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1、 新概念英语第二册每日一篇:卜算未来卜算将来At a village fair, I decided to visit a fortune-teller called Madam Bellinsky. I went into her tent and she told me to sit down. After I had given her some money, she looked into a crystal ball and said: ”A relation of yours is coming to see you. She will be arriving this eveni

2、ng and intends to stay for a few days. The moment you leave this tent, you will get a big surprise. A woman you know well will rush towards you. She will speak to you and then she will lead you away from this place. That is all.”As soon as I went outside, I forgot all about Madam Bellinsky because m

3、y wife hurried towards me. ”Where have you been hiding?” she asked impatiently. ”Your sister will be here in less than an hour and we must be at the station to meet her. We are late already.” As she walked away, I followed her out of the fair.参考译文在一个乡村集市上,我打算去访问一位称作别林斯夫人的算命人。我走进她的帐篷,她叫我坐下。我给了她一些钱后,她

4、便查看着一个水晶球说道:“您的一个亲戚就要来看您了。她将于今日黄昏到达,并预备住上几天。您一走出这个帐篷,就会大吃一惊。一位您很熟识的女人将向您冲来。她会对您说点什么,然后带您离开这个地方。就是这些。”我一走出帐篷,就把别林斯基夫人给算卦的事忘得一干二净了,由于我的妻子正匆忙向我跑来。“你躲到哪儿去了?”她不耐烦地问,“再有不到一个小时你姐姐就要到这儿了,我们得去车站接她。现在就已经晚了。”当她走开时,我也跟着她出了集市。精讲:1、At a village fair, I decided to visit a fortime-teller called Madam Bellinsky.在一个乡

5、村集市上,我打算去访问一位称作别林斯基夫人的算命人。真题测试 测试语言点:不定冠词与名词的搭配使用I dont like talking on( )telephone; I prefer writing ( )letters.(2002年北京春季高考,第26题) A. a; the B. the,不填 C. the; the D. a;不填答案:选B分析:on the telephone是一个固定用法,其次空后的letters表示泛指,不加冠词。特殊 留意:复数名词、不行数名词表示泛指时不加任何冠词。翻译:我不喜爱在电话中谈事,我更情愿写信。2、I went into her lent and

6、 she told me to sit down.参考翻译我走进她的帐篷,她叫我坐下。3、After I had given her some money, she looked into a crystal ball and said: A relation of yours is coming to see you.我给了她一些钱后,她就看着一个水晶球说道:“你的一个亲戚要来看你了。”真题测试 测试语言点:when的用法I had just started back for the house to change my clothes ( )I heard voices.(1997 年 6

7、 月 CETW,第 44 题) A. as B. when C. after D. while答案:选B 分析:此题考査状语从句的用法。句子前半局部为过去完成时,后半局部用一般过去 时。前半局部的动作发生在后半局部的动作之前,选项A、C、D与句意不符; when在此意为“这时”。翻译:我刚动身回家去换衣服,这时听见有人说话。4、She will be arriving this evening and intends to stay for a few days.她将会在今日黄昏到达,并预备住上几天。5、The moment you leave this tent, you will get

8、a big surprise.你一走出这个帐篷,就会大吃一惊。真题测试 测试语言点:the moment引导时间状语从句The moment the 28th Olympic Games( )open, the whole world cheered.(2006年高考福建卷,第31题) A. declared B. have been declared C. have declared D. were declared答案:选D。 分析:the moment在此句中引导时间状语从句,表示“一就”,相当于as soon as。 类似的表达还有:the minute, the instant, immediately, directly, instantly。 从句的时态依主句时态而定。因此此题选D。翻译:在28届奥运会室布开幕的那一刻,全世界沸腾了。


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