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1、Module 5 Look after yourselfUnit 2 Get off the sofa!一、根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成句子一、根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成句子1.You should do more p exercise,or youll be much fatter.hysical2.How do you usually c the Spring Festival in your country?We usually get together and have dinner.elebrate3.Though Mary is not very brave,she like

2、s to watch movies that are scary once in a w .hile4.Weve put a gr eat deal of time and _(努力)into this project.effort 5.A strong body _(需要)enough exercise and a balanced(均衡的)diet.requires 6.It is generally accepted that smoking _(损害)our health.【点拨】smoking 为动名词作主语,谓语动词用单三形式。harms二、用所给单词的适当形式填空二、用所给单词的

3、适当形式填空7.Its very _(nature)for you to make mistakes when you start to learn a foreign language.【点拨】根据It is+adj.+for sb.to do sth.可知设空处应为形容词,nature 的形容词形式为natural。natural8.Dont get close to the tiger because it is a _(danger)animal.【点拨】由a 及名词animal 可知应用形容词作定语,danger 的形容词形式为dangerous。dangerous9.Tom has

4、nt come home yet.His parents are very _(worry)about their son.【点拨】be worried about 意为“担心”,是固定短语。worried 10.Marys mother always keeps _(health)by exercising.【点拨】keep healthy 意为“保持健康”,为固定短语。healthy11.Doing exercise in a scientific way _(be)good for both our body and mind.【点拨】动名词短语作主语,be 动词用is。is12.202

5、3 武威 Youre expected _(shake)hands when meeting people for the first time in China.【点拨】句意:在中国当你第一次见到人们的时候,你被期待握手。be expected to do sth.“被期待做某事”。to shake13.2023 自贡模拟一 Dont eat junk food.Its _(harm)to your health.【点拨】be harmful to 意为“对有害”,是固定短语。harmful 三、单项选择三、单项选择14.2022岳阳 With the development of 5G t

6、echnology,our daily lives have become _.A.more and more convenientB.the most convenientC.convenienter and convenienter【点拨】语境分析法。分析语境可知,空格处表示“越来越便利”;表示“越来越”用“比较级+and+比较级”结构,多音节词用“more and more+形容词原级”结构。A15.2023 株洲 Today,we must continue working _ our skies blue,waters clean and lands clear.A.keep B.t

7、o keep C.keeping【点拨】句意:今天,我们必须继续工作,保持我们的天蓝、水清、地清。此处用动词不定式表示目的,故选B。B16.What do you think of the Monkey King?I think hes a hero _ keeps fighting to help the weak people.A.who B.where C.whose D.which【点拨】考查定语从句。先行词是人,关系代词在定语从句中作主语,who 符合题意。A17.My brother is _ heavy because he often eats _ fast food.A.mu

8、ch too;too manyB.too much;too muchC.much too;too muchD.too much;much too【点拨】much too 太,修饰形容词或副词;too many太多,修饰可数名词复数;too much 太多,修饰不可数名词。第一个空修饰形容词heavy,第二个空修饰不可数名词短语fast food。C18.2022 南通期末 His poor eating habit has lasted for years.It requires a lot of _ to change it.A.effort B.charm C.value D.silenc

9、e【点拨】effort 努力;charm 魅力;value 价值;silence 寂静。根据“His poor eating habit has lasted for years.”可知,改变多年的不良饮食习惯需要很多努力。A19.Youll _ weight if you keep eating fried food.OK.I wont do that again.A.put on B.put offC.put down D.put away【点拨】句意:如果你继续吃油炸食品,你将会发胖。好的。我不会再那样做了。put on weight意为“增加体重;发胖”,符合语境。A20._ our

10、teachers,weve made great progress in the past three years.A.In order to B.Thanks toC.At the end of D.According to【点拨】In order to 为了;Thanks to 多亏;At the end of 在结尾;According to 根据。由后面“我们在过去的三年里取得了很大的进步”可知“多亏了我们的老师”,故选B。B21.2023 扬州 We dont _ much from the kids because they cant understand the value of

11、 this work.A.express B.excuse C.expect D.explain【点拨】句意:我们不能从孩子们那儿期盼太多,因为他们无法理解这份工作的价值。express 表达;excuse 原谅;expect 要求,指望;explain 解释。根据句意可知选C。C22.Dont play games on the computer all day.It does _ to your eyes.A.harm B.use C.help D.thank【点拨】do harm to 意为“对有害”,是固定短语。A四、根据汉语意思补全英文句子四、根据汉语意思补全英文句子23.你永远不要

12、拒绝孩子送给你的礼物。You should never _ _ _ a gift from a child.say no to 24.为了放松自己,我一天至少花一个小时的时间练习瑜伽。To relax myself,I spend _ _an hour a day _ yoga.at leastpractising/practicing25.老师们期待他们所有的学生每天都有进步。Teachers _ all their students _ _ _ every day.expect tomake progress 26.2023 荆州改编 人们认为,谷雨时节喝茶可以让人们远离疾病。_ _ _ drinking tea during Grain Rain can make people stay away from illnesses.Its said/thought/believed that 27.医疗保健帮助人们过上更健康的生活。_Health care helps people(to)live/lead a healthier life.


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