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1、 购买化妆品的英语口语对话(精选)你出国买过化妆品吗?常用的购买化妆品的英语口语,你会说吗?赶快跟春喜外语小编一起来看看吧。一.标题:买唇膏和眼影 Buying lipstick and eye shadowA:May I help you? Miss!我能为你效劳吗?小姐!B:Yes. Id like to look at lipstick and eye shadow.是的,我想看看唇膏和眼影。A:What color set do you prefer?你喜欢那一个色系?B:Well, brown.嗯,棕色系。A:We have a beautiful selection of eye

2、shadows this fall. Look at the colors. Arent they beautiful?我们今秋推出一系列漂亮的眼影。你看看这些颜色。它们是不是很漂亮?B:But theyre purple. I prefer a brown set.但都是紫色的。我比较喜欢棕色系。A:If you insist, I can show you the brown sets. Ill have to warn you that theyre very ordinary, though.如果你坚持的话,我可以拿棕色系的出来给你看。不过我得提醒你,棕色系非常普通。B:Well, I

3、m not so sure. Most of my make-up is brown.哦,我也不确定。我大部分的化妆品都是棕色系的。A:Why dont you wear purple eye shadow for a change? We also have lipstick to go with it.你何不擦紫色眼影改变一下?我们还有唇膏可以搭配。B:Can I try it?我可以试妆吗?A:Sure. Are you wearing any make-up?可以。你脸上有化妆吗?B:No.没有。A:Have a seat, please. Now, here is the mirro

4、r. How do you like it?请坐。镜子在这边,你喜欢吗?B:Not bad. Actually, it makes me look younger. I like it.还不错。事实上,它让我看起来年轻多了,我很喜欢。A:Try the lipstick as well. See, how fresh and charming you look.唇膏也擦擦看吧!噍,你看起来多么神采奕奕,多么迷人!B:Youre right. Ill take them all.你说得对。我都买了。二.标题:你们有什么样的粉底?What do you have in foundation?A:H

5、ow can I help you?我可以为你效劳吗?B:Yes, I would like to look at some of your products.是的,我想看看你们的产品。A:Did you have anything specific in mind?有没有特别想要看的呢?B:Well, to be honest, I mostly use Sarah Winter products now. But Im not happy with them. So I would like to change companies.老实说,我一直都用莎拉温特这个牌子的产品。但是我不是很满意

6、,所以我想换别家的。A:Well, you made a good choice. Coming to us, I mean. We have a full range of products from cosmetics to skin cleansers and moisturizers.哦,那你选对了,我的意思是来找我们。我们有全系列的产品,从化妆品到洁肤和润肤品。B:What do you have in foundation?你们有哪些粉底呢?A:Our foundation is very high quality, only the finest ingredients. It

7、will moisturize your skin and it has a sun block rating of 8.我们的粉底质量非常好,只用优质的原料制成。它可以滋润你的皮肤而且其防晒指数达到8。B:What colours do you have in foundation?粉底有哪些颜色呢?A:Let me show you. We have this rose colour. We also have different shodes of beige.你看看。我们有这种玫瑰色,还有各种浓淡的灰褐色。B:The color I use now is rose. How much

8、does this rose foundation cost? The 100ml bottle.我现在用的是玫瑰色。这款玫瑰色粉底是多少钱?100ml装的。A:ln this size, we sell it for 53.95.这瓶是53美元95美分。B:Wow! Thats expensive.哇,好贵哦!A:What youre paying for, Maam, are the ingredients. It is a very high quality product.这些原料很珍贵的,太太。这是一款高品质的产品。B:I understand.我明白。三.标题:买睫毛膏和眼影 Bu

9、ying mascara and eye shadowA:I need some mascara. Do you have good thickening mascara?我想买一些睫毛膏。你们有卖浓稠式睫毛膏吗?B:Of course. Here is our thickening mascara. We also have mascara designed to lengthen the eyelashes.有,这是我们的浓稠式睫毛膏。我们也有一些助长睫毛的睫毛膏。A:Alright. And I want to consider your eye shadow too. Do you h

10、ave a color chart can look at?好的,我也想看看你们的眼影。你们有颜色表让我参考吗?B:We have a very wide selection of colors. And our eye shadow is specially designed to moisturize the skin. So it is very gentle on your eyelids. Would you like to sample some?我们有很多颜色。而且我们的眼影还可以滋润皮肤。擦在眼睑上是非常温和的。你想试试看看吗?A:Oh, sure I will need to clean off my own eye shadow first.好的,我先把我的眼影去掉。B:I can help you with that.我来帮你。A:Thank you.谢谢。


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