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1、全国英语六级专题训练 阅读理解35篇 无论哪种考试,阅读都是重中之重。在有了语法和词汇旳良好基础之后,阅读并不是难以处理旳难题。六级阅读旳规定是35分钟,四篇文章。我首先选择了某两年旳真题作了个试验:1把时间控制在35分钟之内,不考虑成果,将题做完为主2不计时间,给自己充足揣摩题意旳空间,以考虑清晰为主。试验表明假如前者对旳率与后者没有明显差异,那么时间基本不是障碍。假如反之,那么应当强化自己旳做题速度,做题技巧,词汇语法旳纯熟程度。做阅读理解旳时候,要有良好旳心理一不要急躁,二不要自责和埋怨。张国帅老师讲解了不少解答阅读理解题旳措施,例如抓中心思想,上下文猜测生词等等,纯熟掌握,多加练习,熟

2、能生巧确实行之有效,这里不再一一赘述,阅读能力旳培养是一种相对长期旳过程,不能急于求成、中途而废,持之以恒才会获得最终旳成功。1.12月英语六级阅读专题训练(1) Giving Credit Where Credit Is Not Due The big identity-theft bust last week was just a taste of whats to come. Heres how to protect your good name HERES THE SCARY THING about the identity-theft ring that the feds crack

3、ed last week: there was nothing any of its estimated 40,000 victims could have done to prevent it from happening. This was an inside job, according to court documents. A lowly help-desk worker at Teledata Communications, a software firm that helps banks access credit reports online, allegedly stole

4、passwords for those reports and sold them to a group of 20 thieves at $60 a pop. That allowed the gang to cherry-pick consumers with good credit and apply for all kinds of accounts in their names. Cost to the victims: $3 million and rising.Even scarier is that this, the largest identity-theft bust t

5、o date, is just a drop in the bit bucket. More than 700,000 Americans have their credit hijacked every year. Its one of crimes biggest growth markets. A name, address and Social Security number-which can often be found on the Web-is all anybody needs to apply for a bogus line of credit. Credit compa

6、nies make $1.3 trillion annually and lose less than 2% of that revenue to fraud, so theres little financial incentive for them to make the application process more secure. As it stands now, its up to you to protect your identity.The good news is that there are plenty of steps you can take. Most cred

7、it thieves are opportunists, not well-organized gangs. A lot of them go Dumpster diving for those millions of pre-approved credit-card mailings that go out every day. Others steal wallets and return them, taking only a Social Security number. Shredding your junk mail and leaving your Social Security

8、 card at home can save a lot of agony later.But the most effective way to keep your identity clean is to check your credit reports once or twice a year. There are three major credit-report outfits: Equifax (at ), Trans-Union (.com) and Experian (). All allow you to order reports online, which is a l

9、ot better than wading through voice-mail hell on their 800 lines. Of the three, I found TransUnions website to be the cheapest and most comprehensive-laying out state-by-state prices, rights and tips for consumers in easy-to-read fashion.If youre lucky enough to live in Colorado, Georgia, Maryland,

10、Massachusetts, New Jersey or Vermont, you are entitled to one free report a year by law. Otherwise its going to cost $8 to $14 each time. Avoid services that offer to monitor your reports year-round for about $70; thats $10 more than the going rate among thieves. If you think youre a victim of ident

11、ity theft, you can ask for fraud alerts to be put on file at each of the three credit-report companies. You can also download a theft-report form at .gov/idtheft, which, along with a local police report, should help when irate creditors come knocking. Just dont expect justice. That audacious help-de

12、sk worker was one of the fewer than 2% of identity thieves who are ever caught.引用By Chris Taylor Time; 12/9/, Vol. 160 Issue 24, p100, 3/4p, 1c注(1):本文选自Time; 12/9/, p100, 3/4p, 1c;注(2):本文习题命题模仿对象真题Text 1;1.What is the trend of credit-theft crime? CATightly suppressed.BMore frightening.CRapidly incre

13、asing.Dloosely controlled.2.The expression “inside job”(Line 6, Paragraph 1) most probably means _A_.Aa crime that is committed by a person working for the victimBa crime that should be punished severelyCa crime that does great harm to the victimDa crime that poses a great threat to the society3.The

14、 creditors can protect their identity in the following way except _D_.Adestroying your junk mailBleaving your Social Security card at homeCvisiting the credit-report website regularlyDobtaining the free report from the government4.Why is it easy to have credit-theft? BAMore people are using credit s

15、ervice.BThe application program is not safe enough.CCreditors usually disclose their identity.DCreditors are not careful about their identity.5.What is the best title of the text? CAThe danger of credit-theftBThe loss of the creditorsCHow to protect your good nameDWhy the creditors lose their identity答案:CADBC 2. 12月英语六级阅读专题训练(2) Opinion polls are now beginning to show that,whoever is to blame and whatever happens from now on,high unemployment is probably here to say.This means we shall have to find ways of sharing the available employment more widely.But we need to go fur


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