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1、Module 6 单元测试题第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节:单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15 分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。21. The computer is _ useful tool for our study, for we can find a lot of information on _ Internet.A. a; the B. a; a C. the; 不填 D. 不填; the22.The experiment _ to test the new drug was a great success, which

2、excited the scientists.A. designed B. design C. designing D. to design23. The area is flooded again. It _ happens in summer.A. similarly B. completely C. frequently D. separately 24. Nowadays some students in the countryside still have no _ to computers for the latest information.A. method B. abilit

3、y C. opportunity D. access25. Its wrong to read peoples private letters without _.A. doubt B. instruction C. delay D. permission26. The audience at the concert mainly _ teenagers.A. makes up B. consists of C. is made up D. is consisted of 27. Julia is on holiday in Spain _ while her friend Tony is w

4、orking at a local restaurant.A. at the moment B. at any moment C. in a moment D. from that moment on28. The price of this kind of car has _. Why not buy one, Mrs. Black?Sounds like a good idea.A. brought down B. put down C. gone down D. knocked down29. Though known _ a dancer, Molly from Canada is b

5、etter known _ her songs.A. as; for B. for; to C. as; to D. to; as 30. _ many students in his class, Johnson is _ student.A. Compared with; a more hard-working B. Comparing with; a more hard-workingC. Compared with; the more hard-working D. Comparing with; the more hard-working 31. With so much noise

6、 outside the classroom, how can the students _ their lessons?A. concentrate on B. depend on C. give up D. come across32. The book _ all the information you need to _ a website. A. controls; invent B. contains; invent C. contains; create D. controls; create33. Being weak in a foreign language will be

7、 a _ to you when you are trying to get a job in a foreign company.A. disagreement B. misunderstanding C. mistake D. disadvantage 34. We take in water not only by drinking but by eating food _.A. though B. instead C. as well D. as though 35. Sir, its 2,000 yuan in all. _?By credit card, please.A. How

8、 much would you like B. Can I help youC. Would you like me to wrap it up D. How would you like to pay for it第二节:完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30 分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。I was at the bus stop, heading (前往) home after a long, busy day, when I served guests at a restaurant. Suddenly I re

9、alized Id left behind my 36 with $80 worth of tips and one of my photos in it! I couldnt afford to 37 a days pay. When I ran back, the 38 was closed. So I had to tell myself: Id try to 39 about it this evening. The next day was much 40 than the day before. I was already 41 five tables there, when a

10、white-haired 42 sat down in my section (区域). No matter how 43 I was, I made sure to give them the best 44 I could. After their meal, I 45 them for their kindness. The couple had left the 46 by the time I picked up the tip. This wasnt right, I thought; there was much more than twenty dollars. It was

11、too much for a tip. I 47 again; forty dollars! Quickly, I 48 around to look for the couple. Theyd left the restaurant. 49 , I went to the hostess (女招待). “Did you see that 50 couple who just sat in my sec-tion leave?” I asked. “Oh, they are my parents, and have gone home,” the hostess said. “They tol

12、d me about you. Yesterday they 51 your wallet. Since you were very 52 just now, they asked me to give the wallet to you. By the way, they said they were very 53 with your service and gave you twice as much as a 54 .”How kind they are and what a coincidence (巧合)!I will always try my best to 55 custom

13、ers well in future. 36. A. schoolbag B. suitcase C. wallet D. coat 37. A. lose B. finish C. waste D. spend38. A. station B. school C. bank D. restaurant39. A. think B. forget C. complain D. remember40. A. brighter B. busier C. luckier D. hotter41. A. putting away B. taking awayC. waiting on D. cleaning up42. A. man B. lady C. couple D. stranger43. A. tired B. happy C. relaxed D. calm 44. A. places B. dishes C. food D. service45. A. paid B. thanked C. treated D. congratulated46. A. cafe B. table C. money D. scene47. A. included B. admired C. counted D. explored48. A. turned B. traveled


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