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1、剑桥BEC高级真题第三辑TEST3资料仅供参考READING1 hourPART ONE Questions 1-8BEC第三辑高级 Test 3l Look at the statements below and at the five extracts on the opposite page from the annual reports of five mobile phone companies.l Which company (A, B, C, D or E) does each statement (1-8) refer to?l For each statement (1-8)

2、, mark one letter (A, B, C, D or E) on your Answer Sheet.l You will need to use some of these letters more than once.l There is an example at the beginning, (0).Example:0 This company has no direct competition.ABCDE1 This company is still making a financial loss.2 This company is having part of its

3、business handled by an outside agency.3 This company has grown without undue expense.4 This company is trying to find out what the market response will be to a new product.5 This company continues to lose customers.6 This company aims to target a specific group of consumers.7 This company is finding

4、 it less expensive than before to attract new customers.8 This company has rationalised its outlets.AOur management team is dedicated to delivering operational excellence and improved profitability. In the coming year, we will focus our marketing on professional young adults, who represent the high

5、value segment of the market and who according to independent research are most likely to adopt our more advanced mobile data products. Customer retention is central to our strategy, and we have been successful in reversing the customer loss of recent years by loyalty and upgrade schemes. A restructu

6、ring programme, resulting from changingmarketing conditions, has seen our workforce scaled down to 6,100 people.BAs the only network operator in the country, our marketing is aimed at expanding the size of the market. In the business sector, we have targeted small and medium-sized businesses by offe

7、ring standardised services, and large customers by offering tailored telecommunications solutions. We have been at the forefront of introducing new telecommunications technology and services and have recently distributed 150 of our most advanced handsets to customers to assess the likely demand for

8、advanced data services. Last year, the industry recognised our achievement when we won a national award for technological progress.CA new management team has driven our improved performance here. It is committed to bringing the business into profitability within three years after reaching break-even

9、 point in the next financial year. We are focused on delivering rising levels of customer service and an improvement in the quality and utilisation of our network. Good progress has been made on all these fronts. The cost of acquiring new subscribers has been reduced and new tariffs have been introd

10、uced to encourage greater use of the phone in the late evening.DWe have continued to expand our network in a cost-efficient manner and have consolidated our retail section by combining our four whollyowned retail businesses into a single operating unit. We expect this to enhance our operational effe

11、ctiveness and the consistency of our service. Our ambition is to give customers the best retail experience possible. We were, therefore, delighted earlier this year when we won a major European award for customer service. This was particularly pleasing to us as we have always given high priority to

12、customer satisfaction and operational excellence.EHere, we are focused on continuously realising cost efficiencies as well as improving the level of customer satisfaction and retention. We have already taken effective measures to reduce customer loss and to strengthen our delivery of customer servic

13、e. The quality of our network has improved significantly over the past year and an increase in the utilisation of our network is now a priority. The operation of our customer service centre has been outsourced to a call centre specialist and this has led to a substantial increase in the level ofserv

14、ice.PART TW0Questions 9-14l Read this text taken from an article about theimportance to companies of not losing their employees knowledge.l Choose the best sentence from the opposite page to fill each of the gaps.l For each gap (9-14), mark one letter (A-H) on your Answer Sheet.l Do not use any lett

15、er more than once.l There is an example at the beginning, (0).Protectrhg the corporate memoryMany companies risk losing expertise through job cuts. But by analysing how staff interact, they may be able to minimise the damage.Many staff have knowledge which is essential to their company. So what can businesses do to avoid losing that expertise when staff leave, and to dis- suade employees from keeping their knowledge to themselves in the face of possible job cuts?First, they need to recognise the problem. A downturn in the economy exposes many companies


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