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1、20192020 学年度枣庄市台儿庄区第一学期初二期中考试初中英语八年级英语试题友情提示:1本试卷共 120 分,考试用时 90 分钟。2请用钢笔或圆珠笔做答,选择题答案请写在卷n对应表格中。 3答卷前请将密封线内项目填写清晰。第一卷 选择题,三部分,共 75 分第一部分:听力听力选择题,共三节。l15 小题,总分值 15 分,听力填空题,共一节。总分值 5 分第一节 听下面 5个句子。从题中所给的三个选项 A、B、C 中选出所听句子中含有的那个 选项, 并标在试卷的相应位置。 听完每个句子后, 你将有 5 秒钟的时刻来回答有关小题和阅 读下一小题。每个句子读一遍。1 A.bikeB.like

2、C.Mike2.A.wayB.stayC.say3.A.gradesB.greatsC.games4.A.loveB.lotC .know5.A.coolB.coldC.school第二节 听下面 5个句子。从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出与你所听到的句子表达 的意思相同或相近的选项, 并标在试卷的相应位置。 听完每个句子后, 你将有 5 秒钟的时刻 来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每个句子读两遍。6.A.I can look after Beths bird .B.I can look after your birds .C.I can give the birds to Beth .

3、7.A.Put on your coat, please.B.Put on your hat, please.C.Put on my hat .8.A.Look at the brown picture .B.Look at the picture of Mr. Browns family on the wallC.Look at Picture 2 .9.A.The apple in Picture4 is red .B.Color the apple in Picture4 .C. Color the apple in Picture4 red, please .10. A. Tick c

4、ant speak English, but Jeff can .B. Jeff can speak Chinese.C. Tick cant say it in Chinese .第三节 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 出最正确答案,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话,你将有 题和阅读下一小题,每段对话读两遍。11. Where is the boy going?A. To a store .B . To his school .C .12 . How many people are there in Marys family?A . Two .B . Three .C

5、.13 . What is the weather like today?A .C1oudy .B.Rainy .C.14 . When was the woma n born?A .On May 23rd.B.On May 19th .C.15 . How ofte n does the No.7 bus come?A .Every fifteen minutes.B.Every ten minutes.C .请同学们翻到第二卷第四部分第一节连续做听力填空题第二部分:英语知识应用共两节,总分值 30分A、 B、 C三个选项中选5秒钟的时刻来回答有关小To a library .Four .S

6、unny.On May21st.Every five minutes .第一节 单项填空15小题;每题l分,总分值15分从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出能够填入空白处的最正确选项。16 . - do you exercise?A . How oftenB . How longC . How17 . Some students in our class play sports three fourA . and, timesB . but, timesC . and, time18 . He eats food, so he isA . much too ; much toofat .B . t

7、oo muchC . much too; too muchD . too much19 . Dont get out . Itll make you sick .A . stressB . stressedC . stress ing20 . They are going to schoolA . by bikesB . on feetC . by bus21. He hopes hell have a weekend .D . How soon a week .D . or, times;too much;much tooD . stressesD . in car-Every day .A

8、. relaxB . relaxedC. relaxing22. We know there are people in your family .A. littleB . a littleC . many23 . The teacher told the students in public .D . tiredD . a lotA . not to shoutB .24 . - is the station from-Ten kilometers .A . How longB .25 . Tom comes from England .A . needB .did nt shouthere

9、?C . not shoutHow muchC . How farHebe good at En glishmayC . have toD . to not shoutD . HowD . must26 . Eating an apple every day is a good of keeping healthy .A . meansB . meanC . meaning27 . -Ca n you come to the club?-Sorry, I cant . I have to my baby .D . mea ntA . look atB . look for28 . -Ca n

10、your brother come to my party?-Sure, .A . he cantB . he wants29 . -What do you thi nk of his surfi ng?-Oh, no one does .A . goodB . wellC . babysitC . hed loveC . betterD . take careD . hed love toD . best30 . When we heard the good news, we felt A. happyB . happilyC . more happilyD . more happier第二

11、节 完形填空共15小题:每题1分,总分值15分阅读下面短文,把握其大意,然后从31 45各题所给的四个选项A、B、C和D丨中,选出最正确答案。Mr. White works in a middle school . He 31 English . He is friendly to his 32 and they also like him . He spends 33 time on his work . He often does some reading and writing . When hes 34 , he is also very busy35 his work, so he

12、cant help 36 wife to do any 37 . Hiswife is always angry with him .Its Saturday . Their daughter Kate is 38 her homework in her bedroom . Mrs. White finds her 39 is out . She hopes her daughter will say shes 40 tha n her husba nd . She gives an apple to Kate and asks, 41 is cleverer, your father 42

13、I ?Can you guess what the girls 43 is?Im44 cleverest i n my family! Kate says45 th inking .31. A .teachesB.watchesC . studiesD .reads32 . A .frie ndsB .stude ntsC . workersD .drivers33 . A .manyB.littleC . muchD .any34 . A .at workB .in bedC . in the classroomD .at home35 . A .inB .withC . atD .on36

14、 . A .herB .itsC . hisD .him37 . A .houseworkB .homeworkC . schoolworkD .less ons38 . A .maki ngB .doi ngC . look ingD .fin di ng39 . A .motherB .brotherC . teacherD .husband40 . A .goodB .bestC . betterD .bad41 . A .WhoseB .WhatC . WhyD .Who42 . A .andB .butC . orD .though43 . A .an swerB .playC . si ngD .thi nk44 . A .a mostB .the mostC . mostD .the45 . A .withB .withoutC


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