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1、2022-2023学年九上英语期末模拟试卷注意事项:1答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上。2回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑,如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其它答案标号。回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡上,写在本试卷上无效。3考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。. 单项选择1、Thanks to Project Hope, _ children have better lives.Athousands ofBthousandsCthousand of2、 You have explored this forest for severa

2、l months. Do you have any discoveries?No, I dont. I didnt see any tigers at all.AintroductionsBfindingsCstories3、-Shall we finish the task mow?- _.AThe more, the betterBEasier said than doneCThe sooner, the betterDThe older, the wiser4、I would like to take part in the volunteer work May Day.AinBonCa

3、tDfor5、Your spoken English is much better.-Thank you. My teacher often asks us _ English as _ as possible.Ato speak; manyBnot to speak; muchCto speak; muchDnot to speak; more6、A lot of people like reading newspapers _ they can learn what is happening in the world.Aso thatBeven thoughCas soon as7、Dav

4、id Burts dream in China is to go into the west and _ an early childhood school there.Aclean upBlook upCgive upDset up8、Are you surprised at the ending of the movie?No, because I _ the story.AreadBwill readChave readDwas reading9、Im afraid the class has begun.Dont worry. It _ until the bell _.Adoesnt

5、 begin; ringsBwont begin; will ringCwont begin; ringsDdoesnt begin; will ring10、-What else do you need, sir?- _else. Ive got enough, Thanks.ANothingBAnythingCSomething. 完形填空11、My dear,My name is Amy. I am an English girl. Now I live 1 London. I have a happy family. There are four people in my family

6、. They are my father, my mother, my brother and 2 . My brother and I 3 junior high school students. We are in the same school. But we are in different 4 . My brother is in Grade Nine and I am in Grade Seven. My mother is Chinese. She 5 from Hangzhou, China. She 6 Chinese in our school. She is 7 to t

7、he students and her classes are very nice. Her students like her very much. My father is an engineer(工程师). He often goes to China to see my grandparents and 8 China. He knows 9 about China. He 10 Chinese well. My parents often tell my brother and me something about Chinese people and Chinese food. M

8、y mother can 11 jiaozi well. Its our favorite 12 . We often eat out in a Chinese 13 . I have some pen pals in Japan, America, Canada and Cuba. But I dont have any in China. I want 14 one in China and visit you some day.Lets be 15 . Amy1AforBinCatDto2AmyBmineCusDme3AamBisCareDhave4AclassBgradesCteach

9、ersDclassmates5AcomesBcomeCgetsDhas6AteacherBteachCteachesDteachers7AtallByoungChappyDkind8AsingBtakeCvisitDlook9Aa lotBa lot ofCmanyDlot of10AsaysBspeaksCtellsDreads11Ato makeBmakesCmakingDmake12AcolorBbookCfoodDactor13ArestaurantBofficeCfarmDhospital14AfindBto findCfindingDfinds15AstudentsBclassma

10、tesCdifferentDfriend. 语法填空12、IV.语法填空:用所给单词的适当形式填空,未提供单词的根据上下文填入适当的词。My father and I had a big argument. We avoided 1(see) each other recently. But last Tuesday I decided to tell my father I loved him. The next morning I got up early. I was so excited 2I could hardly sleep. At 9 a.m. I called my dad.

11、3he answered the phone,I said, “Dad,can I come over after work tonight? I have something 4 (tell) you.” My dad answered angrily, “Now what?”I told him it wouldnt take long, so he 5(final) agreed. At 5:30 p.m., I was ringing the doorbell at my parents house. Dad 6(answer) the door. I took one step an

12、d said, “Dad, I just come over to tell you that I love you.” After my father heard the words, he hugged me and said, “l love you too, son, 7Ive never been able to say it.” It was such 8 great moment that I didnt want to move. After a while I left. Two days after that visit, my dad, who had heart 9(p

13、roblem), passed away.So my advice for all of you 10 (be): Dont wait to do the things that need to be done now. 阅读理解A13、(D)Family meals: Easy fish pie By Caroline Hire A simple fish pie thats quick to prepare Cook a big dish for the whole family within one hour Just follow me and have a try 1How long

14、 does it take to prepare and cook the dishA15 minutes B25 minutes C55 minutes D60 minutes2How much milk do you need to cook the dishA25ml B50g C400ml D400g3Before boiling the potatoes, what should you do with themAAdd enough water to cover them. BAdd enough flours to cover them.CPour some milk into the pan. DPut some butter into the pan.4When do you need to add cheese powder to the dish ?AAfter the dish gets thick. BAfter taking off th


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