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1、2014八年级英语下期末综合复试试题(附答案牛津版)一 词汇 A根据首字母或中文提示完成单词1. Many people d _(捐赠)lots of money to the children in poor areas.2. You can support our work by making a _ (捐赠) .3. Our charity show was a s_ and we had a lot of support from local government4. It was exciting to be the _(主持) of the show.5.The c_ rose,

2、the host came on the stage with a microphone in her hand.6. There are many _ (advertise) in todays newspapers .B 用括号内所给词的正确形式填空1. Most (busy) letters are written in English. 2. Project hope is an (organize) that helps children go to school.3. He is not a teacher any _(many).4. I _(try) to help you o

3、rganize your show if I have time.5. I dont know what made him laugh so_(excite)?6. At the end of the show, we clapped and shouted with _ (excite).7. English is _ (wide) used in many kinds of fields .二 单项选择( )1This book Lucys. Look ! Her name is on the book.Amust beBmay beCcant beDmustnt be( )2It was

4、 that she went out for a swim.Aso a fine weatherBsuch a fine weatherCso fine weatherDsuch fine weather( )3There was an important meeting last night. Mr. Smith to it.Awas invitedBinvitedCis invitedDinvites( )4The dinner didnt start all the friends arrived.AwhenBwhileCuntilDwhether( )5 I think necessa

5、ry to protect wild livesAthisBthatCitDyou are( )6They wanted to raise money help poor people .AtoBforCatDwith( ) 7. He seems _ today because he has passed the exam.A .to happyB. be unhappyC. happyD. happily( ) 8. My teacher is _ documents(文件) to each member.A. giving upB. giving inC. giving outD. gi

6、ving off( ) 9 The meeting will _ at 8 oclock.A. holdB. holdingC. heldD. be held( ) 10. The money you donated _help people in need.A. is used toB. used toC. use toD. be use to( ) 11. -How often _ your school sports meeting ? -Once a year .A. does , holdB. was , heldC. is , held D. is , taken place( )

7、 12. English is widely used _ travellers all over the world .A. toB. forC. by D. as ( ) 13. Our classroom must _ clean every day .A. keepB. be keptC. to be keptD. to keep( ) 14. A beautiful picture _ the students in class 7.A. were shownB. was shownC. were shown to D. was shown to( ) 15. Hes never b

8、een late for class , _ he ?A. isB. isntC. has D. hasnt A三、完形填空Mrs. Wang has worked in a charity 1 1999 and she is very busy . Today when she is at breakfast at 7:30, there comes a call .Twenty minutes 2 , she is with Jane because Jane cant stop her child from 3 . There Mrs. Wang helps with Janes thr

9、ee-month-old baby and it soon calms down .It is her first child and she should learn how to look after it . After that Mrs. Wang goes on to see Mrs. Black. A rich old woman who lives 4 .Her right arm is broken and can not wash or put on her clothes herself. She must 5 by Mrs. Wang every day.Then Mrs

10、. Wang gets her third call. She goes to the place for the 6 . There she is with the elderly till 3:00 pm .One by one , she answers their questions and helps them take their 7 when the doctor looks over other people.Mrs. Wang keeps hurrying around all day and 8 she can be rung up even late at night w

11、hen the sick must be helped. She is 9 tired to work when she goes home , but she still 10 helping others.( )1.A. when B. for C. since D. until( )2.A.after B. late C. later D. ago( )3.A.laugh B. cry C. jumping D. crying( )4.A. happily B. lonely C. alone D. happy( )5.A.be looked after B. take home C.

12、look after D. be taken home ( )6.A. blind B. elderly C. deaf D homeless( )7. A. homework B. housework C. medicines (药) D. meals( )8.A.always B. sometime C. usually D. sometimes( )9.A. so B. very C. too D. much( )10.A. enjoy B. dislikes C. keeps D. wants 四、阅读理解A good way to pass an examination(考试) is

13、 to work hard every day in the year. You may fail in the examination if you are lazy for most of the year and then work hard only a few days before the examination. If you are taking an English examination, dont learn only rules of grammar. Try to read stories in English and speak in English whenever you can. A few days before examination you should start going to bed early. Do not stay up late at night studying and learning things. Before you start the examination , read carefully over the exa



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