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1、巩固练习一、单词填空 根据句意及所给汉语提示用单词的正确形式完成句子。1. I got into a _ (惊慌) when I found the door was locked.2. They studied the German market to find the _ (潜在的可能性) there for investment.3. Its many years since Mount Vesuvius _(爆发).4. Im _(急于)to get home to open my presents.5. The teacher should not _(评价)his students

2、 only by their scores.6. The young girl _ (挥手) to the visitors while she was dancing to the music.7. There is a beautiful musical _ (喷泉) which is worth visiting.8. The father _(保证)that it would never happen again.9. In order to save lives, use of heavy _(装备)was forbidden during the rescue operation.

3、10. According to the regulation, the winning _ (候选人) is the person with the most votes.二、选词填空 从下面方框中选出适当的短语或单词并用其正确形式填空。out of the way, make ones way, compare . with, burn to the ground, be appointed as, absolutely, glance through, be about to, be amazed at, fast sleep 1. Without turning on the ligh

4、t, the man blindly _ to the bathroom.2. Its said that this beautiful village was once _ during the war.3. My father carelessly _ the note and left for work. 4. I _ go to the station to pick him up when he telephoned me that he was delayed.5. The teachers _ the girls great knowledge of painting and m

5、usic.6. After a whole years training, he is _ fit for driving a car.7. Who _ Chairman of the Students Union in your school?8. The students moved _ to let the man in the wheelchair pass.9. Three years is only a short period when _ our whole lifetime.10. They were all exhausted from the dancing, so th

6、ey quickly got changed and fell _.三、单项选择1. The volcano _ yesterday sent a lot of smoke, fire, and rock into the sky.A. which erupted B. erupted C. being erupted D. to erupt2. He has _ his father has not helped him at all.A. taken in his way B. looked the other way C. got out of the way D. made his o

7、wn way3. The new teacher made a strong _ on all of us by her humorous speech.A. idea B. effect C. opinion D. impression4. More and more people choose to shop in a supermarket as it offers a great _ of goods.A. variety B. mixture C. extension D. combination5. She is _ to leave as soon as possible.A.

8、anxious B. hurried C. worried D. nervous6. His voice _ with anger when he heard her rude words.A. trembledB. feared C. shook D. moved7. We were _ to go out for camping _ it began to rain.Ahardly; thanBaround; as Cabout; when Dnearly; while8. The country has already sent up three unmanned spacecrafts

9、, the most recent _ at the end of last March.Ahas been launched Bhaving been launched Cbeing launched Dto be launched9. People should spare no effort to protect the environment._ Air pollution, as is known to all, does harm to our health.AAll right. BWhy not? CGo ahead. DAbsolutely.10. Hearing a man

10、 following her, she _ and ran as fast as she could.Afeared Bpanicked Cafraid Dfrightened11. Try not to start every sentence with “the”. _ the beginnings of your sentences.AVary BDecorate CForm DDescribe12. It is all agreed that a good education doesnt _ a good job. Aguarantee Bresult Cpromise Dpermi

11、t13. The ancient church was almost _ before the firefighters managed to control the big fire. Aburned down Bburned at Cburned off Dburning up14. He was about to tell me the secret _ someone patted him on the shoulder.Aas B until Cwhile Dwhen15. A serious accident occurred on the busy road and a comm

12、ittee was _ to look into the matter.A. approached B. approved C. appointed D. elected16. The teacher advises us to use these two course books _ each other.A. along B. alone C. alongside D. beside17. There is a fully _ health center on the ground floor of the main office building.A. installed B. equi

13、pped C. provided D. projected18. Can you describe the _ condition of his family?A. familiar B. suitable C. actual D. valuable19. Mrs. Brown, _ of the _ speech, started to read a novel.A. tiring; boring B. tired; boring C. tiring; bored D. tired; bored20. How about eight oclock outside the cinema? That _ me fine.A. fits B. meets C. satisfied D. suits答案与解析:一、单词填空1.panic 2.potential 3.erupted 4. anxious 5. evaluate6. waved 7. fountain 8. guaranteed 9. equipment 10. candidate二、选词填空1. made his way 2. burnt to the ground 3. glanced through 4. was about to 5. were amazed at 6. absolu


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