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1、课时作业(十七)Great People and Great Inventions of Ancient China中国古代伟人和伟大发明.单项填空1The director ordered that the gate and windows_firmly before leaving the office.Ashall be closedBbe closedCought to be closed Dmust be closed2The English teacher laid particular_the need of reading aloud.Astress on Bimportanc

2、eCstress to Dstrain on3I firmly believe,as long as I make more efforts,my dream will_sooner or later.Acome about Bbring outCcarry out Dcome true4I couldnt_my tears when I saw the pictures of Premier Wen working at the front of the quake zone.Ahold back Bhold outChold up Dhold on5Taking care of child

3、ren calls for your time,abilities,patience and emotions._,it is not a simple thing.AOn the contrary BWhats moreCIn conclusion DOn the other hand6The flooded area is in_of total neglect.The people have to live in makeshift tents under the most appalling_.Aa condition;condition Ba condition;conditions

4、Cconditions;condition Dconditions;conditions7_,her health has improved,but she is still not really well.AAll the way BIn a wayCIn the way DBy the way8Guests may choose from large and comfortable rooms,some of which_up to six people.Ainvolve BincludeCmaintain Daccommodate9This is the first time that

5、he_to join us in a research.Aagree BagreedChas agreed Dwill agree10All the countries in the world should_each other,though some developing countries cant equal developed ones_some sections.Abe equal to;in Bbe equal with;onCbe equal;on Dbe equal to;of11The book had a great_his life,after he read the

6、book,his lifestyle changed a lot.Aeffect to Bimportance toCcontribution to Dinfluence on12There are very few pandas living in_wild now.The scientists are seeking a way to keep them out of_trouble.A/;/ Bthe;theCthe;/ D/;the13Computers are becoming more and more popular,but do you know who_the first c

7、omputer?Adiscovered BinventedCfound Dcaused14The basketball team of our school won the first place in the important match,_all players and students in our school were proud.Awhen Bfor whichCof which Dwhere15As we know the teaching styles in the West are quite different from_in China.Athose BonesCit

8、Dthat.完形填空(2009年石家庄检测二)The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.Eleanor RooseveltMy home is a place of great beauty and agricultural richness,as well as of war and natural disasters.When I was only fourteen years old,I was filled with_1_in spite of the terrible surroundi

9、ngs.The families living here,who tried to make their living from the land,_2_great losses.I felt sorry especially for the_3_,but I_4_to be hopeless.I decided that where I was,I could do_5_to help them.I began knocking on every door and saying to each person who_6_my knock,“I know that you are_7_and

10、give the birds that come to your yard a little_8_.Please consider me your bird.Give me only a handful of rice each week when I come to your_9_.I will take it to the temple where it can be given to the_10_children.”No one seemed to_11_giving me a handful of rice,even_12_they had little themselves.On

11、Sunday,I would go to the_13_and give my handfuls of rice to the monks to_14_to the children.One day,I came to a house that had_15_to give.I told my story and asked if I could be their bird.The woman called her daughters,and_16_gave me fifty cents,as well as the handful of rice!I began to ask for_17_

12、and rice from the other “bird feeders”,and they gave them to me.Everyone was happy to be helping those who were suffering,even_18_only this small way.The temple was soon able to help everyone who came to them for food and clothing.“Consider me your bird.” My_19_idea had not stopped the war,but anywa

13、y,it was_20_some peace.1.A.sorrow BhopeCcomfort Dhappiness2A.suffered BsurvivedCcovered Dmade3A.peasants BcitizensCvillagers Dchildren4A.wanted BfailedCrefused Dstopped5A.somethingBeverythingCanythingDnothing6A.said BrepliedCanswered Dspoke7A.glad BkindCrich Dfriendly8A.water BmoneyCnest Drice9.A.temple BroomCdoor Dgarden10A.brave BhungryCpromisingDnervous11A.mind BescapeCpractice Denjoy12A.where BthatCso Dwhen13A.village BhometownCtemple Dhouse14A.give inBgive upCgive away Dgive out15A.much BlittleCmany Dfew16A.every BeachCneither D


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