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1、Module 9FriendshipModule 9易错考点专练易错考点专练 include和including的用法一、用括号内所给词的适当形式填空。一、用括号内所给词的适当形式填空。1.2023广 安 中 考 改 编 Deng Yaping has won many competitions,including(include)four gold medals in the Olympics.2.There are some difficulties.They include(include)freezing weather conditions and heavy storms.incl

2、udinginclude二、单项填空。二、单项填空。(B)3.Jimmy bought a lot of books yesterday,an English novel.A.includeB.includingC.to includeD.includesB(B)4.Do his pets the cat?Yes.He has three pets,this one.A.include;includeB.include;includingC.including;includingD.including;includeB 辨析advise,advice,suggest和suggestion易易错

3、错点点津津:suggestion是是可可数数名名词词;suggest是是动动词词,其其用用法法为为suggest doing sth./suggest that sb.(should)do sth.;advice是是不不可可数数名名词词,advise是是动动词词,其其用用法法为为advise doing sth./advise sb.to do sth.。一、用括号内所给词的适当形式填空。一、用括号内所给词的适当形式填空。1.Im not sure whether my suggestions(suggest)are helpful to you.2.2023安徽中考改编Students us

4、ually listen to the teachers advice(advise)and act on it.suggestionsadvice二、单项填空。二、单项填空。(D)3.Li Hua advised me games with him,but I refused.A.playB.playingC.playedD.to playD(D)4.I suggest you on holiday to the seaside.You can swim in the sea or simply lie on the beach.A.goingB.to goC.wentD.should go

5、D 辨析whether和if一、用一、用whether/if填空。填空。1.In fact,the real important thing is whetheror not they have tried their best.2.I cant decide to go to Yunnan,because I dont know if/whetherit will rain tomorrow.3.It depends on whetherit will snow tomorrow.4.Whetherthis is true or not,I cant say.5.I cant make up

6、 my mind whetherto go or not.whetherif/whetherwhetherWhetherwhether二、单项填空。二、单项填空。(D)6.Would you like to see a movie with me?Id love to,but Im not sure I have free time.A.whetherB.ifC.thatD.Both A and B.D 辨析lonely和alone易易错错点点津津:alone既既可可以以作作形形容容词词,表表示示“单单独独的的”,作作表表语语,也也可可以以作作副副词词,表表示示“独独自自地地”。lonely作

7、作形形容容词词,表表示示“孤孤独独的的;偏偏僻僻的的”。常常考考短短语语:live alone;feel lonely。单项填空。单项填空。(D)1.2023宿迁月考The old man lives in a house,but he doesnt feel.A.alone;lonely;aloneB.lonely;lonely;aloneC.on his own;alone;lonelyD.alone;lonely;lonelyD(D)2.I feel lost and in a strange town.A.alone;lonelyB.alone;aloneC.lonely;lonelyD.lonely;aloneD


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