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1、 毕 业 设 计(论文)题 目从了不起的盖茨比中的男性形象看美国梦的破灭专 业 英 语 学生姓名 学 号 110341039 指导教师 2015年4月21日ContentsAbstract3摘要31. Introduction42. Male Characters American Dreams62.1. The Tragic Hero Gatsby62.2. The Dramatic Narrator Nick72.3. The Ugly Upper-class Tom83. Fitzgeralds American Dream 9 3.1. Fitzgeralds Pursuit for

2、Love and Wealth103.2 Fitzgeralds Ration in the “Jazz Age” 113.3 Fitzgeralds Sense of Failure 134. The Relationship between the Male Characters and Fitzgerald 154.1. Gatsby and Fitzgerald164.2. Nick and Fitzgerald174.3. Tom and Fitzgerald185. Conclusion 20 Bibliography21AbstractThe Great Gatsby is on

3、e of the greatest novels in Modern American literature. It is a highly symbolic meditation on the disintegration of the American dream in an era of unprecedented prosperity and material excess. On the one hand, Fitzgerald shows a running theme of how the American Dream affects all of the characters

4、in The Great Gatsby, especially the major male characters, Gatsby, Nick and Tom. He also uses the distinctive writing style to introduce the three major male characters. On the other hand, according to Fitzgeralds personality and experience, the three male characters are generally considered being w

5、ritten autobiographically reflecting the different sides of the authors characters, which attracts readers to some extent.Key words: American Dream, Daisy Buchanan, Fitzgerald, The Great Gatsby摘 要了不起的盖茨比是美国现代文学史上最优秀的作品之一。它反思了一个空前繁荣、物质过剩时代的美国梦的破灭,展现了美国梦对人们日常生活的消极影响,尤其是对男性人物(盖茨比、尼克、汤姆)的影响上。尽管他们对自己的生活都

6、充满了雄伟的抱负,但变质了的美国梦却粉碎了他们的梦想。此外,菲茨杰拉德还运用独特的手法描述了这三个特殊的男性人物;通过对这三个人物与菲茨杰拉德的对照可以看出:作者从某种程度上说是在讲述自己的经历,盖茨比、尼克、汤姆实际上是作家个性特点三个不同侧面的反映,这也是小说之所以成功的魅力所在。关键词: 美国梦;黛西布坎南;菲茨杰拉德;了不起的盖茨比ON THE MALE CHARACTERSIN THE GREAT GATSBY1. Introduction Reading Fitzgeralds works, we can remind of many literary values from th

7、em. People usually show more interests on Fitzgeralds masterpiece, The Great Gatsby. Some articles about The Great Gatsby have been published, such as American Dream and Character Symbolization in the Novel The Great Gatsby Chen Mei, Jin Yue. Journal of Qiqihar University (Phi & Soc Sci), September.

8、 2003.,On Nick Carraways Dual Roles in The Great Gatsby Du Yong-xin. Joural of Sichuan International Studies University, Jan . , 2001.,Gatsby: Another Fitzgerald Xie Jiashum. Joural of Tangshang Polytechnic College, Vol. 13, No. 3, 2000.,etc. These arguements are both odds and ends, not integrated.

9、So, the aim of this article is to perfectly introduce the three male characters (Gatsby, Nick and Tom). And as we have known, only having enough understanding of the author and his personal life, the article can be drawed clearly.Although at that time, Mark Twain and William Dean Howells thought tha

10、t America would become the hope of the whole world, F. Scott Fitzgerald gradually found that that so-called new world was totally a disaster. F. Scott Fitzgerald, who lived in the midst of the “roaring twenties” and was part of it all-driving fast cars, drinking hard whisky, and showing an immense d

11、elight in those, was perceptive enough to recognize that America was “a moon that never roses.” And as much as he enjoyed the “roaring” of the post-war boom years, he also foresaw its doom and failure. Fitzgerald was born on September 24, 1896, in St. Paul. In his younger age,he attended a private s

12、chool in New Jersey, then he went to Princeton University. Academic difficulties forced him out of Princeton midway through his junior year; he returned the following fall but he left his college permanently in 1917 and decided to join the army, as World War I neared its end. While stationed in Mont

13、gomery, Alabama, he met and immediately fell in love with a wild seventeen-year-old beauty named Zelda Sayre. Zelda finally agreed to marry him, but her overpowering desire for wealth, fun, and leisure led her to delay their wedding until he could prove a success. And with the publication of This Si

14、de of Paradise in 1920, Fitzgerald became a literary sensation, earning enough money and fame to convince Zelda to marry him. In 1922 he published his second novel, The Beautiful and Damned and a collection of short stories, Tales of the Jazz Age. In 1925 Fitzgerald managed to complete his masterpie

15、ce: The Great Gatsby. His next novel, Tender Is the Night (1934) was received coldly mainly because America was deep in the Great Depression and nobody wanted to read about expatriates in France. Battered by the failure of the book and Zeldas mental breakdowns, he drank to excess and grew seriously ill, died in 1940.Fitzgerald is a famous American modern writer and is called “spokesman in the Jazz Age”. And his greatness lies in the fact that he found intuitively in his personal experience the e


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