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1、 本科毕业设计题 目: 30m预应力简支箱形梁桥 结构设计 学 院: 土木工程学院 专 业: 土木工程(交通土建工程) 班 级: 1111班 学 号: 1vnvn 学生姓名: hgjfgfh 指导教师: 李建vn 职称: 讲师 二一四年 四月 三十日30m预应力混凝土简支箱梁计算书摘 要预应力混凝土简支箱梁桥以结构受力性能好、变形小、行车平顺舒适、养护工程量小、抗震能力强等而成为最富有竞争力的主要桥型之一。预应力混凝土简支梁桥是一种预先储存了足够预加应力的新型梁桥,预加应力可大幅度提高梁体的抗裂性,并增加了梁的耐久性,截面尺寸减小,高跨比减小,受力明确,理论计算较简单,设计和施工的方法日趋完善


3、力钢束的估算与布置、桥梁预应力损失及应力的验算、内力组合验算、主梁截面应力验算。利用软件Midas Civil 进行结构分析,根据桥梁的尺寸拟定建立桥梁基本模型,然后进行内力分析,计算配筋结果,进行施工各阶段分析及截面验算。关键词:预应力混凝土、简支、箱梁、结构分析、内力验算30m prestressed concrete box girder calculationsBecause of the long-span pre-stressed concrete continuous box Girder Bridge have many advantages such as its big s

4、pan ability, flexible construction methods, adaptability, structural rigidity, anti-seismic capability, Structure stress performance good, small deformation, less expansion joints, driving smooth and comfortable, beautiful forms, small maintenance quantity and etc a,it become the most competitive on

5、e of the main bridge ,and it becomes more and more widely used in China.This graduate design is mainly about the design of the superstructure of the road pre-stressed concrete Charpy Bridge. The span of the bridge is 30m. This design is a continuous bridge which has four lanes. The bridge deck is ma

6、de of C50 water-protected concrete. It consists of 3.5m (the width of road deck) 4 + 0.5m (the width of the sidewalk) 2=15m; The axis of this bridge is a straight line, The design load standard is the Road One-Level Load,Seismic fortification intensity 7. And the height of girder is changing in the

7、form of conic.The design of pre-stressed concrete continuous girder bridge is mainly the upper structure design , in the design of the main bridge layout and structure size, load calculation, bridge pre-stressing tendons estimation and layout ,the loss of pre-stress and stress of the bridge, the res

8、ultant checked, internal combination calculation, section stress calculation girder. This design using the Midas software analysis the structure, according to the size of the bridge, the basic model establishment bridge worked, then force analysis, calculation results of reinforced, for each phase a

9、nalysis and construction. At the same time, consider the concrete shrinkage, Creep force times and temperature resultant times factors. Key word: Pre-stressed Concrete; Simple Support; Box girder; Structural Analysis; Checking the internal forces目 录第一章 绪论11.1概述11.2预应力梁桥受力特点11.3预应力混凝土梁桥发展综述2 1.3.1国外预

10、应力混凝土梁桥的发展2 1.3.2国内预应力混凝土梁桥的发展31.4我国高速公路桥梁的发展4 1.4.1公路桥梁发展现状5 1.4.2我国高速公路桥梁建设特点51.5桥梁设计的基本原则61.6预应力混凝土简支梁桥的特点71.7预应力混凝土梁桥施工技术81.8毕业设计主要内容81.9毕业设计的目的和意义9第二章 设计要点及构造、材料、尺寸的拟定102.1桥梁选取的基本原则102.2设计的基本资料102.3箱形截面桥梁的特点102.4主要技术标准112.5主要材料及材料性能112.6设计参数取值112.7结构概述13 2.7.1截面形式及截面尺寸拟定132.8计算原则及控制标准15第三章 结构有限元模型的建造过程163.1 Midas Civil软件介绍163.2模型建立过程173.2.1设定建模环境17 3.2.2设置结构类型18 3.2.3定义材料和截面特性值19 3.2.4建立结构有限元模型21 3.2.5定义边界条件23 3.2.6定义荷载233.2.7定义施工阶段293.2.8汽车荷载29每四章 主梁作用效应计算324.1作用分类324.2公路预应力钢筋混凝土(psc)桥梁设计设计验算内容34 4.2.1施工阶段法向压应力验算34 4.2.2受拉区钢筋的接应力验算41 4.2.3使用阶段正截面抗裂验算43 4.2.4使用阶段斜截面抗裂验算50


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