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1、英语原著象人读写指导增城区荔江小学 魏雪玲一象人悬念设置In a little room, a magnificent woman, who was called Your Majesty, came to visit an ugly and horrible man whose head looked like an elephant. The ugly man was surprised and woman was smiling warmly. Who was this ugly man? Why do they look so harmonious? 一个小房间里,气质华贵被的英国女王

2、拜访了一位长相丑陋不堪,头畸形的像大象的一个人。这个象人看起来惊呆,女王笑的很和蔼。这位象人是谁?为什么他们相处的如此和谐。二象人人物关系Simon Silcork F.C.Carr GommJoseph Merrick Joseph MerrickQueen Alexandra三象人故事情节梳理1) Dr. Fredrick Treners met a horrible ugly people in a shop. (beginning )2) Mr. Cars Gomn .appealed money to help Joseph Merrick.( development )3) Jos

3、eph Merrick lived happily in the hospital and met a lot of people. (climax )4) Joseph Merrick died because of changing sleeping habit.( ending )四象人主题归纳-kindness and prejudice与主题相关的佳句1.Laugh and the world will laugh with you. 你如果乐观,世界将陪着欢 笑。2. Kind hearts are more than coronets 善良的心灵胜于显贵的地位。3. Kindne

4、ss is the sunshine of social lives. . 仁慈是社会中的阳光。4. Kindness may creep where it may not go. 仁慈可进入任何禁地。五. 写作指导-基础篇1. The story of Joseph Merrick2. The story of Dr Fredrick Treners.3. The story of Simon Silcork4. The story of F.C. Carr Gomm5. The miserable experience between Joseph Merrick and Simon Si

5、lcork6. The death of the elephant man7. Who do you like best or least in the story? 8.What have you learnt from the story?六写作指导-提高篇1. The call of eliminating prejudice (呼唤消除偏见)Supposing you have a classmate whose arms are disabled and who is always pessimistic and worried about his future. Write a l

6、etter to your classmates.1) Im sorry to point out that you all have sort of prejudice.2) Im terribly shocked by what you have done to your classmate3) I think it was foolish for you to do this. As is known, prejudice only makes one proud and concealed.2. The role of kindness (善良的力量)Ask your friend t

7、o give his opinion on what the doctor has done for this poor man.1). Summary2). From the story of the doctor, we know it was the doctor and the hospital chairman who helped this poor man.3). 举例证明你的观点4). 归纳总结One should always be kind to other. Just as the saying goes, kindness are more than coronets. Try to be a novel man in the world.



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