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1、鲤鱼网()英译汉第一讲一、考研翻译的标准1.翻译的标准 信、达、雅$ 2.考研翻译的标准 准确、完整、通顺$ Good to the last drop. 滴滴香浓,意犹未尽。 A diamond lasts forever. 钻石恒久远,一颗永流传。二、考研翻译的具体困难1、词汇层面(1)人名地名的翻译$ (2)术语的翻译$ (3 )熟词的翻译$ (4 )生词的翻译$ (5 )代词的翻译$ i. 众所周知的,按照约定俗成的翻译 Bernard Shaw Bethune Confucius; Mencius ii对于不太熟悉,可以先做音译,再加上括号补出英文原词 iii对于既不熟悉,又无法确定

2、其读音的可以照抄英文原词 地名的翻译 New York; Newcastle; New Zealand 约定俗成 大纲常见25组国名地名 Netherlands; Israel; Ireland; Brazil 常识: Tibet; Amoy; Inner Mongolia; Macao p 1994天才技术与科学发展的关系 1995标准化教育评估与标准化心理评估 1996科学发展的动力 1997动物的权利 1998宇宙的起源 1999史学研究方法 2000科学家与政府 2001计算机与未来生活展望 2002行为科学发展的困难 2003人类学简介 2004语言学 2005大众传媒 2006知识

3、分子问题 2007法律 P8-75 kitchen rage 把握文章主题的基础上字面翻译 P771operational research experts p P8-73 millennium technology calendar P672 intellectual discipline P3-72 scientific establishment P11-62 be obliged to them 注意熟词僻义问题p b所谓的生词 P2 72 validate; P5-73 astrophysicists;P13-47 analogousL 真的生词 P572 the Big Bang;

4、 P8-73 Millennium; P9-64 autonomous P13-46 Socratic B2、句子层面 (1)非谓结构 (2)被动语态 (3)定语从句 (4)名词性从句 (5)状语从句 3、关于全文注意以下三点& 文章的首句与每段的首句一定要看,文章中的注释一定要留意。& 划线句中出现句外指代,要确定指代词具体含义时,需要参见前文& 划线句中有一词多义现象,单看句子本身无法确定其具体含义,可以借助上下文 三、翻译的步骤 (1)理解& 划谓语动词& 找关系词& 确定各部分关系 (2)表达& 按部就翻& 组合成句 (3)校核& 是否对了& 是否全了& 是否顺了四、翻译的方法u 直译

5、、意译、音译$1. Every life has its roses and thorns.B每个人的一生都既有玫瑰,又有荆棘。B人生总是有苦有乐,甘苦参半。2. Valuables left in full view can be open invitation to theft.L把贵重物品放在显眼处,等于是在给小偷发请帖。B 贵重物品应妥善保管,以防被盗。p 音译主要用于广告商标翻译中 Benz Buynow Giant Canon Refine Rising 奔驰 百脑汇 捷安特 佳能 瑞风 瑞升/瑞星p真题全接触 P1- 71 Science moves forward, they

6、say, not so much through the insights of great men of genius as because of more ordinary things like improved techniques and tools. Science moves forward, they say, not so much through A as because of B. not so much as He is as much a singer as a dancer. He is not so much a singer as a dancer. 与其说不如

7、说 科学向前发展,与其说是通过A还不如说是由于B。 A= the insights of great men of genius 多个of结构一般的处理方式:从最后一个往前倒着扣,每扣一次加一个的,完了把多有的的去掉。 更多例证:P7-72; P9-64 B= more ordinary things like improved techniques and tools 在我看来,西班牙之所以可以赢得冠军,与其说是因为队员个人的完美表现,还不如说是由于其他更为重要的因素比如说团队精神和组织纪律性。 Spain had won the championship, I believe, not s

8、o much through the perfect performance of the individual players as because of more important factors like teamwork and discipline. 写作真题: 自信 Sometimes we may fail, I think, not so much through our incompetence as because of the lack of confidence. 94 73 Over the years, tools and technology themselve

9、s as a source of fundamental innovation, have largely been ignored by historians and philosophers of science. Over the years, A as B has largely been ignored by C. 多年以来, A作为B在很大程度上被C所忽略。$ A=tools and technology themselves B=a source of fundamental innovation$ C=historians and philosophers of science

10、$ fundamental= fund+ a +mental 助记:资金和人才对项目来说是根本的。 innovate=in+nov+ate novel renovation lenovo 联想新一代,运动更精彩。p P2-72 How well the predictions will be validated by later performance depends upon the amount, reliability, and appropriateness of the information used and on the skill and wisdom with which i

11、t is interpreted. 并列的几个名词如果共享一个冠词,此时该部分应该视为一个整体,其后的修饰语修饰的是该整体而不是其中的某个单词。 P1-72 “In short”, a leader of the new school contends, “the scientific revolution, as we call it was largely the improvement and invention and use of a series of instruments that expanded the reach of science in innumerable dir

12、ections. p 多年以来,敬老作为中国人的传统美德在很大程度上被出生在20世纪70年代中和20世纪七十年代后的人们所忽视。 Over the years, respecting the old as a traditional virtue of the Chinese has largely been ignored by those born in and after the 1970s. 多年以来,中国传统文化作为世界文化的重要组成部分在很大程度上被一心追求经济发展的中国人所忽视。 Over the years, traditional Chinese culture as an

13、indispensable part of the world culture has largely been ignored by the Chinese citizens whose efforts have been focused on their economic development. 多年以来,自信作为成功的一个重要因素,在很大程度上被家长和教育工作者们所忽视。 Over the years, confidence as an essential element contributing to ones success has largely been ignored by

14、educators as well as parents.$ The emphasis on data gathered first-hand, combined with the cross cultural perspectives brought to the analysis of cultures past and present, makes this study a unique and distinctly important social science. A, combined with B, makes CD. A, 加上B,使得C成为了D。 强调收集第一手资料,加上分析古往今来的文化所用到的跨文化视角,使得这种研究成为一门独特而又非常重要的社会科学。 我受过良好的教育,有多年的相关工作经验,是该职位的最佳人选。 An excellent academic background, combined with many years of working experience in relevant fields, makes me the best candidate for this position.HOMEWORK P6-72 P8-75 P5-72



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