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1、1.I live in the country and my father was a farmer. 1. _ He is now forty-five year old. Because of years of 2. _ hard work, he looks old than his age. When I was 3. _ young, he used to tell me the importance study. 4. _ Father knows little about English but other subjects, 5. _ but he usually gives

2、me some good advices on how 6. _ to learn my lessons good. He is not only kind to me 7. _ but also very strict in me. With his help, Ive made 8. _ great progress. Ill never to forget what he taught 9. _ me. I think my father is best father in the world. 10. _ 2.Weve just moved in a house and we want

3、 to 1. buy a new color television set, and Im not 2. sure about a size. Maybe we should buy a big 3. _one. If we will buy a small one, we may have 4. to change it in a few years time a bigger 5. one. My husband thinks its no necessary to buy 6. a very big one. He said our sitting room isnt very 7. b

4、ig. If we put in a very big television, they will 8. be bad for our eyes. Anyway, wed better to 9. make quick decision because the price may go up soon. 10. 3.Most families in China hoped their single children will 1. have a happy future, so they are very strict in their children. 2. So do teachers

5、in schools! Many children are given so much 3. homework that they have hardly any spare time have sports. 4. The children are forbidden to do anything but to study. No 5. wonder such many children are tired of lessons. Some even 6. attack or kill his parents and teachers! I believe many 7. people al

6、ready read this kind of news in newspapers or magazines. 8. Shouldnt we draw a lessons from the accidents? Now our 9. government is carrying on a plan to solve the education problems. 10. 4.Nowadays, almost every family has TV set, and almost 1. everyone likes watching TV. TV has become a part of ou

7、r life.2. TV has any advantages, for example, it informs us of the 3. latest news which is happening in the world; it can open our4. eyes, enlarge our knowledge and also help them to see more5. about the world. it also has some disadvantages. People6. waste too much time in watching TV and his norma

8、l life7. and work are affected. To the children who they spend too8. much times in watching TV, it can do harm to their sight9. and healthy. So we should control the time of watching TV. 10. 5.The Huaihe River has been serious polluted. Day and night 1. millions of tons of waste water is being poure

9、d it from2. hundreds of factories. The waste water is harmfully. At present3. there is no fish in it. The river water cannot be drunk. People in4. either bank have to dig wells to take drinking water. The Huaihe5. River is such dirty and poisonous that people dont dare swim6. in it. Something must b

10、e done to stopping the pollution. The7. government and the people near the river must try to clear water8. as soon as possible. Now special attention has been pay to the 9. pollution by the government and more scientists. The pollution10. will be prevented in the near future. 6.Dear Abby,How are you

11、? Today Ive got a wonderful news to tell you.1. I have offered a scholarship at a university in Australia for my 2. further education. One hundred and twenty students took exam 3. for it, but only a few was chosen and I was one of them. However,4. my parents are not happy about it. They are strongly

12、 against I5. going there. They say it is too far away that they will not see me 6. for a whole year and they are afraid I will feel alone. They cant 7. imagine a girl so young living alone. They advise me to studying8. in the capital instead. Then Ill be able to continue living them. 9. What can I persuade them to accept the fact that I have grown up? 10. Best wishes Jane7.Dear sir, I m very sorry trouble you .


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