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1、Unit 3 My Birthday第二课时一、教学目标:1能够听、说、认读本课时句型When is your birthday? My birthday is in February. Is your birthday in February, too? No, my birthday is in .并能在实际情境中运用。 2能听懂、会唱歌曲“When Is Your Birthday?”。 3帮助学生了解中西方共有的或特有的节日和风俗,扩大知识面。二、教学内容:1句型:When is your birthday? My birthday is in February. My birthda

2、y is in October.2句式表达:Is your birthday in February, too? No, my birthday is in December. What about you, Zhang Peng?三、教学重难点:1重点是能够听懂、会说句型When is your birthday? My birthday is in February. Is your birthday in February, too? No, my birthday is in . 并能在实际情境中运用。 2难点是能用英语表达中西方的一些重要节日,如New Years Day, Chil

3、drens Day, Tree-planting Day等,并了解它们所在的月份。 四、教学准备:录音机、录音带、图卡、课件。 五、教学过程:教学环节教师活动学生活动应用资源建议Warm-up/ Review1Daily talk.T: What day is it today?Whats the weather like today? 1与教师进行日常对话。 2Review.出示12个月份的单词卡。2学生认读,并拼读12个月份的缩略形式。 图片:12个月份单词 3Lets sing.播放歌曲“When Is Your Birthday?”。再次播放,出示歌词。出示不同的月份单词。3欣赏歌曲,

4、并说一说唱歌的小孩是几月份生日。 跟唱。按规律变换歌词唱歌曲。动画:Lets singPresentation/ Practise1教学When is your birthday? Is your birthday in ? T: When is your birthday?T: Is your birthday in ?Pair work.1学习When is your birthday? Is your birthday in ? Ss: My birthday is in .Ss: Yes, it is. / No, it isnt.Pair work.A: When is your b

5、irthday?B: My birthday is in . Is your birthday in ?A: Yes / No, my birthday is in . 2Guessing game.请一名学生站到黑板前。让尽可能多的学生参与进来。2Guessing game. 其他同学用Is your birthday in ?来猜他的生日。 3Lets talk.贴出Mike, Amy和Zhang Peng的图 像,问When are their birthdays? 播放录音两遍。对话文本逐句出现。3听录音,回答:Mikes birthday is in December. Amys b

6、irthday is in February. Zhang Pengs birthday is in October. 音频:A Lets talk 4Teach: National Day.顺着对话的内容说: Zhang Pengs birthday is in October. There is a festival in October, too. Its our National Day. (出示一张有代表性的图片。) 提问 When is National Day? 呈现一些图片,引导学生理解其他节日,如Childrens Day等,并要求说出节日所在月份。4Learn: Natio

7、nal Day. 理解National Day,跟读。 回答:Its October 1st. 理解、跟读节日名称,并说出这些节日所在的月份。 5Lets find out (P16).指导学生完成连线。5完成节日与相应月份的连线。连线,同桌操练When is ? Its in .Consolidation/ Extension1播放Lets try的音频文件。1在Amy, Her mother, Her father下面的括号内填出相应的月份。 音频:A Lets try 2再次播放录音。2核对答案,并跟读所听内容。 3教师呈现相应练习,并进行分析。Look and write. Look and choose. 3学生完成练习,并及时订正错的题目。 六、板书设计:Unit 3 My Birthday Lesson 2A: When is your birthday?B: My birthday is in February.A: Is your birthday in February, too?C: Yes, it is. / No, it isnt.七、Homework:1听课本第29页课文录音,并跟读。2与自己的小伙伴操练A Lets talk里的对话(可改编)。3跟录音学唱歌曲“When Is Your Birthday?”。


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