答案:B答案:C答案:C答案:D答案:C 10 in rags 衣衫褴褛The begger was dressed in rags. He is rich, but hi

14、s clothes are in rags. 12、As for the bill, sir, please forget it. 至于账单,先生,忘了它吧。as for 至于;说到As for me, I dont have enough money to do that. 至于我,我没有足够的钱做那件事情。As for study, he will turn to other topic. 说到学习,他就转话题。易混辨析:as to至于;说到 as if=as though 似乎;好像 as with 和相同即时活用:_ running, learning English needs will.A. As with B. As to C. As for D. As if答案:A


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