Literary Devices修辞格汇总 甄选

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《Literary Devices修辞格汇总 甄选》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Literary Devices修辞格汇总 甄选(3页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Literary Devices修辞格汇总(优选.)What are Literary DevicesThe article explains what are literary devices through descriptions presented below. The use of literary devices in poetry and literature is quite common. These tools (literary devices) add meaning to and beautify the literary work.Ads by GoogleRole

2、x Mentor and Protege Initiative, Professional Artists Writing for the RolexProgramme RBible Symbolism Beyond the Parables Jesus used to conceal/reveal GodsTruths. Written a Book? Come Join A Publisher Founded By Writers For Writers www.RaiderP The various literary techniques are deliberately used fo

3、r the purpose of giving a certain spec ific effect to words/language. The common structures used in writing, literary devices are categorized into literary techniques and literary elements. Few of the examples of literary elements are plot, theme, setting, protagonist, etc. To get a rough idea of wh

4、at are some examples of literary techniques, have a look at the following terms: simile, metaphor, oxymoron, onomatopoeia, etc. Let us understand more about what are literary devices used in English language through this article.What are Literary Devices Used For?The literary device as stated earlie

5、r, add punch to writing and makes the literary work readable. The use of literary devices in literature help in developing a plot or explaining a particular situation quite easily. It is also with the literary devices that meaning and a proper framework is presented to the writing. Let us understand

6、 more about what are literary devices through following article.What are Literary Devices - ExamplesExplanation of commonly used literary devices along with the list of remaining is provided below. Alliteration: A literary device/figure of speech is said to be an alliteration when theconsonant sound

7、s (initial) get repeated. Here are few examples of alliteration being used. Irony: It is a figure of speech used in conveying an opposite meaning to what is actuallysaid. There is a tinge of sarcasm in the speech when a person tries to use ironical sentences. Simile: This literary device is used for

8、 the purpose of comparison. The words such as like,as, etc. are used when similie is used in a sentence. Example: He looks like a king. Metaphor: The literary device, metaphor is same as simile except for the different thatwords, as, like, etc. are not used. Example: He is a tiger. Here is a list of

9、 metaphors which might prove to be useful for the readers Hyperbole: The hyperbole is a literary device used for exaggeration. Example: He drankoceans of tea while preparing for the examination. Onomatopoeia: In this figure of speech, meaning of words is the same as they sound.Example: click, ding-d

10、ong, etc. Here are few examples of onomatopoeia.Personification: This literary device is used to attribute human characteristics to inanimate objects.Most of the figures of speech described above are amongst literary devices used in poetry. Personification, hyperbole, irony, alliteration, onomatopoe

11、ia are few of these literary devices. A list of literary devices in the tabular form is presented below. The glossary of literary terms should also prove to be useful for the readers.AllegoryAllusionAlliterationAnagramAmplificationAnastropheAnalogyAnthropomorphismAnimismApostropheAphorismAntithesisA

12、ssonanceArchetypeAsyndetonBildungsromanBibliomancyCaesuraCacophonyChiasmusCharacterizationConflictCircumlocutionConsonanceConnotationDeus ex MachinaDenotationDoppelgangerDictionEmulationEkphrasticEpithetEpilogueEuphonyEuphemismFlashbackFaulty ParallelismFableForeshadowingFoilHyperboleHyperbatonInter

13、nal RhymeImageryIronyInversionKenningsJuxtapositionMetaphorMalapropismMot ifMetonymyNegative CapabilityMoodOnomatopoeiaNemesisOxymoronParadoxParablePeriphrasisPathetic FallacyPerso ni ficationPeriodic StructurePlotPoint of ViewPortmanteauPolysyndetonPunsPrologueRhythm & RhymeRhyme SchemeSettingSatir

14、eSpoonerismSimileStream of ConsciousnessStanzaSymbolSyllepsisSynesthesiaSynecdocheSyntaxToneThemeTragedyUnderstatementVerseLiterary Devices in Romeo and JulietThemes and motifs are commonly used literary devices in Romeo and Juliet. Motifs are used for the purpose of symbolism. The other literary de

15、vices from this novel are explained below.Theme: It is the central idea of a story/literary work. This idea (theme) plays an important role in guiding the course of a story. Theme can also be termed as a message that the writer wants to give through a work of literature. In the story of Romeo and Juliet, central theme is love.Plot: A sequence of events which involves the characters of the story and conflicts. Exposition, incident, development and climax are the components of



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