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1、中学学科网(WWW.ZXXK.COM)- 全国最大的教育资源门户网站。人教版新目标英语9年级中考系列复习题-代词基本型1. Please tell _ about it if _ doesnt know.A. her; herself B. she; she C. her; she D. hers; her2. _ office is much larger than _.A. Ours; yours B. Our; yours C. Their; our D. Your; theirs3. Is there _ in todays newspaper?A. something importa

2、nt B. important anythingC. anything important D. important everything4. The sweater isnt _. Its _.A. yours; his B. your; hers C. mine; hes D. his; her5. We study Chinese, English and some _ subjects.A. the other B. other C. others D. another6. The film is not interesting. _ like it.A. Little B. A li

3、ttle C. Few D. A few7. All of them have gone out. There is _ in the classroom.A. somebody B. anyone C. everybody D. nobody8. Lets go and play football, _?A. will you B. shall we C. do we D. shall you9. Do you know _ dictionary it is?A. which B. who C. whose D. whom10.Ive two friends. _ of them are a

4、t school.A. Both B. Neither C. Each D. All 提高型1. Of the three foreigners, one is from London, _ are from the USA.A. two others B. the other two C. another two D. the both2. Which would you like, sir, tea or coffee?-I dont mind. _ is OK.A. Either B. Neither C. Any D. Both3. Help _ to some chicken, bo

5、ys and girls.A. you B. yours C. yourself D. yourselves4. What do you usually have for breakfast?-_ milk and _ eggs.A. Little; a little B. A few; few C. A little; a few D. A few; a little5. Who taught _ history last year?-Nobody! He learned it _.A. him; himself B. his; himself C. himself; himself D.

6、his; him6. There isnt _ paper here. Will you go and get _ for me?A. any; any B. any; some C. much; many D. many; much7. The farmer is very busy because hes so _ sheep to keep and so _ work to do every day.A. much; many B. many; much C. many; a lot D. a lot; much8. On _ side of the river therere many

7、 tall trees.A. every B. all C. both D. each9. The days in winter are shorter than _ in summer.A. that B. one C. those D. these10.Who is playing the piano in the next room?-_ is Li Pings brother.A. This B. That C. It D. He 综合型1. _ the twins enjoyed _ at the party yesterday.A. Both; them B. Both; them

8、selves C. Neither; them D. All; themselves2. Which do you prefer, a bottle of orange or a cup of tea?-_, thanks. Id like just a cup of water.A. Either B. Neither C. Both D. None3. Would you like _ milk in your tea?-Yes, just _.A. any; little B. some; a little C. much; a few D. a little; some4. There

9、 is _ to do this evening.A. much nothing B. many nothing C. nothing much D. nothing many5. The two friends were so pleased to see each other that they forget _.A. anything else B. something else C. nothing else D. everything else6. Is this your shoe?-Yes, it is. But where is _?A. the other B. anothe

10、r C. other one D. the other one7. What I want to say is _: English is a very useful language.A. it B. this C. that D. those8. They have an English lesson _ day, Monday, Wednesday and Friday.A. each other B. every other C. some others D. another more9. We found _ very important to learn a foreign lan

11、guage well.A. this B. that C. it D. its10.-_ is Lily like?-Oh, shes tall and thin.A. How B. Who C. Which D. What11.Would you like milk or orange?-_. I prefer water. (2000西安)A. Each B. Neither C. Either D. Both12.Oh, there is someone in the room.-_ must be my mother. (2000安徽)A. There B. She C. This D

12、. It13.Betty and John have come back, but _ students in the class arent here yet. A. the other B. others C. another D. the others (2000山西)14. _ of us has read the story. (2000上海)A. Some B. Both C. All D. None15.Which of her parents is a doctor?-_ are. (2000天津)A. Any B. Either C. Both D. Neither16.I hav


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