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1、 2022考研英语:完形填空备考详解及历年高频词汇A、特点1、 首段首句不出题(240-300字)(每隔4-15个出一个空,是这样么?)事实上不是的,有种特殊难的题目,虽然两个空格之间存在距离,但是规律关系上面却是严密相连的,这相当于就变成了两个挨在一起的空格,成为了最难的题目。例如:99年的文章,When the work is well done, a _43_ of accident-free operations is established _44_ time lost due to injuries is kept at a minimum.43. A regulationB cl

2、imateC circumstanceD requirement44. A whereB howC whatD unless2、 完型填空所写答案是答案,而不是最正确答案(为什么?)其实这也就是考研难度的表达,有时候会消失语法、句意上面都对的几个选项,那么这个时候就应当选择的答案,而不仅仅是正确的答案。这个要求,在考研完型题目之前的direction里面说的清清晰楚3、 普遍联系的观点解完型填空的每个题。(鸟笼思想,一个空的正确有时取决其它空)4、 体裁:(谈论文,说明文为主,很少有记叙文)(94年语言、睡眠、维生素,98年的临时工、工业革命进展)5、 完善性 有一个明确的主题 有鲜亮的态度

3、文章全是总分构造B、测试要点1、阅读力量 对文章整体把握和理解 上下段、上下句之间的规律关系 句子的内部构造(简单句多)2、 英语学问运用力量(正式名称)1)构造识别语法力量 (19%)2)固定习语、搭配介词(14%)3)词义辨析及使用(67%)比拟常见的几种规律关系:并列关系:and, and also, or, neithernor, eitheror, likewise, similarly, equally, in the same way, that is to say, as well as, sameas递进关系:then, also, besides, additionally

4、, furthermore, moreover, in addition, what is more, indeed因果关系:because, for, since, as, thus, hence, therefore, so, so(such)that, consequently, accordingly, due to, thanks to, as a result, because of, in that, in response to, with, for this reason, lead to, tooto转折关系:but, however, yet, on the contra

5、ry, by contrast, on the other hand, unfortunately, while, whereas, unlike, rather than, instead of让步关系:although, though, even though, even if, nevertheless, despite, in spite of其他:列举关系:firstsecondlast of all, firstthen, to begin withto continue/next, on one handon the other hand, for one thingfor an

6、other thing, oneanother, someothersstill others举例关系:such as, for example, for instance, of these/those/them, among these/those/them, to illustrate, as an illustration, to take an example, more specifically speaking, namely总结关系:in all, in brief, in short, in a word, in conclusion, altogether, to sum up, to summarize, to conclude, to generalize, to put it in one word二. 如何预备完型填空a) 突破词汇关,尤其是常考词组,简单混淆的词。b) 熟识历年真题。考察英语根底和水平。语法的重要性。c) 精读历年文章,分析文章态度和内在构造。


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