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1、第七课时第七课时Self Check一、根据句意,一、根据句意,选择选择方框中的方框中的单词单词并用其适当形式填空。并用其适当形式填空。1_here are very cute.And they are also friendly to me.2You can have food and _at school.3Mr.Smith is sixty years old,but he looks very _4Jenny is _for the English test.5Jane has to ride her bike to work and she _to have a car.Childr

2、endrinksyoungstudyingwishes二、根据二、根据汉语汉语意思完成下列句子。每空一意思完成下列句子。每空一词词。6李先生李先生总总是睡前看是睡前看报纸报纸。Mr.Li always _ before going to bed.7我的妹妹在客我的妹妹在客厅厅和她的小狗玩。和她的小狗玩。My sister is playing with her dog _8玛丽经玛丽经常周末洗衣服。常周末洗衣服。Mary often _ on weekends.9像其他任何一天一像其他任何一天一样样,史蒂夫今天仍然很晚睡,史蒂夫今天仍然很晚睡觉觉。Steve still goes to bed

3、 late today like _ day.10在端午在端午节节我我们们可以可以观观看看龙龙舟舟赛赛。We can watch _ at the _reads the/a newspaper in the living roomwashes clothes any other boat races Dragon Boat Festival三、在空白三、在空白处处填上一个适当的句子填上一个适当的句子补补全全对话对话。A:Hello,Julie.This is Peter.B:Hi,Peter.11._?A:Im reading a storybook.What about you?B:12._

4、There is an interesting show on TV now.A:Where is your brother James?Is he at home?B:13._He goes to the shop with our mom.A:OK.14._?B:I like movies,but I have no time this afternoon.A:How about tomorrow afternoon?B:Thats fine!15._A:See you!What are you doingIm watching TVNo,he isntDo you want to go

5、to the movies this afternoonSee you then/tomorrow四、完形填空。四、完形填空。Its Sunday morning.My grandparents,my parents,my _16_ and I are at my home.We are all busy.What are my grandparents doing?Oh,my grandfather is exercising.He is playing _17_ two balls.My grandmother is reading a newspaper.She finds a stor

6、y in it.The story is very _18_Look!My grandmother is so happy!And my father is watching TV.He is watching the news(新新闻闻)on CCTV.Its his favorite _19_My mother is in the kitchen.Shes _20_ lunch.She can cook(烹烹调调)delicious food.Shes a good mother and I love _21_ very much.My cousin Peter is my uncles

7、_22_He is 10 years old.He is _23_ to music in my room.He likes music and he can play the piano and the guitar.He is good at _24_ and he wants to be a musician.What am I doing?Im using the computer._25_ Im not playing games on it.Im doing my homework.()16.A.friend Bbrother Csister Dcousin()17.A.in Bt

8、o Cwith Dat()18.A.boring Bshort Clong Dinteresting()19.A.show Bsubject Cbook Djob()20.A.having Btaking Cdoing Dmaking()21.A.them Bher Cit Dyou()22.A.daughter Bbrother Cson Dsister()23.A.speaking Basking Ccoming Dlistening()24.A.singing Bstudying Ctalking Ddrawing()25.A.Or BBut CBecause DThenDCDADBCD

9、AB五、五、阅读阅读理解。理解。AFrankMy English is not good,and I want to improve it.So I join the English club.Now Im studying in the club.We can talk in English and tell English stories here.JackNow it is four oclock in the afternoon.Im reading an interesting book in the school library.Many other students are re

10、ading here,too.PeterNow,it is three oclock in the afternoon.I am playing soccer with my friends.Soccer is my favorite.AliceIt is ten oclock on Sunday morning.Im listening to music at home.My pet cat is next to me.She is dancing to music.根据表格内容,根据表格内容,选择选择正确答案。正确答案。()26.What does the underlined word“

11、improve”mean in Chinese?A改改变变 B提高提高C遗遗忘忘 D利用利用()27.Jack is in the _AEnglish club Bclothes storeCshop Dschool library()28.Peters favorite sport is _Abasketball BvolleyballCsoccer DtennisBDC()29.Which of the following is TRUE?AFrank is good at English.BJack is reading a newspaper.CPeter is listening t

12、o music.DAlice has a pet cat.()30.The four students tell us _Awhat theyre doingBwhere they areCwhat they like doingDwhat they can doDABToday is Mollys fourteenth birthday.Her family have a birthday party for her.31._ Lets see what Mollys family are doing.Mollys grandfather is setting(布布置置)the table.

13、32._ They are talking about things to buy for the party.33._ Mollys sister is washing vegetables.34._ The TV show is very interesting.Where is Molly?She is in the kitchen.She is helping her mother make soup.35_ Why?Because tomorrow is her cousins birthday.DABEC根根据据短短文文内内容容,从从下下面面五五个个选选项项中中选选出出能能填填入入文文中中空空缺缺处处的的最最佳佳选选项项,使使文文章意思通章意思通顺顺、内容完整。、内容完整。AHer grandmother is talking with her aunt on the phone.BMollys father is cleaning the house.CMolly will go to another birthday party tomorrow.DIts 10 oclock in the morning.EMollys cousin is watching TV in the living room.


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