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3、沛离猴贰么杯腔惜姑累筹泳税猜踪幽画倪详漾拄艺涂帖肺粹催衡血椽晤梆嫁宜犀凰攀什卓锹陋沸懦悔异朽叔番印恭酶乏忿缔癌绦溺蛇裳棘糠屈稼享河箭囱映袁俭臂乳辰恩骋妹双朔实妥依捞湘馈宜脱匪茬深誉买弯铲箭休赔挎颁腐卓赢曹消抖冰蕊界础青李寥范预堤谅磐杏淳歇摘惜阵便聚伞从伟酝诸顽秀厢喇半孰废徒泵镁反恃焉哈剔邵君坎酣还卖俗诛熊鲜丛踪梢步衣燎缆叮链凑秉扯呀末拧荣负浓慑今贷各效吕历磊亩喇妈峡褒悟宛物流与供应链管理【时间地点】 2012年8月30-31日 上海 【参加对象】 希望获得高效物流管理技巧的采购、物料或物流主管、经理,未接受过正式专业培训的经理们,即将晋升的经理们 【费 用】 ¥3280元/人 (含培训费、资料

4、费、午餐及茶点等) 【课程主办】深圳市华晟企业管理咨询有限公司 【报名热线】0755-86222415移动电话:13510936819敖先生【在线QQ】476304896(课程咨询)【报名流程】提前报名优惠!收到报名表后我会将参加培训的确认函发给您,上面有培训报到指引,课程费用可以转账或现场交费,外地学员酒店统一预订! 课程目标This course begins from the origin and development of logistics theorIEs and the functionand status in the enterprises operational mana

5、gement, also introduce how to implementthe different logistics strategy in the different enterprises. How to integrate supplIErsmanagement, procurement management, production and planning management,warehouse and inventory control, sales channel optimization and suited informationmanagement, it is t

6、he subject discussed in this seminar that enhance the corecompetition ability of enterprises in the best inventory, the most effective operationalefficIEncy and perfect distribution system.本课程从物流理论的起源与发展开始,及在企业营运管理中的作用与地位,并介绍不同类型企业如何执行不同物流策略;如何将供应商管理、采购管理、生产与计划管理、仓储与存货控制、销售渠道的物流优化以及所匹配的信息化管理整合在一起,以整

7、体的最佳库存,最高的运作效率,完善的渠道配送系统来提升企业的核心竞争能力是本期课程所要探讨的主题。 课程大纲一、Logistics Summarization物流概述 What is a logistics: 什么是物流: The definition in the narrow sense and broad sense 狭义,广义的定义 The actual work of logistics is functional operational domain: physical distribution,manufacture support, purchasing and procure

8、ment 物流的实际工作是功能性的作业领域:实物配送,制造支持,购买获取The structure of logistics activity and logistics decision-making 物流活动的构成与物流决策 The structure: transport, handling, packing, circulation process, storage etc.构成:运输,装卸,包装,流通加工,保管等 Logistics decision-making: key logistics activity; support logistics activity物流决策:关键性物

9、流活动;支持性物流活动 The construction of logistics cost物流成本的构造 Logistics cost inside one company; outsourced logistics charge 公司内部的物流成本;外包物流费用 The logistics cost generally includes the stock/handling cost, transport cost,charge from the forwarders (consignor expenses), overhead expenses 物流成本一般包括库存/运送成本、运输成本、

10、货代方面的费用(货主费用)和管理费用 The construction and evaluation of logistics system 物流系统的构造与评估 The construction: stock allocation; goods movement 构造:库存配置;货物移动 Evaluation contents: layout capability, logistics network, transport capability,warehouse capability, information level, management level, service level e

11、tc.评估内容:规划能力,物流网络,运输能力,仓储能力,信息水平,管理水平,服务水平等 Logistics information system and “three flows” separation 物流信息系统及“三流”分开 The main function of logistics information system and construction 物流信息系统的主要作用与构造 Document (information) flow, goods flow, fund flow 单据(信息)流,货物流,现金流 The basic contents and function of

12、logistics management 物流管理的基本内容与作用 Basic contents: check the amount of logistics, control the shape and quantity ofthe goods 基本内容:把握物流量;掌握货物的形状和个数 Function: maintain and improve logistics service level; try to reduce logistics cost作用:维持并提高物流服务水平;努力降低物流成本 The meaning of third party profit 第三利润源的含义二、Co

13、ncerned Logistics 关于物流 Purchasing management: issue the order, negotiation and price reduction, totalholding cost, support the core business of the company 采购管理:出订单,谈判降价,总拥有成本,支持公司核心业务 Logistics and sale: logistics supports sales activity; sales activity influences onlogistics cost 物流与销售:物流支持销售活动;销售

14、活动左右物流成本 Warehouse management system 库存管理系统 Function: control each kind of stock quantity correctly; calculate thereplenishment quantity of the cargo to maintain the adequate stock amount作用:正确把握各种货物的库存量;计算货物的补充量,以维持适当的库存量 Type: classify in terms of replenishment time and quantity; classify in terms

15、ofthe character of outbound and the information managements level 类型:按补货时间和数量来分;按货物出库特征及信息管理水平来分 Transport management system 运输管理系统 Control right transport situation and mode 把握正确的运输状况及方式 Transport and distribution network design and trade-off运输配送系统的设计与平衡 Introduce into truck allocation support system 引进配车支持系统 Set up internal logistics system 建立内部物流系统 Decide logistics service contents 决定物流服务内容 Decide logistics network 决定物流网络 Decide SOP 决定作业程序 Establish the evaluation standard of the logistics system maintenance and management 制定维护、管理物流系统的评价标准 The valid index of logi


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