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1、 人教版必修Book 3 Unit 1词块学习-剪贴,熟读,背诵,问答 银川一中 SophieUnit 1 Book three单词表中词块1. 在过去的五年,我的家乡发生了巨变2. 我们学校的科技周将于下月举办3. 瑞雪兆丰年4. 他渴望去山区教书5. 渴望一次成功6. 一次成功的庆祝会7. 圣诞节是西方的庆祝活动8. 端午节的起源9. 英语的起源10. 一个宗教的节日11. 扫墓和点香12. 为了纪念祖先13. 一次视听盛宴14. 用。款待客人15. 在这个重要的节日里16. 头骨形状的食物17. 庆祝万圣节18. 相信19. 令人难以置信的20. 装扮成鬼魂21. 穿着新衣服的孩子们22

2、. 搞恶作剧23. 一些商业手段24. 骗取某人钱财25. 诱导我们买质量不好的产品26. 当某人到达时27. 赢得某人的独立28. 他已经独立于他的父母了29. 依赖于他人也许会阻碍发展你的独立性30. 鼓足了勇气,他说出了真相31. 收集鲜花/食物/经验/信息32. 在广场集合同学们33. 干农活34. 因为农产品而获奖35. 为他的英勇给他颁奖36. 赏月并吃月饼(课文)37. 因为他的博学而敬佩他38. 精力充沛39. 我们盼望的那一天终于到了40. 农历新年41. 元宵节是在农历正月十五42. 复活节是基督徒的一个节日43. 樱花节44. 和大家玩得开心45. 一个遍及世界的风俗46

3、. 有必要保护我们的传统文化47. 征求某人的许可48. 未经许可任何人不许将书带出阅览室49. 停车场50. 情人节51. 他到现在还没有出现52. 遵守诺言(不遵守诺言)53. 屏住呼吸54. 深深吸一口新鲜空气55. 因为。向。道歉56. 借酒浇愁57. 很明显我们应该遵从当地的风俗58. 擦汗水/擦桌子59. 织女60. 银河61. 放烟花、放炮62. 出发去美国63. 别忘了提醒我开会的事儿64. 她最终原谅了他所犯的错误1. In the past five years, great changes have taken place in my hometown.2. The Sc

4、ience Week will take place in our school next week. (=will be held)3. A timely snow promises a good harvest.4. He starved/longed to teach in the countryside.5. starve for a success=long for a success6. a successful celebration7. Christmas is a western celebration8. the origin of the Dragon boat Fest

5、ival9. the origin of English10. a religious festival11. clean graves and light incense12. in memory of the ancestors13. a feast for our eyes and ears14. feast the guests on sth./treat the guests to sth.15. on this important feast day16 food in the shape of skulls17.celebrate Halloween18. in the beli

6、ef that/ have belief in19. beyond belief20 dress (sb.)up as the spirits of the dead people21. children dressed in (dressed up)new clothes22.play a trick on/ play tricks on23. some tricks of business= some business tricks24.trick/fool/cheat sb out of their money25.trick us into buying some products o

7、f poor quality. 类似用法fool/cheat sb into doing sth26. on ones arrival27. gain ones independence from28.He has been independent of his parents= He has gained his independence from his parents.29.Dependence on others may stop you from developing your own independence.30. Gathering courage, he spoke out

8、the truth.31. gather flowers/food/experience/information32.gather the students in the square33. do the agricultural work= do the farm work34. win/receive awards for the farm produce35. award him a prize for his bravery36.admire the moon and enjoy mooncakes37.admire him for his learning(admirable adj

9、. admiration .)38. be full of energy= be energetic39.The day we are looking forward to is coming at last. The day we were looking forward to came at last40. the Lunar New Year41. The Lantern Festival takes place on the fifteenth day of the first lunar month.42. Easter is a Christian festival。43. the

10、 Cherry Blossom Festival44.have fun with others45. a worldwide custom46.There is a necessity to protect our traditional culture. = It is a necessity to protect out traditional culture47. ask for ones permission48. Nobody can take books out of the reading room without permission.49. parking lot50.Val

11、entines Day51.Until now, he hasnt turned up.52.keep ones word/ break ones word53. hold ones breath54. take a deep breath of fresh air55.apologize to sb. for sth./ make an apology to sb. for sth.56. drown oneself in wine/drink57.It is obvious that we should follow the local customs.= Obviously, we sh

12、ould follow the local customs.58. wipe the sweat/the table59. the weaving girl(s)60.the Milky Way61.set off fireworks62. set off for America63.Dont forget to remind me of the meeting.(类似用法 warn/inform/cure/rob/persuade/rid/accuse)64.She finally forgave him for his mistakes.Unit 1 Book three课文中的词块1.

13、节日旨在庆祝一年中重要的日子2. 庆祝冬天的结束3. 春天的耕种和秋天的收获4. 亡灵节5. 让祖先得到满足6. 给逝去的人供奉食物和鲜花7. 将祖先带回到世上8. 在古老的信念中9. 用花来装饰屋子10. 红包包的压岁钱11. 舞龙和游行12. 享受生活,暂时忘却我们的工作13. 和。结婚14. 在农历七月初七15. 这张照片让我想起了他16. 记得提醒他关灯1.festivals are meant to celebrate important times of year2.celebrate the end of the cold weather3.planting in spring

14、and harvest in autumn (名词4.Festivals of the Dead5. satisfy the ancestors6.offer food and flowers to the dead7.lead the ancestors back to earth8.in old beliefs9. decorate the room with flowers10.lucky money in red paper11.dragon dances and carnivals12.enjoy life and forget our work for a little while

15、.13.marry sb/ get(be) married to ab14.on the seventh day of the seventh lunar month15.The photo reminded me of him.16.Remember to remind him to turn off the lights.Unit 1 Book three课文重点句型1. with+宾语+宾语补足语(adj,/adv./to do/doing/ done/prp. Phrases)-句中作状语(原因、时间、条件、伴随、方式)和后置定语With a lot of work to do, he nearly broke down last month. 原因With time gong by, he came to realize the significanc


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