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1、Unit 5 Our new home制定依据1内容分析本单元教材以“new home”为主题, 要求学生能听懂、会说、会读房间及家具类单词,并能用所学句型:Wheres .?Its .Where are ?Theyre 进行询问某物在哪。其中,Wheres ?Its 在3B已经学过,Where are?Theyre涉及到复数,是本单元的重难点。本单元的重点在于能在一定的情境中运用适合的句型进行交流,培养学生用英语思维,用英语做事的能力。2学生分析学生在3B已学习 Wheres .?Its 这一句型掌握得较牢固,因此,在学习 句型Where are?Theyre教师应该在帮助学生进行知识的迁移

2、,引导学生自主发现规律。课时安排第一课时: storytime第二课时: Fun time song time and sound time 第三课时: Cartoon time sound time 第四课时: Checkout time第五课时: practise Ticking time教 学 过 程第一课时Story time教学目标1. 在再构的整体情境中,学习单词bedroom, living room, kitchen, bathroom, sofa, fridge, table, clock并能运用。2. 能听懂、会说、会读、会初步运用句型Wheres the/my? Wher

3、e are the/my? 并且会用Its和Theyre 来回答。3. 能理解故事大意并有感情地朗读,并能体会故事的surprising ending。4敢于想象,大胆表达,能自信大方地表演,并能正确评价自己的语言学习。教学环节教师活动学生活动设计意图Warm upGreeting and warm up1.GreetingT: Hello, boys and girls. How are you ?T: Im well. Can you sing the song “Wheres the bird?”Ss: Hello, Miss .S: Im fine, thank you. And yo

4、u?S:Yes,we can .Ss sing the song together通过师生、生生的活动,让学生尽快进入英语的学习氛围。Pre-task preparation1. Encourage Ss to sing a song In my homeask:Whats this song about?2. Lead in topic.(1) Guide Ss to learn the new words about rooms. (2) Guide Ss to play a game. Say what you see.(3) Play a video and guide Ss to l

5、earn the words about household things.(4) Encourage Ss to recall where the household things are.1. Follow the music and sing the song.Learn: room, home2. Know the topic of this lesson.(1 )Guess and answer.Learn: bedroom, living room, kitchen, bathroom(2) Review the words about rooms.(3 )Watch and le

6、arn.Learn: fridge, sofa, table, clock(4) Try to ask and answer.Wheres the?Its in theWhere are the ?They are in the 利用歌曲引入本课情境,帮助学生集中注意力。直接进入本课的主题,借助图片和动画,在师生的问答互动中教学本课的房间和家具新词,帮助学生从音形义的角度感知、理解单词。借助黑板上的图片场景,在游戏中,让学生初步感知where的两个不同句型,并尝试运用。While- task procedure(Part C)1. Watch and answer.(1)What happen

7、ed? (2)If you are Su Hai or Su Yang, what will you ask? (3)Where are the bag and the skirts?Their mother can help them. Lets watch a video. 2. Look and imagine.Su Yang likes her white cap, too. Now, she is looking for it. Can you guess what they are saying?3. Listen and answer.Where is the white cap

8、? 4. Look and find.Who took the white cap? 5. Read and imagine.(1) Encourage Ss to read and act with emotion. (2) If Su Hai wants to get back the white cap, what will she say?6. Read story time.(1)Read after the tape.(2)Read together.(3)Read in roles. (T-Mum,Group1&2-Su Yang,Group3&4-Su Hai)1. Watch

9、 and answer.(1) Predict the story.(2) Try to be Su Hai and Su Yang and ask the questions.(3) Watch half of the story and answer.Su Yangs bag is in the bedroom.Su Hais skirts are in the living room, on the sofa.2.Imagine and make a dialogue in pairs.Is it?I cant findIm not sure.3. Listen and answer.I

10、ts in the kitchen.4. Look and find. The dog.5. Read and imagine.(1) Read and act.(2) Guess and say.Would you like?Thisis for you.Give me the cap.6. Read story time.阅读前借助动画进行预测,带着问题,整体感知图1和图2。在师生问答中,补全板书,理清故事脉络。鼓励学生看图3想象,自编对话,尝试运用并巩固本课的新句型,并为学生充分体会surprising ending 做好铺垫。通过听力整体感知图3图4,验证刚才自己的猜测。充分发挥孩子们

11、的想象力,续编故事,鼓励孩子积累运用,丰富语言。通过听录音跟读,分角色朗读,全班齐读等方式,再一次帮助学生熟悉文本,规范发音。Post- taskactivities1. Show time. Task 1: Read in roles.Task 2: Act it out.Task 3: Act creatively.2. Ticking time.(1) I can name some rooms and household things in Su Hais home.(2) I can use “Wheres? Where are?” to talk about Su Hais hom

12、e.(3) I can read and act the story.1. Choose one task to take on.2. Ss are allowed some time to reflect and assess each other.将任务分级,以学生为中心,让他们根据自己的情况自主选择配音,表演或创编。围绕本课的学习内容制定评价内容,鼓励学生回顾本课所学,在与同伴的互评中扬长补短。Assignment1.根据评价表,同伴互评。 2.和同伴表演故事或创编故事。板书设计 第二课时(Fun time song time and sound time)教学目标1. 通过参与各种活动

13、,学生能听懂、会读、会说单词bedroom, living room, kitchen, clock, fridge, sofa, table, bathroom。2. 学生能熟练运用句型Wheres my? Where are my? Its和Theyre 来谈论物品的方位。3. 学生能唱歌曲I love my bedroom。4. 学生能听懂、会正确朗读字母K在单词中的发音。5. 学生能通过系列活动积极参与语言学习,并能正确评价自己和他人的课堂表现。教学环节教师活动学生活动设计意图Warm upPlay a flash Wheres?Sing together.播放flash歌曲营造英语学

14、习氛围,通过歌曲内容引出本课主句型:Wheres/Where are .?为后面的熟练运用作铺垫。Revision timeText revision1. Ask some questions about the text. 2. Introduce the dog.Tom: Hello, Im Tom. I like my new home and I like playing games. Lets play!Words revisionPresent four games and tell students about the rules.Good Memory1. Present th

15、e task and video.2. Encourage students to talk in pairs first.3. Divide the class into two groups and have a competition.1. Look at the pictures and answer the questions.2. Listen to Tom and get ready for the games.Say the words and Toms name quickly and loudly.Get to know the rules.1. Watch and match.


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