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1、我的心脏可能有问题,心老是乱跳,常常心慌。I m worried about my heart. It seems to pound and race, and I get really fluttered and anxious. 它是一阵阵的,不是每天都有,但每周都要发几次。It comes and goes, not every day, but several times a week.你以后最好不喝或少喝。You should cut down on the coffee from now on.近半年来学习很紧张,为了写毕业论文,我日想夜想,脑子都没停过。The last six

2、months or so, Ive been writing my thesis, so my minds been like a can of worms.你觉得什么时候容易发病,或病情比较严重?Have you noticed when the palpitations are the worst?一般在疲劳后很容易发病,或病情比加重。Usually when Im tired, I get them a lot and they also seem to be worse then.你睡眠怎么样?你觉得睡眠和你的病有关系吗?How is your sleeping? Do you thi

3、nk your sleeping patterns may have some influence?有关系,如果夜里睡觉不好,心就一直跳,到第二天还会觉得心慌。昨夜里有没睡好,所以,今天早上起床后到现在,心一直跳得很难受。Well, I suppose they do. If I dont sleep well at night, itll happen for sure. The next day Im still fluttered and anxious. For instance, last night I had a bad night, so sure enough, Ive ha

4、d it all day today!好,让我诊一下你的脉。脉搏是不太齐。再让我看看舌头。好了,谢谢。All right. Id like to take your pulse. Yes, its a bit irregular. Id also like to have a look at your tongue. OK, thank you.D:你觉得情绪波动对你的病有影响吗?Have you noticed if emotional disturbances have any effect?P:有,比方在考试前后几天,心就跳的很厉害,自己想抑制也抑制不住.Yes, they do. Fo

5、r instance, around exam time, my heart really pounds. It gets right out of control.常常感到头晕,没有力气,动不动就气急,出汗。I get tired very easily, and a bit dizzy. I get very sweaty and short of breath even with only a small amount of activity.D:梦多吗?D: Do you dream a lot?P :很多,老是做噩梦,醒来时感到害怕。P:Yes, and theyre always

6、bad dreams too. I wake up feeling terrified.做过心电图吗?Have you had an ECG( Electrocardiograph )?P:什么是心电图?P:Whats that?D:就是给你身上接好几根线到一个机器上,记录你心跳的情况。D: You know. where they wire you up to a machine and get a print out of your heart beats.做过了,报告上写着窦性心律不齐。Yes, I have. They said it show a sinus arrhythmia.r

7、imi吃了些安眠药,感觉好一些。但我不想下半辈子靠吃安眠药过日子,所以,我想请医生用针灸治疗。I took some sleeping pills. They usually help, but I dont want to take sleeping pills for the rest of my life, so Id like to have some acupuncture if its possible.你以前有没有患过其他心脏方面的疾病?Have you ever had any other heart problems?看来,你这病主要是因为你近来用脑过度,精神紧张,加上身体虚

8、弱而引起的。I think your condition is caused by a combination of your underlying physical weakness and the mental strain youre going through at the moment.在针灸治疗的同时,还要服用些中药,补补气血,这样子疗效更好。另外,你要注意劳逸结合,让脑子放松放松。并要适当的注意体育锻炼As well as having some acupuncture, you should take some Chinese herbs to tonify Qi and bl

9、ood. The combination should have a better effect. Also, I want you to try and establish some sensible study habits. Make sure you have enough rest, and some exercise would help too.我先给你扎几针,请脱掉外衣,躺那张床上,把裤脚拉到膝盖上面.Now Im going to give you some acupuncture, so can you take off your coat and lie down on

10、that table(bed), please. Also pull your trousers up above the knees. Diabetes消渴, 糖尿病你好,怎么啦! 是不是糖尿病又发了?Good morning. How can I help you ? Have you had another diabetes attack?我也不清楚,近来我全身疼痛得厉害。I dont know, but lately Ive had aches and pains all over.疼痛多长时间发一次?How often do you get the pains?一天里每时每刻都疼,是

11、从头到脚都疼。Theyre all over, and all the time.你能不能指出最疼的地方?Can you show me where the most painful parts are?你的手和脚有麻刺的感觉吗?Is there any numbness or tingling in your hands and feet?你小便好吗?Are you passing water normally?我有糖尿病, 你知道的。最近小便量增多,很浑浊如脂膏,因此我自己查了尿糖,尿糖又有三个加。Ive had diabetes, you know. Theres been lots o

12、f urine, and its cloudy and sort of greasy. I went to have my urine tested and its up to three pluses again.其他还有不舒服吗?Is there anything else going on?最近口渴厉害, 虽然喝水很多, 嘴巴喉咙还是很干燥,大便干结。Im very thirsty. I drink lots of water but my mouth and throat are still dry. Im constipated(便秘) too.眼睛干涩吗?Do your eyes

13、feel dry?是的。眼睛发涩, 看东西也很模糊。Yes, and my visions bit blurred, too.你在服药吗?Have you been taking any medication?我因糖尿病经常服消渴丸,但是不明显,最近症状老师加重, 而且又增加了全身疼痛,因此我想再吃一点中药全身调理调理。Ive been taking Xiao Ke Wan ( Diabetes relieving Pills) for my diabetes, but there doesnt appear to be much change. Recently it seems to be getting worse and now Ive got these pains. So Id like some Chinese herbs to try and regulate my whole body.我给你凑够清胃生津,降糖止痛着手。Im going to start by clearing away the stomach heat and promoting the body fluids. This should lower the blood sugar and help alleviate the pain.


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