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1、第五课时第五课时Section B(2a2e)一、用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。一、用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。1I have two _(knife)and I can give one to you.2Youll know the _(important)of reading books one day.3Can I help you,madam?Yes,please.I would like two _(kilo)of meat.4We were worried about those two _(climb).5Mary,do you think many of us depen

2、d on(依靠依靠)our parents too much?Yes.Wed better learn to look after _(we).knivesimportancekilosclimbersourselves二、用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空。二、用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空。6In the mountains,you must be careful of falling _7Mrs.Black tells her son the red light _“stop”8We must learn more about the _ before we act.9You cant ge

3、t what you want if you dont take _10The doctor bandaged the boy so that he wouldnt lose too much _rocksmeanssituation(s)risksblood三、根据汉语意思完成下列句子。三、根据汉语意思完成下列句子。11他父亲死后,他掌管着工厂。他父亲死后,他掌管着工厂。He was _ _ _ the factory after his father died.12医生不得不切掉那个年轻人的右腿来挽救他的生命。医生不得不切掉那个年轻人的右腿来挽救他的生命。The doctor had to

4、 _ _ the young mans right leg to save his life.13我习惯早餐吃鸡蛋和面包。我习惯早餐吃鸡蛋和面包。Im _ _ _ eggs and bread for breakfast.14摆脱坏习惯很有必要。摆脱坏习惯很有必要。Its necessary to _ _ _ the bad habits.15虽然他的健康状况不佳,但他仍然坚持工作。虽然他的健康状况不佳,但他仍然坚持工作。Although he was in poor health,he still _ _ _in control ofcut offused to eating/havingg

5、et out ofkept on working四、单项选择。四、单项选择。()16.Mom,must I be a teacher like you when I grow up?No,you neednt.You can make your own _.Adifference BdiscussionCsituation Ddecision()17.You look unhappy.Whats wrong?My dog lost his life in an accident.His _ made me very sad.Adecision BdeathCrisk DtroubleDB()1

6、8.Tim often has problems _ after running for too long.Abreathing Bto breatheCbreathe Dbreathes()19.We _ money,so we cant take a taxi to go home.Atook out Btook out ofCran out Dran out of()20.Dont _ our hopes.As long as we work together,well make it.Agive up Bgive outCgive back Dgive awayADA五、完形填空。五、

7、完形填空。(2022天天津津改改编编)When my sister Gina was born,she had a problem with her heart.She was weak _21_ a long illness(疾疾病病)and had to go to the hospital very often.She had _22_ walking,playing with other children,and going to school.Our parents wanted to take Gina to a special place in Florida and hoped

8、 Gina could _23_ with dolphins(海海豚豚).When Gina knew it,she was _24_ because she didnt know whether it was easy to be around dolphins.When we got to Florida,we couldnt wait to _25_ the place.Kids who had _26_ needs like Gina could come and spend time with dolphins.I thought it was going to be a vacat

9、ion,_27_ it wasnt.Gina had to work hard every day for a week.However,the trip was amazing.Gina _28_ and clapped(鼓鼓掌掌)when she saw the dolphins.One of the dolphins squeaked(尖尖叫叫)happily to _29_ her.They swam together all day.Gina was able to move her body more than she _30_ did at home.Mom and Dad we

10、re proud of Gina.I was,too.()21A.before Bafter Cin Dbehind()22A.trouble Bsuccess Ctrust Dfun()23A.draw Bcook Cswim Dskate()24A.sick Bglad Cworried Dtired()25A.help Bclean Cbuild Dvisit()26A.boring Bspecial Csimple Dcareless()27A.but Bbecause Cso Dand()28A.reached Blaughed Caccepted Dsolved()29A.hurt

11、 Bsave Cforget Dwelcome()30A.hardly Bloudly Cusually Dreally【文文章章大大意意】本本文文主主要要讲讲述述了了作作者者一一家家通通过过特特别别的的方方式式为为作作者者的的妹妹妹妹吉吉娜娜治治病病的的故事。故事。21B考考查查介介词词辨辨析析。根根据据前前文文和和句句意意可可知知,作作者者的的妹妹妹妹吉吉娜娜天天生生有有心心脏脏问问题题。她长期生病后身体虚弱,不得不经常去医院。她长期生病后身体虚弱,不得不经常去医院。22A考考查查名名词词辨辨析析。由由前前文文吉吉娜娜经经常常去去医医院院可可推推测测出出,吉吉娜娜走走路路、和和其其他他孩孩

12、子子玩耍以及上学都有困难。玩耍以及上学都有困难。23C考考查查动动词词辨辨析析。根根据据第第四四段段第第四四句句“They swam together all day.”可可知知,他们希望吉娜能够和海豚一起游泳。他们希望吉娜能够和海豚一起游泳。24C考考查查形形容容词词辨辨析析。由由后后半半句句她她不不知知道道待待在在海海豚豚周周围围是是否否容容易易可可推推测测出出,吉吉娜对此事感到担心。娜对此事感到担心。25D考考查查动动词词辨辨析析。前前文文已已提提到到全全家家人人想想带带吉吉娜娜去去佛佛罗罗里里达达州州一一个个特特别别的的地地方方度假,所以此处应表示大家到达佛罗里达州之后,迫不及待地想参

13、观这个地方。度假,所以此处应表示大家到达佛罗里达州之后,迫不及待地想参观这个地方。26B考考查查形形容容词词辨辨析析。根根据据句句意意:那那些些像像吉吉娜娜一一样样有有特特别别的的需需求求的的孩孩子子们们可可以以来到这里,和海豚待在一起可知,此处用来到这里,和海豚待在一起可知,此处用special符合语境。符合语境。27A考考查查连连词词辨辨析析。根根据据前前文文“我我本本以以为为这这将将是是一一个个假假日日”及及后后文文“它它不不是是”可推测出,前后文是转折关系。可推测出,前后文是转折关系。28B考考查查动动词词辨辨析析。根根据据“Gina.and clapped when she saw

14、the dolphins.”可可知,吉娜看到海豚时鼓掌并结合选项,可推测出吉娜看到海豚时很高兴地大笑。知,吉娜看到海豚时鼓掌并结合选项,可推测出吉娜看到海豚时很高兴地大笑。29D考考查查动动词词辨辨析析。根根据据前前面面副副词词“happily”可可推推测测出出,此此句句应应表表示示海海豚豚开开心地尖叫来欢迎吉娜。心地尖叫来欢迎吉娜。30C考考查查副副词词辨辨析析。前前文文提提到到吉吉娜娜天天天天和和海海豚豚一一起起游游泳泳,后后文文又又提提到到父父母母为为吉吉娜感到自豪,由此可以推测出,此句想表达:吉娜能够比平时在家里更多地活动身体。娜感到自豪,由此可以推测出,此句想表达:吉娜能够比平时在家

15、里更多地活动身体。六、语法填空。六、语法填空。阅阅读读下下面面的的短短文文,在在空空白白处处填填入入一一个个适适当当的的单单词词或或用用括括号号内内所所给给词词的的正正确确形形式式填填空。空。In our class,some students get ill because they cant take good care of themselves.Sarah was playing with friends at the park yesterday.First it was sunny and a bit hot.Then it got windy and cloudy,but she

16、 31._(not put)on her jacket and she got a cold.Now she has a cough and sneeze(喷喷嚏嚏).She even has a fever.She has to stop her class 32._(go)to the doctor.Mary 33._(eat)too much at the allyoucaneat meal in the restaurant.She got a stomachache.She almost couldnt get 34._(she)out of the bed this morning.Now she cant stand it in her English class.Her teacher asks her to lie 35._ and rest.didnt putto goateherselfdownNancy eats candies a lot.Today she had a toothache.It hurt a lot and was terrible.She


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