General Words 一般用词.doc

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《General Words 一般用词.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《General Words 一般用词.doc(11页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、General Words 一般用词accep sb.s congratulations接受某人的祝贺 agree with sb. 同意某人的建议 agreement赞成 appreciate感激,欣赏 argue争议,辩论as ab. see it在某人看来assist帮助,协助assure使确信at a loss茫然,困惑不解at odds with sb.与某人不一致,与某人争执at ones wits end智穷计尽,不知所措be certain about/of对确信be confident of oneself充满自信be convinced of相信be against (fo

2、r)反对(赞成)be sure to 一定要beside the point离题bet打赌beyond doubt毫无疑问bless为祝福,为祈神保佑blessing祝福chance机会come off it停止,别那么说了come round to改变主意,让步come up with提出 comfortable舒适的commend表扬,称赞comment评议confident充满信心的congratulate祝贺convince使相信count on依靠,依赖 debate争议differ from sb. 与意见不同disagree不同意discuss讨论do justice to 公平

3、对待doubt怀疑excuse原谅false错误的for sure/certain肯定,确切地from ones point of view在某人看来get a point有道理give sb.ones congratulations请代某人向表示祝贺give up放弃 go along with赞同grateful感激的 gratitude感激have sth. in mind有想法hear out听完helpful有益的hit the (right)nail on the head一语中的honor荣誉,荣幸How about?怎么样?if you please请indebted 感激的,

4、蒙恩的in a sense/ way 在一定程度上inclined倾向于 kind 善良的know of 知道make it成功make a fuss over对大惊小怪make sense有道理make sure/certain设法确保make up ones mind决定,决心make up 和好may/ might as well不妨mention提及millions of thanks万分感谢mistaken错误的no doubt无疑地,确实nothing of不够的素质或条件obliged感激的opinion意见personally依个人之见,个人地pick up 拿起,收拾,重谈话

5、题point 观点possibly可能地promotion晋升put ones heads together集思广益reasonable合理的recall回忆,记起recommend推荐remind提醒similar与相似so far到目前为止spare出让,让给suppose认为,猜想sure 该文章转载自无忧考网:http:/ of 对确信sure of oneself自信的swear发誓take back收回talk sth. over就进行商谈the pros and cons赞成与反对the very thing千真万确的事the way I see it在我看来think abou

6、t认为to ones mind依某人看来trouble sb. for sth. 用某事麻烦某人What if?如果怎么样?Why not?为什么不?(2)Party宴请address 致辞ashtray烟灰缸at-home party家庭宴会band乐队banquet(正式)宴会ball/ dance party舞会bar/ discotheque酒吧bartender调酒员birthday cake生日蛋糕birthday greetings生日贺辞birthday noodles长寿面birthday party生日宴会candle蜡烛chandelier吊灯cap opener开瓶器C

7、heers!干杯Christmas party圣诞舞会cigarette香烟cocktail鸡尾酒cocktail dress鸡尾酒礼服 cocktail party鸡尾酒会commemorative party 纪念宴会dance跳舞dance party/ ball舞会dinner便宴dinner dress简便女晚礼服dining hall大餐厅dinner party晚餐会electric guitar电吉他 evening dress晚礼服farewell party欢送会feast 宴饮,大宴会floral centerpiece(桌上)插花garden party游园会give

8、a banquet设宴good / best wishes贺辞guest of honor主客host主人,贵宾hostess女主人invitation card请柬,请帖invitation ticket招待票lighter打火机make/ serve tea上茶,端茶masked ball化装舞会MC(Master of Ceremonies)司仪microphone麦克风miniskirt超短裙muddler调酒器musician音乐家money given to children as a lunar New Year gift压岁钱napkin 餐巾neon light霓虹灯New

9、Year banquet新年宴会night spot夜总会party宴会party dress 宴会礼服piano 钢琴pink tea正式茶会serve a meal 上菜singer歌手spot light聚光灯stage 舞台tea party茶会waiter服务员waitress 女服务员wedding dinner/ reception 结婚宴会welcome party/ meeting 欢迎会(3)Visiting拜访brush off/ refuse拒绝caller 访客chat about/ have a chat about聊天classmate 同班同学close fri

10、end密友come across/ happen to s 该文章转载自无忧考网:http:/ in person 突然相遇comrade/ colleague同事comradeship 同志关系compatriot同胞customer 顾客doormat门垫,鞋擦drop in/ call at / visit拜访feel free to 随意,不拘束fellow student同学friend朋友friendly友好的friendship 友谊,友情gentleman男人,男子汉get acquainted with 和相识 get ready 准备gift 赠品glad/ happy高兴

11、 go (out) with约会,和交往greet 寒暄guest 客人hint 暗示introduce sb. to 把介绍给invite邀请Its nice of you to 承蒙lecture演讲,讲授lady夫人,小姐Ladies女士们,女厕meet 遇见,会见meet for the first time第一次见面meet in (地点)在碰头miss小姐,女士(未婚)on time准时person of the same village/ province同乡peephole窥孔present礼物reception/ drawing room会客室schoolmate同窗Sir先生relation 亲戚,家属relative亲戚(较疏远)see/ send a person off送别speak of/ mention说起,提到speak to/ talk with 同交谈speech发言,演说stop by/ call at(地点)/ call on(人) 顺便来访talk over商量,商谈tie down 拘束visiting/ calling card 名片whisper/ murmur耳语Would you like to ? 好吗? 该文章转载自无忧考网:http:/


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