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1、自学新概念英语第一册17-18课自学笔记,包括17-18课的课文重难点详解、语法知识点、重点单词学习和18课的课后练习答案。新概念英语第一册第17-18课课文详注 Further notes on the text1How do you do?您好。这是用于第一次见面时的较正式用语。一般用同样的话来回答。请参见 Lessons 56课文详注。2Come and meet our employees来见见我们的雇员这里的and表示目的。请参见 Lessons 1314中语法部分的解释。3This is Nicola Grey,and this is Claire Taylor这位是尼古拉格雷,这

2、位是克莱尔泰勒。这是介绍人们彼此认识时的常用句型。请参见 Lessons 56课文详注。4名词的复数形式(2)如果名词单数词尾为-f或-fe(读作f),则其复数一律变为-ves (读作vz),即将-f或-fe变成-v,再加-es而成,如 housewife-housewives。英语中有一些名词的复数形式是不规则的,如man与woman其复数形式分别为men与women。此外还可用man,woman等来区别阳性与阴性:以-man结尾的一些复合名词指男性,如milkman- milkmen,policeman - policemen;一些以-woman结尾的名词指女性,如postwoman- p

3、ostwomen,policewoman - policewomen。5数字200,1,000,1,001的英文写法200 - two hundred1,000 - a(或 one) thousand1,001 - a thousand and one新概念英语第一册第17-18课语法 Grammar in use1who 引导的特殊疑问句Who is?或 Who are?这类以疑问词 who引导的疑问句通常用来询问人的姓名和身份。Who?仅指人,可以用来询问男性、女性、单数或复数的人。如:注意这种句型与 What is?或 What are?这类句型的区别:What?句型主要用来询问人的类别

4、或职业,如:请参见 Lessons 56与 Lessons 78语法部分的解释。2所有格形容词与人称代词(请参见Lessons 1112语法部分。)所有格形容词their 意为“他们的”,其对应的人称代词是they。下面是人称代词及其对应的所有格形容词形式:新概念英语第一册第17-18课词汇学习 Word study1custom n. 风俗;习惯;When visiting a foreign country, we might find the countrys customs strange to us.当我们去外国访问时,我们也许会发现该国的某些风俗习惯有些奇怪。It is his c

5、ustom to go for a walk in the evenings. 他惯常在晚上出去散步。2customs, Customs n. 复海关;征收关税的程序:The spy was stopped at the Customs and questioned. 那个间谍在海关被截住并被加以盘问。How long will it usually take to pass the Customs? 通过海关检查通常要花费多少时间?新概念英语第一册第18课练习答案 Key to written exercisesLesson 18A1 That man is tall. He is a po

6、liceman.2 Those girls are busy. They are keyboard operators.3 Our names are Britt and Inge. We are Swedish.4 Look at our office assistant. He is very hard-working.5 Look at Nicola. She is very pretty.6 Michael Baker and Jeremy Short are employees. They are sales reps.B1 Are they keyboard operators o

7、r air hostesses?They arent keyboard operators. Theyre air hostesses.2 Are they postmen or policemen?They arent postmen. Theyre policemen.3 Are they policewomen or nurses?They arent policewomen. Theyre nurses.4 Are they customs officers or hairdressers?They arent customs officers. Theyre hairdressers

8、.5 Are they hairdressers or teachers?They arent hairdressers. Theyre teachers.6 Are they engineers or taxi drivers?They arent engineers. Theyre taxi drivers.7 Are they policewomen or keyboard operators?They arent policewomen. Theyre keyboard operators.8 Are they milkmen or engineers?They arent milkmen. Theyre engineers.9 Are they policemen or milkmen?They arent policemen. Theyre milkmen.10 Are they nurses or housewives?They arent nurses. Theyre housewives.


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