地方副词置於句首的倒装法 (2).doc

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1、GEPT Instructor: Joyce&The bank is next to the post office.Next to .F 地方副詞置於句首的倒裝法l 地方副詞 (there , here.) 或介系詞形成的地方副詞片語 (by the window, on the desk) 置於句首,該動詞與主詞需倒裝l 地方副詞 + V + SEX: A book is on the desk. = On the desk is a book. EX: A boy stood by the window. = By the window stood a boy.EX: Among the

2、 guests was standing John. = John was standing among the guests. EX: Here comes the bus. = The bus comes here. EX: Here are the examples of the Chinese horoscope. l 地方副詞 + S(代名詞) + VEX: Behind the counter he stood. = He stood behind the counter. 翻譯:1. 老師來了,請保持肅靜 (keep quiet) 2. 有個老人住在河的那邊 (beyond) 3

3、. 路邊躺著一位車禍受傷的人 (roadside, lie-lay-lain, injured) 4. 這些驚嚇的小孩衝了出來 (Out, frightened, rush out ) 5. 有個陌生人在門口等著(at the gate) 6. 桌上有許多書 You were thoughtful to give ma ride. It was .F It is + 修飾人的品德或本質的形容詞 + of + 人 + to V(人性的形容詞)l 修飾人的品德或本質的形容詞如,kind, thoughtful, selfish, nice, clever, stupid/foolish, care

4、lessEX: It was clever of him to come up with such a good idea. EX: It is kind of you to say so. EX: It is nice of you to accept my recommendation. 翻譯:1. 你很好會幫助需要幫助的人(be in need) 2. 他很好會讓座給懷孕的婦女(pregnant) &David enjoys music. His friends Tom and Jane enjoy music, too. (not onlybut also) .l Not only A

5、 but also B 中的A .B 必需是對等的字、片語、或子句EX: Taking exercise can not only make our heart stronger but also cultivate our patience. l Not only A but also B, not A but B (並非.而是.), either A or B, neither A nor B等四組連接詞連接主詞時,動詞與最近的主詞一致EX: Not only you but also he is wrong. EX: Either you or I am wrong. EX: Not o

6、nly energy but also patience is necessary to success in life. l Both A and B動詞永為複數EX: Both you and I are students. l Not only .but also 若接子句,第一句需倒裝,表強調EX: Not only is she beautiful but she is also friendly. EX: Not only did he make a promise, but he also kept it. l Not only.but also(不但而且)= not merel

7、ybut= not only.but.as wellEX: This book is not only interesting but also instructive. = This book is not merely interesting but instructive. = This book is not only interesting but instructive as well. !She is in the wrong. You are in the wrong, too. (not only.but also) !He is a soldier. He is also

8、a great teacher. (not only.but also) ! I heard the news. I also saw it. (not only.but also) ! She gave him a jacket. She also gave him a cap. (not only.but also) 翻譯:1. 不僅是你,我也要為這次失敗負責 (be responsible for, failure) 2. 我不僅對音樂感興趣,也對文學感興趣 (literature) 3. 不僅是努力,誠實也是成功的重要關鍵 (key to success) 4. 我們不僅需要食物,也需

9、要水 5. 搭捷運不但省時,也能省錢(MRT) 6. 足夠的睡眠不僅能使你保持清醒,而且使你有充沛的活力(sober, energetic) F S + Vbecause + S + V (因為;由於)【because = as】(請參考英文寫作連接詞用法)= S + V .because of + N = Because of + V, S + V (because of = due to = thanks to= owing to= on account of )EX: Because of work, we can achieve our goals, and because of re

10、creation, we can relax our tension. EX: Because the weather is bad, we decided to stay home. = Because of the bad weather, we decided to stay home. EX: The airport is closed because a typhoon is coming. = The airport is closed due to the typhoon. F Due to + N = because of = owing to = on account ofEX: We couldnt go out owing to the bad weather. EX: We delayed our departure on account of the bad weather. ! He is absent. (用片語)He is ill. !There is a storm. (用


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