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1、教学目标能够掌握常见物品的英文表达能够询问教室物品或文具名称并找到物主能够综合运用所学句型汇报活动结果教学向导语言目标学习策略与思维技巧重点词汇运用this /that 的一般疑问句及其答句;What 引导的特殊疑问句及其简略回答。以游戏的形式,做出推理与判断,培养综合分析能力。pencil, pen, book, eraser, pencil-case, backpack, ruler, key,ID card, baseball, watch, game, ring, computer,notebook语言结构语言功能跨学科学习Demonstrativesthis, that;Whatqu

2、estions;Yes/No questions and short answersHow do you spell pencil?(Formulaic)寻找物主培养学生绘画和写作能力主题词表pencil, pen, book, eraser, pencil-case, backpack, ruler, key, ID card, baseball, watch, game, ring, computer, notebookExtensive words:textbook; exercise-book; ball-pen; compass; sharpener; rubber; glue; c

3、olor-pen; sticker; highlight; ball-point; scissors; chalk; file; blackboard; ink; set- square; paper; pamphlet; peg.重点句型(1)Is this your pencil?Yes, it is./No, it isnt.(2)Is that my book?Yes, it is./ No, it isnt.(3)Is this/that her/his eraser?Yes, it is./ No, it isnt.(4) Whats this/ that in English?I

4、ts a/an (5)How do you spell pen?P-E-N.主题思维图及任务型活动课前准备让学生收集并自学有关文具或教室物品的名词,并准备一些实物或图片。教师事先应对学生常用的文具有所了解,同时收集部分同学的物品,对于不能出示实物的用具则应准备一些简图。让学生挑选一件自己喜欢的物品或图片并为该它制作一个英文标签,即写出该物品的英文名称;教师也可根据将学生学习新词时感觉困难的词语,制作自己的标签,将其放入学生的物品中;同时为各小组准备好活动用的纸盒或袋子。Task One: Lead in-Learning words.教学目的:学习有关文具的英文表达方式需要学习和掌握的新单词与

5、新句型:pencil, pen, book, eraser, pencil-case, backpack, ruler, key, ID card, baseball, watch, game, ring, computer,notebook1.Is this your pencil?Yes, it is./No, it isnt.2.Is that my book?Yes, it is./ No, it isnt.3.Is this/that her/his eraser?Yes, it is./ No, it isnt.4.Whats this/ that in English?Its a

6、/an 5.How do you spell pen?P-E-N.Step 1: 出示实物或图片,问学生Whats this/ that in English?导入Task One中新词。(pencil, pen, book, eraser, pencil-case, backpack, ruler, key, ID card,baseball, watch, game, ring, computer,notebook )板书目标词汇。Step 2: 抽取学生中的文具由学生问,学生答;复习上一步所学单词。Step 3: 从学生中收取一部分文具,引入句型Is this your pencil?Y

7、es, it is./No, it isnt.或Is that my book?Yes, it is./ No, it isnt. etc.Task Two: Guessing game( Finding the owners)教学目的:巩固目标词汇和Is this your pencil?Yes, it is./No, it isnt. etc.复习Whats this/ that in English?Its a/an How do you spell pen?P-E-N.Step 1: 每位学生将自己准备好的物品放进一个袋子里。Step 2: 教师与一位学生做示范。为接下来的Group

8、work 作铺垫。需要用到的句型打在屏幕上。Step 3: 学生开始做Group work。Step 4: 展示各小组统计的结果,看哪组同学在规定时间内猜出的物品的主人最多。Task Three: Competition.教学目的:培养学生在一定语境下综合运用目标语的能力。Step 1: 在小组内部将各自的文具汇集到一处。运用句型:This is my .Step 2: 交换小组成员。来自外组的同学负责寻找相关文具的主人。运用句型:Is thisyour.? Is this Janes ?Step 3: 完成下表并由Group Leader 进行汇报。stationeryOwnersharpe

9、nerPencil-caseeraserdictionaryHomework:Write down a dialogue using the words and the target languages.Preview the content of the next period.Blackboard writingUnit 2 Is this your pencil?Whats this /that in English?Its a/anHow do you spell.?Is this your/Tinas backpack?Yes, it is. / No, it isnt. Its h

10、is/Marys.教学点评:本课时以寻找物主为主线,用实物或实物简图为学生提供尽可能真实的场景,让学生产生一定的体验,并在体验中学习、探究,课堂气氛活跃,学生学习兴趣高,学习效果也较好。同时教师为学生设计了一个任务链,加强了活动之间的联系,同时活动之间的层次分明,学生易于接受。本堂课成功的关键是教师课前准备到位,每一个环节都使学生感到新鲜、好奇,在这样一种心理因素的驱使下,学生乐学、好学,教学效果倍增。第二课时教学设计Teaching aims and demandsKnowledge: Demonstrativesthis, that;Whatquestions;Yes/No questio

11、ns and short answersHow do you spell pencil?Moral education: care more about others, be polite and friendly to each other.Ability: Identify ownership.Key points:Is this your/his/her book?Yes, it is./No, it isnt.Whats this/that in English?Its an eraser/a notebook.How do you spell it?Difficult pointsI

12、s that Marys sharpener?Yes, it is.Whats this/that in English? Its a/an.Teaching methods: Task basedStep 1Lead-in: Whats this in English?Its a/anIs this your pencil?Yes, it is./No, it isnt.Ask Ss to ask group mates about this.Give them a sample dialogue by listening to the tape.Step 2Before listening

13、, give Ss 4 questions:1.Is that pencil Sonias?2.Thats Tims eraser, isnt it?3.Is this Janes ruler?4.This is Tims pencil-case, isnt it?Listen to a dialogue. Ask the students to take notes. Then answer the questions.Step 3 Listen to the dialogue again.Ask the students some sentences theyve got from the

14、 dialogue.Write down the key sentences down on the blackboardStep 4 Group work:Ask the students to ask the group mates. Fill in a form as below.stationeryownerpencil-casenotebookpencil sharpener.Step 5Ask the group leader to do a report, and the other students take notes.Ask Ss to think about the reports the other students do.Step 6 Homework:To make a dialogue by using the target language.To write a “Lost and found case”.Blackboard writing:Unit 2 Is this your pencil?Is this/that your pencil?Yes, it is./ No


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