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1、2009年12月四级核心词汇1. project prdekt(1)词性 vt.n.(2)词义计划,规划, 投射(光线等), 阐述,表明.的特性, 预计, 推断方案, 计划, 规划,工程,科研项目(3)搭配(4)例句The government projected a tax decrease. 政府计划降低税收。They were delighted to see their holiday slides projected on a screen. 他们高兴地看到他们度假的幻灯片在屏幕上放映出来。He had projected himself as a reformer in the p

2、residential campaign. 他在总统竞选中曾以改革者的姿态出现。Can you project our sales in the coming year? 你能预测我们来年的销售情况吗?This project seems to be very attractive. 这一方案看来很有吸引力。The project was estimated to have cost $900,000. 这一工程估计耗去资金九十万美元。Shes doing a project on adult education. 她正在进行一项有关成人教育的研究。2. merit merit(1)词性 n.

3、vt.(2)词义价值, 长处, 优点,功过, 是非曲直值得, 应受(3)搭配(4)例句Her singing is totally without merit. 她的演唱一无是处。People may not like her, but she has her merits. 人们也许不喜欢她,但她也有她的优点。He will judge the case solely on its merits. 他将完全根据是非曲直审理这一案件。That brave deed merited a better reward. 这种勇敢的行为应该得到更好的奖赏。3. precious pres(1)词性 a

4、.(2)词义贵重的, 宝贵的, 珍贵的,可爱的, 珍爱的, 宝贝的(3)搭配(4)例句He has sent me most precious gifts. 他送给我极为珍贵的礼物。His children are very precious to him. 他极疼爱自己的孩子。4. need ni:d(1)词性 n. vt.(2)词义需要, 必要, 需求, 要求, 贫穷, 困窘, 危急需要, 有.必要(3)搭配(4)例句We have no need to be afraid of them. 我们不必怕他们。My neighbors helped me in my time of need

5、. 我的邻居在我困难的日子帮了我忙。The garden needs watering. 花园该浇水了。 I dont think you need to worry about this. 我认为你不必为这事担心。5. revenue revinju:(1)词性 n.(2)词义岁入,税收,收入,收益(3)搭配(4)例句Tax revenues increased last year. 去年税收增加了。Rent is one form of revenue. 房租是一种收入。6. profile prufail(1)词性 n.vt.(2)词义侧面(像),侧影,轮廓,外形,数据图表,量变曲线描(

6、或显)出.的轮廓(3)搭配(4)例句The old trees were profiled against the pale sky. 苍天映衬出老树的轮廓。7. discount diskaunt (1)词性 n.(2)词义折扣, 打折扣,不全信(3)搭配(4)例句We give a special discount of 10 per cent for cash. 如用现金购买,我们给予九折优待。The authors conclusions must be taken at a discount. 作者的结论我们不应全信。8. grant gr:nt(1)词性 vt.n.(2)词义同意,

7、 准予,承认授予物, 奖学金, 助学金,补助金(3)搭配(4)例句He granted me my request. 他答应了我的要求。Are you ready to grant that I was right? 你是否愿意承认我是对的?Students in this country receive a grant from the government. 这个国家的学生可得到政府的助学金。9. unilateral ju:niltrl(1)词性 a.(2)词义一方的, 单边的, 单方面的,单侧的,(父母)单系的(3)搭配(4)例句10. antitrust ntitrst(1)词性 a

8、.(2)词义反托拉斯的, 反垄断的(3)搭配(4)例句11. blur bl:(1)词性 n.vt.(2)词义模糊, 模糊不清的事物, 污点, 污迹使模糊不清, 使朦胧, 弄脏, 玷污(3)搭配(4)例句Everything becomes a blur when you travel beyond a certain speed. 当你超过一定的速度行进时,一切都变得模模糊糊的。The letter had many blots and blurs. 信上有许多墨水渍和污迹。Tears blurred her eyes. 她泪眼模糊。I blurred my report by spilli

9、ng milk on it. 我不小心把牛奶泼了出来,弄脏了报告。12. boast bust(1)词性vt.n.(2)词义自吹自擂说,吹嘘,以有.而自豪自吹,牛皮,大话,引以为荣的事物(3)搭配(4)例句Our school library boasts quite a few rare books. 我们学校图书馆以藏有好多珍本书而自豪。That brother of yours is full of boasts. 你那个宝贝兄弟满口大话。It is his boast that he has never been late for work. 他为自己上班从未迟到感到自豪。13. co

10、ntribute kntribju:t(1)词性 vt.(2)词义捐(款), 捐献, 捐助, 贡献, 提供(3)搭配(4)例句He contributed half of his savings to the relief fund. 他将积蓄的一半捐献给救济基金会。He didnt contribute one idea to the document. 他对这个文件没有提供一个主意。14. tense tens(1)词性 a.(2)词义拉紧的, 绷紧的, 紧张的, 引起紧张的使拉紧, 使绷紧, 使紧张(3)搭配(4)例句The ropes are tense. 这些绳子是拉紧的。The s

11、ituation suddenly became tense. 局势突然变得紧张起来。All his muscles were tensed. 他的肌肉全都绷紧了。15. fascinate fsineit(1)词性 vt.(2)词义迷住, 使神魂颠倒, 强烈地吸引, 慑住.使动弹不得, 使呆住(3)搭配(4)例句I watched her, fascinated. 我瞧着她,完全被她迷住了。The snake fascinated its prey. 那条蛇震慑住了它的捕获物。16. charity triti(1)词性 n.(2)词义慈悲, 仁爱, 博爱, 慈善, 慈善团体, 慈善事业(3

12、)搭配(4)例句She gave the beggar some money out of charity. 她出于慈善给乞丐一些钱。The rich lady left all her money to charities. 那个阔太太把所有的钱都捐给慈善事业。17. hire hai(1)词性 vt.n.(2)词义租, 租借, 雇, 雇用租用, 雇用, 租金, 工钱(3)搭配(4)例句They hired a big hall. 他们租了一间大厅。We hired a driver to take us on a tour of the city. 我们雇用了一个司机带我们游览这个城市。T

13、hese cars are for hire. 这些车子供租用。18. talent tlnt(1)词性 n.(2)词义天才, 天资, 天才们, 有才能的人们(3)搭配(4)例句He had a talent for music. 他有音乐天才。She is a new diving talent. 她是一个新的跳水天才。19. personnel p:snel(1)词性 n.(2)词义人员, 员工, 人事部门, 人事课(3)搭配(4)例句All personnel of the company are eligible for the retirement plan. 公司所有员工都有资格参加这项退休计划。Please contact the personnel director for benefit information. 有关福利方面的情况请与人事课长联系。20. donation dunein(1)词性 n.(2)词义捐献, 捐赠, 捐款, 捐赠物(3)搭配(4)例句She made a donation of $5,000 to the Children


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