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1、 英语口语比赛主持词范例 【篇一】 各位教师各位同学,下午好!Good afternoon everyone!在这个晴朗的日子里,我们二年二班迎来了首届小学生英语口语大赛。There is a great contest to be held in the sunny day! That is our first English contest of class one gread two这是一个令人兴奋的日子,更是一个属于我们的日子。 This is our exciting day and happin day!意味着我们也能大胆流畅的说英语了。It means we can speak

2、English,bravely ,easily.在这里,我们要大声对我们的英语教师说声感谢!感谢她们对我们英语学习的高度重视,So we say thanks a louder for our English teachers !They have a high regard to our English learning.预祝本次竞赛圆满胜利!And wish this contest enjoy success!我们的评委教师是 ,The judges are Miss , Miss , Miss现在竞赛正式开头Now the contest begins.第一环节:有请第一组。The f

3、irst step: IPlease the first group.感谢,有请其次组。Thank you. Please the second group.感谢,请大家欢送第三组。Thanks, lets welcome the third group.感谢,请大家欢送第四组。Thanks, lets welcome the fourth group.。感谢,有请第五组。Thank you. Please the fifth group.感谢,请大家欢送第六组。Thanks, lets welcome the sixth group.感谢,请大家欢送第七组。Thanks, lets welc

4、ome the sevewn th group.Please Mr. Chai talks about the contest.感谢 ? 的精彩点评。Thank you,?.今日下午的竞赛就到此完毕!二年二班首届小学生英语口语交际大赛到此全部完毕。感谢大家!再见!That”s the end of our contest today. Now the first English contest of class one gread two is over!Thank you! See you next time! 【篇二】 Good afternoon, everyone. Today we

5、are very happy and excited, because we are here, holding the First Oral English Competition. Im the host Zhang Lei.教师们,同学们,下午好,特别快乐,我们相聚在这里,召开第一届英语口语大赛,我是主持人Before we start , allow me to intruduce our honorable judges and guests.在竞赛开头之前,首先让我们欢送本次活动的评委和嘉宾。担当本次活动的评委有:In todays show, we have three roun

6、ds. Every round includes two parts. One is One-minute Reading Show. The other is Quick Answer.今日的竞赛总共有3轮,第一轮分为2个环节,第1环节是一分钟诵读材料。之后,选手将抽取问题,当场答复。Next, lets welcome todays notary to tell us the setting of awards.下面有请今日的公证员为我们介绍奖项的设置。Thank you and I would like to take this opportunity to wish this Engl

7、ish speaking competition can be a perfect success.在此,我预祝这次的英语口语竞赛圆满胜利。My friends, It”s time for our players to have their performance. Lets go to the First Round。朋友们,下面我们将进入今日竞赛的第一轮,有请七位选手。感谢七位选手精彩的展现,下面让我们观赏一出幽默的英文短剧。表演者:感谢这几位同学的精彩表演,接下来让我们连续回到竞赛,有请其次轮的7位选手。特别感谢。没能进入决赛的同学们,利用课余的时间,为我们预备了一首英文歌曲,下面掌声

8、欢送。感谢这几位同学给我们带来了欢快。下面进展竞赛的第三轮。有请。今日的21位选手都已经完成了竞赛,记分员正在紧急的算分,我们每位同学手里都有一张纸,现在,请你慎重的选出你心目中表演最棒的同学,请将他的号码,写在纸上。在统计的时候,我们有请今日节目的导演,音乐总监,来为我们演唱一首歌曲。感谢 深情的演唱,今日竞赛的结果已经出来了,有请公证员为我们宣布。 【篇三】 evening distinguished judges, ladies and 敬重的各位领导各位来宾,亲爱的教师同学们,大家晚上好!Welcome Tianhe your host today, my name is Fred!

9、Its my great College to the English Final competition Speaking of Contest.Im the fifith honor to be here!欢送大家来到广东技术师范学院天河学院第5届英语口语大赛决赛现场,我是今晚的主持人李靖。Fred,今日能够邀请到这么多的评委和嘉宾到场 我真的感到特别的荣幸啊!Thats rightso experts in their own fields of specialization.many excellent !well, we have succeeded in inviting judg

10、es and guests who are And guests todaynow, lets meet our honorable judges and 首先,请允许我介绍今晚到场的嘉宾及评委,他们分别是:Im long way to take part in the competition. I really glad to see you all, a lot of you all came a appreciate it. Thank you for being here!由衷的感谢全部的嘉宾和评委 从百忙之中抽时间出席本次的大赛。让我们再次以热闹的掌声欢送他们的到来.Ladies a

11、nd gentlemen,now I declare that the final competition of 5thcontest start.tianhe college English speaking 现在我宣布广技师天河学院第五届英语口语大赛决赛正式开头。And now lets welcome our president to give an opening warmly welcome.speech of tonights competition. Lets 现在我们有请 为本次大赛致开幕词.大家掌声欢送!特别感谢 的精彩致辞。Ladies and gentlemen, we

12、have 3 parts for tonights competition. The should be made on the topic: “what can you do first partis prepared speech, your speech for contestants the 20xxpanel finish Asian their Games?”prepared speeches, after all the the contestants need to answer them and show their of judge gets to ask question

13、s. The clarity of thoughts and wit. This is good for 5mins. The second part is making a dialogue, more than two is good for 3mins. The last part is dubbing. This contestants will cooperate each other. This is good for 3 mins.下面我来介绍一下今晚的竞赛环节.今晚的竞赛分为3个环节 1主题演讲:每位选手围绕“我能为亚运做什么”进展主题演讲 2.情景对话:两位或三位选手为一组从

14、不怜悯景中选择一个进展情景对话,情景有:机场里游客之间的对话;出租车站门口出租车司机之间的对话;路边修路工人之间的对话;本地中学生之间的对话;会场中志愿者之间的对话;外国记者与中国记者之间的对话 3.*配音:两位选手为一组从不同的*片段中选择一段进展配音Ok, judging. They are as follows:lets briefly announce the 6 criteria for 1. delivery of the speech,20points.This includes fitting mastery of the speech.the theme, voice qua

15、lity and also the 2.pronunciation your natural tone,your clarity and correctness.and intonation,20points.This includes 3.vocabulary includes and grammatical accuracy.the right grammar, choice of 20points. the word This and 4.fluency, 20points. This includes your appropriate speed 5. ample expression, and your appropriate gesture. expressions, 10points. This includes your 6. con


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