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1、人教版九年级英语上册UNIT 8学情评估时间:45分钟总分值:100分一单项选择。(每题2分,共20分)1.易专昔题The pink hairband must belong to.A.LindasB.LindaC.hersD.sheIf the weather is nice, we could have a(n)in the park.A.picnicB.chanceC.placeD.ideaDifficulties always go with me!一Cheer up! If God closes a door in front of you, there be a window op

2、enedfor you.A. mayB. couldC. mustD. cant一Do you know the saying “Lost years are worse than lost dollars”?一Yes, it tells us that nothing is more than time.A. terribleB. valuableC. educationalD. ordinary易 昔题I a strange gift yesterday, and I still dont know who it was from.一Maybe its from me. Aha!A. to

3、okB. acceptedC. receivedD. boughtWho would you like to study with, Mary?.I dont mind.A. SomebodyB. EverybodyC. AnybodyD. Nobody一What beautiful handwriting(书法)! I wonder notebook this is.It must be Lin Fengs.B. whatA. whichC. whomC. whomD. whoseBill is a strong-minded boy. He said nothing could preve

4、nt him his dream.A achieveB to achieveC. achievedD. achievingThe meeting was held the purpose of discussing how to solve the problemscaused by the floods.A. forB. ofC. aboutD. under一Is Grace the right person to translate the article?.She is good at both English and French.A . Good luckB. Dont worryC

5、. YouYe jokingD. I guess so二、 完形填空。(每题2分,共30分)The beach was crowded with people. Terry was playing in the water with his 11 Annie. They were having a lot of fun. People around them were 12 having a great time swimming or throwing beach balls to one another.The water was so clear that Terry and Annie

6、 13 to move deeper into the sea. They had walked only a few steps when a frenzy(3王舌I) of activity made 14 stop at once. Everyone in the water was crying, 15 and running back. Terry thought, “It might be a shark! ” Terry had J6 seen a shark, but he knew it must be dangerous.“Run! Annie cried, taking

7、her brothers hand. They tried to move as J 7 as they could to the shore. Only when Terry reached the shore did he 18 to turn back. It was then that he realized19everyone had started running. There was awaterspout(水龙卷)in the middle of the sea. People ran off as they were 20 that the wind would sweep

8、onto the beach. Terry 21 reading something about waterspouts last year. This was a harmless waterspout. After about fifteen minutes, the waterspout seemed to disappear(消失)into the cloud.The more knowledgeable ones knew it was 22 to continue with their earlieractivities. However, some people didnt ri

9、sk getting caught in the waterspout. Theypacked up and 23 the beach. Terry and Annie chose to stay. They knew 24bad would happen to them. 25 they still felt a little bit nervous about going intothe water, they went to build sandcastlesthe water, they went to build sandcastles11. A. sisterC. cousin12

10、. A. stillC. even13. A. failedC decided14. A. usC. her15. A. waking upC. getting off16. A. alwaysC sometimes17. A. quicklyC. politely18. A. agreeC, learn19. A. whenC. why20. A. gladC. surprised21. A. avoidedC suggested22. A. safeC necessary23. A. cleanedC. leftinstead.B motherD. daughterB alsoD. onl

11、yB fearedD refusedB. himD themB talking backD. turning aroundB. oftenD neverB. quietlyD. carefullyB dareD. promiseB. howD whereB afraidD upsetB continuedD rememberedB. impossibleD. helpfulB. calledD. visited24. A. everythingC. anything24. A. everythingC. anythingB somethingD. nothing25. A. IfB. AsC.

12、 UntilD. Although三 阅读理解。(每题3分,共30分)AMy name is Peter Green. I live in Australia. I had a very unusual experience. I saw a UFO in the daytime.Early this spring, I went outside with my friend Barry who lived close to me. We were walking home when I saw a large round bright thing moving around in the s

13、ky. I called Barry and asked him to look up. He kept asking, Whats that? ”It was round and red in the center.I looked at it for a moment. It seemed that it had wings. Barry would not believe me when I told him it must be a UFO. We shouted to it excitedly and we wished that it would land. We wanted t

14、o know if there was an alien in it.Seeing it was still in the sky, Barry said, Camera! Camera! ” He ran as quickly as possible to his home to get a camera. But when he returned, the UFO had already left.Maybe our shouting scared it? We were both regretful for not taking any photos of the UFO.26. The

15、 story happened.A. late in springB at nightC. in RussiaD during the daytimeHow did they feel when they saw the UFO?A. Sad.B. Scared.C. Uninterested.D. Excited.27. Peter and Barry hoped that.A. the UFO would landB . they had wings like the UFOC. an alien would visit themD an alien would shout to themBarry ran home to.A. ask his parents to look at the UFOB call the policeC. look for a place for the UFO to land onD. get a cameraWhats the best title of the passage?A. A happy dayB.


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