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1、英国绅士教育绅士(a gentleman; the gentry) shn sh本词最早出现在英国,一般说来当时的英国绅士通常会手拿文明棍,头戴大礼帽,身着笔挺的西装,足登亮皮鞋。什么是绅士风度,彬彬有礼,待人谦和,衣冠得体,尊重女性,谈吐高雅,自身修养,知识渊博,见多识广,有爱心,尊老爱幼,尊重女性,无不良嗜好,身体健康,举止文明,谈吐文雅,穿着得体,人际关系良好。为了博得女性的绅士风度,而特别锻炼弥补自己不足的,那样有些太累了,人最大的不同在于思维的不同,即便是长得两个一样的双胞胎,脑子里想的也都不一样的,但就是这种不一样,造就了这个千变万化的精彩社会,当然,不是说不好,我感觉良好的心态很

2、重要,平和的。因为本身就是个综合素质的问题,而不是那里,那里的弥补等,综合的整体问题,就应该以一种平平淡淡,内在积累的质变。那样才最真的,才是最真情的流露。 男人彬彬有礼往往还可以表现文明社会男士的道德风范,也可以看出一个男士的受教育程度。其实,男士的风度不仅应表现在与女友的交往中,还应表现在日常生活中对女士的态度上。 (1)您应该先向所遇到的熟悉的女士微微点头打招呼。如果某位女士向您走来,请您记住,如果她主动伸出手,您才能与她握手。 (2)在公共场所偶然遇到熟悉的女士互相问好时,可以不握手,但必须把手从口袋里拿出来,把烟从嘴上拿下来,如果吃着东西要停止咀嚼,当然,女士也一样。男士在大街上随便

3、让女士停下脚步是有失体面的,哪怕是熟人。如有急事当然可以例外。 (3)如果您与女伴走在街上遇到熟人,您不能把女伴晾在一边没完没了地与熟人交谈。您可以把熟人介绍给女伴,但是如果您必须与熟人谈什么事情而且三言两语说不清楚,可以另约时间见面或打电话联系。 (4)如果某女士坐您开的车,您一定要打开车门让女士先坐在副驾驶的位置上,您再坐到自己的位置上。女士下车的时候, 您要先下车,为女士打开车门。在车内探过身子打开车门的做法不雅观。当然,也不能让女士自己取出行李物品。 (5)在咖啡馆或饭店与熟悉的女士会面时,要从座位上略略欠身以示欢迎。如果女士走近您,要站起来与其交谈。 (6)晚会上您的女友要去卫生间稍

4、事整理,您可以把她送到大厅,但要小心地绕行,以免打扰正在跳舞的人。 (7)晚会结束后,如果有条件要开自己的车或打的送女友回家,别忘了谢谢女友接受邀请参加晚会。一般是看着女友走近楼门或家门。更礼貌的做法是,从汽车里出来,把女友送到她的家门口。Gentleman (a gentleman; the gentry) sh n shi this term originated in Britain, generally speaking at the time, the British gentleman will usually take WenMingGun, big hats, dressed

5、in straight suit, sufficient light leather shoes on. What is the gentleman poise, well-mannered, treats people with moderate, the headgear appropriately, respect for women, style is decorous, their own culture, the profound knowledge, informed, has the compassion, aged respected, respect for women,

6、no bad habits, healthy body, civilized behavior, conversation elegant, dressed, interpersonal relations. In order to win the women like a gentleman, and special exercise make up his insufficient, that some tired, a persons greatest different lies in the thinking of different, even if is is the same

7、two twins, think is different also, but is this different, make the protean wonderful society, of course, is not to say that is not good, I feel good state of mind is important, peaceful. Because itself is a comprehensive quality problem not there, there to make up for, etc, comprehensive overall pr

8、oblem, should with a kind of go light, the accumulation of internal changes of quality. That the most true, is the most true reveal. Men often can also polite society of man performance civilization moral leadership, also can see a man by the degree of education. In fact, the man of poise should not

9、 only displays in with his girlfriend in communication, still should behave in daily lifes attitude towards women. (1) you should be the first to meet the familiar with ms wei2 nod hello. If a woman came to you, please remember, if she active hand, you can shake hands with her. (2) in the public pla

10、ce came across the familiar with ms exchange greetings, can not shake hands, but must take out his hand from his pocket, the smoke from the mouth off, if eating anything to stop chewing, of course, madam. The man in the street literally let the women stop it is decent, even if it is an acquaintance.

11、 If there is something urgent of course can be the exception. (3) if you walk in the street with female the companion acquaintances, you cant put the female the companion in the deep end endless talk with acquaintances. You can put the acquaintance introduced to female the companion, but if you must

12、 with acquaintances talk what things and a few words said not clearly, can fix another time for a meeting or call the contact. (4) if a woman sit your car, you must open the doors let the women sit first co-pilot position, you sit again to his position. Lady got off, you want to get off first, open

13、doors for women. In the car out of the practice of the open the doors had body suit. Of course, also cant let the women themselves out luggage items. (5) in cafes or hotel and familiar with lady meet, will from the seat to welcome QianShen silvanus. If the lady approached you, to stand up and talk.

14、(6) the party of your girlfriend will go to toilet sorting out, you can send her to the hall, but be careful to go round, so as not to disturb are dancing. (7) after the party, if there are conditions be in his own car or a taxi to send his girlfriend to go home, dont forget to thank his girlfriend

15、to accept the invitation to the party. General is looking at his girlfriend went near the house or. The more polite way is, from the car up to the entrance of the house of her girlfriend. 绅士是一个流动变化的概念,具有一定的开放性,但英国是一个阶层意识深厚的国家。英国古代等级森严,早在1688年,乔治王朝就把英国社会分为26种等级。后来,这种社会等级制度逐渐发展成为三个社会阶层,贵族绅士阶层GentryCla

16、ss、市民阶层BurghersClass和劳动人民阶层WorkingClass。至今大部分英国人对自己所处的阶层有清楚的认识,在最近几年的一项民意测验中,百分之八十五的人仍认为英国是一个阶级等级观念仍很重要的社会,百分之四十八的人认为自己是劳动阶层,差不多同样数量的人认为自己是中产阶级,百分之十八的人认为自己是中上的阶层,只有百分之一的人自认为是上层社会的。A gentleman is a flow of the concept of change, has some of the open, but the UK is a class consciousness of the deep state. British ancient bureaucratically, as early as 1688, George dynasty put British society is divided into 26 level. Later, the social hierarchy


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