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1、教学设计PEP小学英语六年级下册Unit2 Last weekendPart B Lets talk 姓名:郅艳红单位:子美小学Unit2 Last weekend Part B Lets talk 一、课程标准相关要求 能在图片、图像、手势的帮助下,听懂课堂活动中简单的提问;能认读所学单词。敢于开口,表达中不怕出错;积极参与各种课堂学习活动,能就熟悉的生活话题交流信息和简单的意见,积极探索适合自己的教学方法。 二、学情分析学生刚接触一般过去时,能针对自己或他人过去的活动做简单的问答练习,本课是篇章的学习,对学生来说有一定的难度,为降低难度,我通过让学生听音乐、喝水,创设情景,复习listen

2、ed to music, drank some water导入新课,借助图片呈现新词magazine, 进一步突破难点句子It talked about a lot of new films;变换不同的方式朗读对话;通过不断地提问反馈策略及时检查学生理解掌握情况;小组合作学习能调动学生的参与热情,做到学以致用。三、教学目标1. 会说并能正确使用动词的过去式2. 理解并能准确、流利地朗读对话。3. 能用一般过去时谈论自己的周末。四、评价任务1创设情境、借助图片询问他人过去的活动,练习使用动词的过去式。(检测目标1的达成情况)2通过图片、问题、录音、视频等方式学习对话。(检测目标2的达成情况)3、

3、通过同伴对话、写出并谈论自己的周末(检测目标3的达成情况)五、教学重点及难点会用一般过去时谈论自己过去的活动,并能拓展运用。六、教法、学法通过让学生听音乐、喝水,创设情景,复习listened to music, drank some water导入新课,借助图片呈现新词magazine, 进一步突破难点句子It talked about a lot of new films;变换不同的方式朗读对话;通过不断地提问反馈策略及时检查学生理解掌握情况;小组合作学习能调动学生的参与热情,做到学以致用。七、教学步骤一、 导入新课 通过让学生听音乐、喝水,创设情境,复习What did you do j

4、ust now? I listened to music. I drank some water. 为进一步学习一般过去时营造良好的氛围。二、 呈现新课1. Show a picture T: Whats it? S1: A film? T: No, its about films. S2: A magazine? T: Oh, yes. Can you spell “magazine”? S3: Yes, m-a-g-a-z-i-n-e, magazine. T: Good, its a film magazine. And its new. This is a new film magaz

5、ine. Ss: (Say together) This is a new film magazine. T: I read it last weekend. It talked about a lot of new films. Ss: (Follow the teacher) It talked about a lot of new films. T: You know “talk about”? S4: “谈论” T: “谈论,讲述” .Whats the meaning of the sentence? S5: 电影杂志里讲述了许多新电影。 T: Youre right. Who ca

6、n read it? (Check to read) .2. Show pictures of films, practice the sentence patterns: Did you see a film? Yes, I did. Was it interesting? Yes, it was.3. Last weekend I saw a film, cooked meals, did housework, went shopping and did something else. I had a busy weekend. How was your weekend?What did

7、you do? Make a conversation like this: A: How was your weekend? Was it? B: Yes, it was. / No, it was. A: What did you do last weekend? B: I . A: Did you? B: Yes, I did. / No, I didnt. A: Did you do anything else?B: Yes, I did something else.三、呈现课文与操练1. Lets try. T: Wu Yifan and John are talking abou

8、t their weekends. Listen and circle: (1)What did Wu Yifan do last weekend? (2) Are Wu Yifan and Sarah going to meet Amy together? Ss: Listen and circle.2. Before reading.T: John is going to meet Amy. Look, John meets Amy. Where are they going? You can guess. S1: To the hospital? S2: To the park? S3:

9、 To school? . T: Maybe, we dont know. And how are they going? S1: By bus? S2: By taxi? S3: On foot? . T: Listen and answer the questions.3. While reading. (1) They are going to the bookstore by bus. What is John going to buy? Lets watch the video and answer. (2) T: Here are some questions for you. W

10、ho can read for us? S1: Did John see a film last weekend? S2: What was wrong with John? S3: Does John feel better now? T: Lets read together. Ss: (Read) T: Please read by yourself and answer the questions. (3) Read in roles (4) Read in pairs, then check to read.4. After reading. Sing a song based on

11、 the key points: What did you do last weekend? I stayed at home all weekend.What did you do last weekend?I slept.Did you see a film last weekend?No, I didnt. I had a cold.Im happy you feel better now.四、 巩固与拓展What did you do last weekend? Please write down something about your weekend.九、 HomeworkWrite down something about your friends weekend.


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