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1、口语测试题(一)一、朗读短文。The girl doesnt have a pretty face. Her school is not famous. Even her school grades are not good. One day, her mother gets ill. So she wants to find work to make some money for the family. She comes to a company. The manager looks at her school cards and quickly says no to her. She s

2、tands up to leave. But suddenly, a nail in the back of the chair hurts her hand badly. The girl turns around. She takes out a big book from her bag and bangs the nail into the chair so that it wont hurt anybody again. The manager sees all this. Before she gets out of the door, the manager calls the

3、girl back. She gets the job!二、回答问题。根据实际情况回答下列问题1. Does your English teacher wear glasses?2What birthday present do you like best? 3. Are you a football fan? Why?.三、看图作文。(5-8句) Today , the weather is sunny . There are two girls in the classroom . They are cleaning the classroom . Lily is sweeping the

4、 floor . They look so happy .口语测试题(二)一、朗读短文。Speaking English is cool. Like many of you , I was shy about speaking it in the past. But now I like saying things in English. Why? Once I met two foreigners on the bus. I tried to speak with them, but I couldnt say a word! But, a few days ago, I met anoth

5、er foreigner. This time I was confident. I said“hello” to him, and began to ask questions. He introduced himself to me. His name is Mark and he comes from the US. We became friends. Sometimes I cant find the right word to show my feelings. But he can guess and we go on talking. At first everyone fee

6、ls a bit shy. But it doesnt matter. As time passes, youll learn more and more English ! Just open your mouth. No one can laugh at you except yourself !二、回答问题。根据实际情况回答下列问题1. What did you do last weekend? 2. What do you usually do while surfing the Internet? 3. Do you often have supper with your paren

7、ts? 三、看图作文。.口语测试题(三)一、朗读短文Dont want to go to school? You could tell your parents youre ill. But last Monday, students from Shanghai and Zhejiang had an even better excuse: a Typhoon (台风)!A Typhoon hit East China on September 11th. In Shanghai, all the schools were closed the next day, Monday. It was

8、 the first time that Shanghai had to close schools because of bad weather. But some students still came to schools that day. I didnt get the notice that the school was closing,” said Tom, a Junior 2 student from Shanghai School. “But it was nice that we could play in school rather than study.”The sc

9、hool kept Tom and other 20 students safe inside and let them play sports like table tennis. But the storm wasnt all fun games. The typhoon killed 14 people. In Zhenjiang, it damaged about 8,000 houses. More than 1 million people had to be taken to safer places.二、回答问题。根据实际情况回答下列问题1. When do you get u

10、p in the morning?2. How do you usually go to school? 3. Do you like apple or banana ? .三、看图作文。(5-8句)口语测试题(四)一、朗读短文。Television is good. Youd like to watch it all day and all night .But too much TV is a very bad thing. Scientists found that kids who watch too much TV may have more trouble learning to

11、read. They cant focus on their work.Kids learn language skills best by reding, talking and playing with others. If they spend too much time watching TV, theyll have less time for those things.Watching too much TV is bad for peoples health. People dont muve much while watching TV. Whats more, they ma

12、y wat a lot of food while watching. This can make them fat.Fighting on TV is a big problem for kids. Young people are good at following. Scientists have found that those who watch a lot of fighting shows are more likely to fight.二、回答问题。根据实际情况回答下列问题1. How long does it usually take you to do your home

13、work every evening? 2. How do you usually go to school? .3. Do you like playing basketball ?.三、看图作文。(58句)口语测试题(五)一、朗读短文。Liu Ming is an eight year-old boy from a village in Hunan Province. His parents want him to drop out of school Its important for him to work on their farm because there are seven p

14、eople in Lius family and they are very poor.Many children like Liu Ming cant get an education because their families are poor. Now they can go to school with the help of Project Hope. In the last fifteen years, this project has raised money and paid for the education of 2.5 million poor students in

15、the countryside. People in China and abroad have given 2.2 billion yuan. With this money, Project Hope has built many schools and libraries. It has also trained teachers and it has sent students to high schools.二、回答问题。根据实际情况回答下列问题1. What does your father do ?.2. Do you often go to school on foot ? 3. What do you usually do after you get up in the morning? 三、看图作文。(58 句).口语测试题(六)一、朗读短文。The USA is a very big country to visit, so choose carefully the places to see and the time to go. Bring a good map because you may want to travel around.


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